Review for v0.2
It's a pretty inoffensive harem game where the girls are all over you and things come easy. Doesn't really do anything awful, doesn't do a lot that would surprise you either. If you're looking for something mindless with a lighthearted cute vibe and quick sex this seems alright for that.
From what I can gather it seems the MC was good at basketball when he was younger but somehow some nefarious origination was involved (betting I think) and his parents got killed(?) due to the MC messing up. It's only been teaser flashbacks, but essentially the MC has now been living with this foster family (?) for five years now and has an aversion to sports. A plot where you suspend belief if I have indeed guessed it right. The game doesn't really tell you much about it or how you came to live with this family to be fair. It just kind of throws you in.
There's very little in the way of actual basketball so far, and I have a feeling this is going to be another sports AVN that doesn't have much sports. Wouldn't mind being proved wrong though. Most of it is just random events with the family girls, lots of teasing, and then jumping to handjobs and blowjobs pretty quickly. The love interests are cute personality wise, but as you might guess nothing is very deep.
The translation gets a bit weird in spots, animations are alright, and the scenes are just fine. Some cute moments, some really cheesy almost cringe ones with the MCs flirting (mainly during that little family game they played). My real nitpick is that Darcy, the mom character, looks like just another school girl/sister. Not in a "wow she looks young for her age way" but literally her design just doesn't really work for the mom character imo. If you look at the title banner featuring the girls and didn't already know who it was, I'd bet you couldn't tell who the mom is supposed to be. Throws me off a little.
Admittedly I do like cute shit so I could see myself checking this out again one day, but I can't say it does enough to really draw me in that I'm itching for more.