No one said being a parent is easy.

Results counts though and just trying hard is not always enough, especially if things get out of hand as it does here and you do not get the idea they tried hard or even recognized there was a problem early on which is telling in itself. Thing is a father that loves his daughter, hugs her in morning, goes to work and concentrates life on that, but misses out on 90% of her life and does not help them with their problems when young. Might well be a loving father, but not a good one.
Even if he feels he is since he provides for her material needs and loves her. Kids need more and deserve more, whether you are a single parent or not, rich or not or instilled some of your values which could be a good or bad thing depending on your values. Nor is the fact that the kids see them as great parents an indication, you know they know no better after having been raised by them, 99% of abused kids also see their live as normal and no I am not saying or suggesting these parents were abusive just to show that the feelings of kids about their parents tend to be clouded and subjective to fact they grew up that way.
The point though is that writers needed Jaye and MC to be as they are and as such it was smart to make the parents disappear in later part of story, so game could stay away from and gloss over quite easily those complications of actions or inactions of parents earlier.