Others Completed Cockwork Industries: Complete Edition [v5.00] [Digital Seductions]

3.00 star(s) 48 Votes


Active Member
May 11, 2017
Very subjective TBH. I think the graphics are great and the design of the girls are amazing. But the rest is pretty shit. Gameplay is tedious as fuck, the writing is average at best, the pacing is abysmal and the music is pretty shitty. Gameplay is by far the worst element though. Seems like the creators have learned from their mistakes and have fixed some of the issues with the game and will probably tweak future games based on the feedback from this product. I'd be willing to give another game from the same creators a chance.
all 100% correct. 5 mins into the game and proceed to into the Recycle Bin


Nov 16, 2018
Gameplay during the sex scenes and the lack of a good save system, even though the game recquires you to replay it several times. I hate that shit.
But everything else is undeniably great.
To be fair, is it really THAT bad? It does at least resemble gameplay, right? People have practiced guitar for 10,000 hours. People have practiced Rocket League for 1,000 hours. People still have Skyrim saves that exceed 100 hours... and though I get you're saying the gameplay itself is bad, I just don't think gameplay in and of itself is a bad thing.

Consider the majority of games that are more like a skip-spam adventure just to get to the good bits. If you took your time read everything, sure.. it may take a few hours... but you wanted to skip it all and you were done in under 20min.

A few gamers enjoy that end-game achievement and while I understand that this isn't a Korean MMO that takes a week to go from level 59 to 60, there has to be some appreciation for the thought of attempting to make the game worthwhile to those who stick with it.
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Reactions: Snatchy eyyyyyyy
Mar 15, 2018
I do absolutely love this game, characters are well constructed, animations Rrrrrrrrr .... <3 Definitely state of the art, incredibly good! Wow, wow, wow!
Jan 12, 2019
To be fair, is it really THAT bad? It does at least resemble gameplay, right? People have practiced guitar for 10,000 hours. People have practiced Rocket League for 1,000 hours. People still have Skyrim saves that exceed 100 hours... and though I get you're saying the gameplay itself is bad, I just don't think gameplay in and of itself is a bad thing.

Consider the majority of games that are more like a skip-spam adventure just to get to the good bits. If you took your time read everything, sure.. it may take a few hours... but you wanted to skip it all and you were done in under 20min.

A few gamers enjoy that end-game achievement and while I understand that this isn't a Korean MMO that takes a week to go from level 59 to 60, there has to be some appreciation for the thought of attempting to make the game worthwhile to those who stick with it.
The problem is mostly with the save system and scene replayability.
On easy mode (where the shitty gameplay is removed) the player doesn't unlock the scenes he has already watched.
They're only unlocked if the player plays on normal difficulty and suffers through the shitty gameplay, and even then we only get the base animation in the main menu ONLY after beating the main story. None of the dialog leading up to it or the better and sexier ingame music. Which is again annoying if you're juggling multiple playthroughs at the same time because you don't want to overwrite your current save point from which you can branch into the multiple endings and achievement unlocks, so you have to complete the game first with the insanely retarded button pressing minigame at the end (which I'm still not sure if it even works at all and I'm just meant to fail it every single time).
And the kind of gameplay you have to do during sex is annoying too. The rubbing foreplay is completely linear and the player can pretty much only complete it in one way to progress, and the circular timing challenge shit is stupid. I just cannot do it without having to put all of my focus into the mini-game, which forces me to not be able to focus on the sex animation at all. The only point of doing the minigame is when you complete it flawlessly (and only flawlessly) you get a different render and don't get scolded. Even if you get 29/30 right you still get scolded and called stupid. And it's laggy as fuck even on a high end render PC too (so it's definitely the game's fault) so you have to time every click a little earlier than what should be happening on your screen in real time. Now add to this frustration the fact that you have your boner in your hand and you want to look at sexy stuff. It doesn't add up, does it? Maybe if the stupid cricle was right on top of the bitches I could at least look at the animations from my peripheral vision, but this way I don't see them at all.
And again, you won't ever experience these renders in the gallery menu that you only can see for performing perfectly inthe mini-games, only the animations themselves. They're nigh impossible to unlock and I can't even make a fucking save point to see them again for a quick fap session. Same with the ending cards. I can ONLY see them if I complete the fucking game every time and I can't even rip the assets with a simple script like UnRen? How am I supposed to time and allign my masurbation to this mess? It's fucking bullshit. I'll take a poorly written linear VN with inferior renders over this any day.

As bad as all of this is, in my opinion a RenPy style save scumming system could fix most of this game's problems, or at least make them tolerable.

And I also dislike not having ANY dialog during sex. I undestand that it's more realistic this way, but I'd appreciate at least SOME dialog, especially if we're forced to do foreplay and shit. If the rest of the game had decent enough writing with strong character building, why couldn't any of that make it into the sex scenes at all? It's clearly not a lack of effort, it's just weird.

And a skip button for even supposedly unseen sex scenes would be nice too. The game at this point can kinda track what scenes I've completed since this installation and add the skip button to them, but if I've already seen those scenes in previous versions, it'd be nice to have the option to skip them right away. And a skip button for the button pressing minigame would be nice too.
In fact, get rid of the two fucking game modes and add skipping options to everything. There. I just made the gameplay a million times better.

It's very disappointing that the Insider Edition is supposed to be the last update to this game. There's so much room for improvement here, even if no new renders are added to it at all.
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3.00 star(s) 48 Votes