And that's just it isn't it? Maybe its me, you know? Cause I just assume people use porn games as an interactive aid for masturbation... I mean, maybe that's a stretch.
It reminds me of this shit I pulled back in my college days when I was working at a club. I put out of a plate with some cake samples on it along with a sign: "Help yourself. Enjoy!". People were giving the stink-eye and not touching it and I thought they were all assholes and I hated them and my job and they could all go fuck themselves. Finally, my manager stands at the counter and one of the club members says, "Is this a fucking joke, are we really supposed to eat this cake with our bare hands!?" I just thought everyone was being rude and the whole time but, in the end, I was just a dumbass. So here I am, trying to tell somebody we need some goddamn forks.
If you're not trolling and really need help understanding...
You use your left hand to control the direction of your character.
You use your right hand to use abilities and attack.
Which leaves your dick swaying in the air with no hands left to masturbate with.
Don't worry if it doesn't sink in on the first read. Hell, the developer didn't even think about it.
That's not even the worst part. You see, my frustrations don't stop there, it's more about how much time developers put into these projects without realizing their own mistake. I brought this up a few times (cause developers just love this shit) and one developer responded to me and said: "That's what the recollection mode is for"... So what do you think happened next? That's right, the same thing that always happens: The developer spends two and a half years developing a game and this is the response:
"Full save?"
"Whos's got the save?"
"game ok, but i need a save plz"
"Gallery unlok plzzzzz"
"anDrOiD ? "
"thanks for save. you de man dickcheez69"
Which begs the question: Why the fuck did you make this game? Just upload your animations and art at this point. A game that forces you to watch erotic animations with no way to masturbate is cruel in ways I wouldn't wish upon my enemies. A goddamn self-cucking denial form of toture from a different age.
What's the solution? Oh yeah! The stupid long-winded fucking Asshole mentioned something about playing with ONE FUCKING HAND so the game can be enjoyed while playing the fucking game for once.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about 20 years of ignorance, stagnation, and dumbfuckery.