Welcome to Piracy at Sea 101, I will be your tutor for the day.It's pretty funny how the game tells you that "Conversation Hubs are designed to generally reward emotional intelligence", and then it immediately rewards you for impulsively committing a felony.
I don't trust George enough to break the law for him at a moments notice. He claims that Christian won't be able to press charges because he doesn't know which country the MV Sunset is registered to, but I would assume that his uncle's law firm could be able to look that up. And that would only give them more leverage to use as they try to destroy our company.
Sadly, I can't voice any of these concerns. The closest I can get is to say "Help him off yourself. He's not my problem." Which makes it seem like I'm not interested in any of the ongoings at all. I am interested, but I would rather be a bit more methodical about it. George then condescendingly chastises us by saying that we never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, and we aren't allowed to retort at all. It appears that being an obedient attack dog is a sign of "emotional intelligence" and while the better part of valour is not.
I replayed the scene later to beat the guy up, since he really does deserve as many beatings as he can get, and then I got three choices on how to respond to Jaye. Two were to say that we didn't leave because of her behaviour, so I took the only option where he doesn't say that. It didn't matter though, because of the godawful flashback scene with Tara. But that's a whole other kettle of fish to fry.
It seems that the way to be rewarded for your "emotional intelligence" is to do everything Jaye wants, take all the blame, carefully tip toe around her feelings, and never stand up for yourself. That's not healthy, especially when dealing with someone like Jaye.
Jaye hasn't really changed much at all. She is still a drama queen. She is still expecting her brother to obey her unspoken whims. She is still a violent and impulsive person. She is still a massive hypocrite. She is still obnoxiously annoying and extremely creepy.
I didn't like the big talk with Jaye, because we weren't allowed to confront her about her behaivor. The game also seems to be trying to retcon some things to make Jaye seem less awful, but it just makes the main character look like an even bigger idiot instead.
One of the questions Jaye asks is "Why did you ghost me when we were little?", which is odd because she already knows that. It's the whole reason why she was angry with him, and why she refused to ever walk with him to school again. This was explicitly explained to us during the conversation at the bar. She was mad that he made a choice that affected her without asking her about it first.
Jaye also reveals that she became popular for punching Jenna in the throat. Apparently, news of this big event never made it's way around to him, which is difficult to believe. It also further establishes Jaye as a violent and unstable person, which is very concerning considering her obsession with us.
Jaye acts more like a stalker than someone who is actually in love, as shown at the end of the update where she sneaks into the MC's room to read his journal and masturbate on his pillow. Fuck that shit. I was worried when Fiona did something similar, but at least she had the decency to be honest and forthright about it. Can't say the same for Jaye.
Lets assume that all the involved parties are US citizens and you would like to sue in a US court. You are shit out of luck because the vessel departed from Tonalu (not a US port) towards international waters (not US territory), for the US to have jurisdiction according to "The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" the vessel has to:
- Be registered in the US.
- Be departing or arriving to a US port.
- Note: Some believe that them being US citizens gives the right to the US to prosecute in US courts but that is more of a cordiality extended to the US by some states.
- He will have to sue in Liberia.
- Liberia will not move a finger.

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