This game is starting to resemble a kinetic novel more and more because evidently all my choices so far turned out to be completely pointless - for example I played from the beginning the path on which I wanted the MC to reconcile and return to his previous girlfriend Emily because I like her character model and she is in my opinion a cool and fun girl, and even though she had done a wrong thing in the past and cheated on MC I wanted to give her a chance and forgave her, in this playthrough I avoided any sexual aspirations to other girls, I did not even flirt with them, but only treated them and only as friends and the only sex scenes in this playthrough I had just with Emily and it turns out almost right at the beginning of the last update that all of my long playthrough in which I wanted a relationship with Emily turned out to be a total waste of time because she just breaks up with me and tells me my MC is a womanizer and flirts with every girl he can and I have no chance of stopping her.
So I ask what the fuck is this supposed to be?
What's the point of Emily as LI if the game decided that the MC couldn't be with her anyway. I would understand if she was in the game only as an NPC for some necessity related to the plot itself, but we know that from the beginning she was as one of the girls that the MC could hang out, flirt, have sex with and that means she was clearly a potential LI and here we suddenly have a big boom... -

my whole long playthrough from the beginning turned out to be pointless because she decided to call me a womanizer and told me that she didn't want to know me anymore and that she don't want see me, don't want talk to me ever again and we couldn't even be friends.
Now I was wondering why I downloaded all these updates, where each of them took up more and more GB which in total gives a whole ton of GB and I have wasted so many hours playing this game because why play a game in which you follow one path from the beginning and then it turns out that this path is closed despite the fact that you did not make a wrong choice on the way that would close this path, but it was game/dev that decided that this girl in game will no longer be available as LI - I know only one game (the title of which of course I will not mention here) in which such a situation took place because there also dev decided to remove the character which also was LI just so suddenly after many updates because he just wanted it or because for some reasons this character in his own game he no longer likes her.
So probably it's time to delete this game and forget about it completely if this is how it is supposed to look like.