I took a portion of my weekend to try this and I must say that I'm fascinated by your game
unniex! The pornographic content adds really well with the narrative, and although I'm not a fan of MtF transformations, I'm still hooked by the story and it doesn't bother me at all

I'd like to share some personal feedback, I hope you don't mind.
Artstyle and animations are amazing, I believe this must take a lot of time to do, specially considering the changed clothes, hair and color differences, and even if the artstyle is different, for a lack of a better word, it grows with you after a while. I guess you wanted to emphasize the facial expressions, and it works incredibly for the dialogues as well.
Some sound effects would go a long way for the animations

, doesn't need to have voice, just the classic slimy sounds would already improve the animations.
Interface wise, I think you could add Gamepad/Controller native support, it could simplify the controls, as in a keyboard is not that intuitive for new controls, but becomes simpler when using a controller. I tested it with the antimicrox mapper and I must say that it gets way better/precise to control by remapping the buttons to a gamepad, but this is highly personal so I don't know if it would apply to other people.
Also, the inventory system is a bit convoluted and tends to generate some misclicks, I would suggest a few things for the UI here:
- Instead of flashing the whole UI when a bar value changes, split the inventory from the status bars. Flash only the status bars on status updates as the whole inventory coming into view confuses a bit and people may not look to the bars first.
- When picking a new item, highlight the inventory slots that gained a new item, as many times I picked items that I didn't knew I had picked.
- Use the same key to open and close the inventory, it simplifies access quite a bit.
- I think that having many ways to do the same action is not very user friendly, as it tends to create confusion and wrong expectations. I would suggest that on doors or objects that open the inventory to request an item, instead of just clicking the item to use it, you still have to click "use". I know this sounds paradoxical to have to do a bit more work for opening a door, but sometimes consistency is paramount to simplicity, other than reduction.
Great work and best of luck to you
