In a nutshell - small tweaks to the code and added phone submodule. There will be no more new content, because Episode I is already finished. Episode II for CK2 is planned for Fall 2022 (the exact date is not yet public). They are also giving away 50 keys for CK2 (Ep. 2) and the giveaway ends October 20th, so don't expect the episode to be published earlier than October 20th. Writing for Episode 2 has concluded, and Episode 3 is now outlined in detail as well.What kind of update is 1.1.7? is it new contents or just bug fixes?
College Kings [Act I - v1.1.2s] then College Kings 2 [Ep.1 v1.1.7].Can someone tell me which one I'm supposed to download? It says either Season 1 or Act 1. Then there's Act 1 fixed but that one is like 15 gigs which is crazy and there's the other one that's only 5.
The plane that goes to the US from Europe.College Kings [Act I - v1.1.2s] then College Kings 2 [Ep.1 v1.1.7].
• Play CK1 [Act I - v1.1.2s].
• Do a manual save of the game at the very end of CK1 (during the flight on the plane that goes to Europe).
• Then play CK2 [Ep.1 v1.1.7].
• Use the option to import the save game from CK1 (can be found in the "Load" tab) to continue the story.
Season 1 [15.1.0] - The outdated full version of College Kings - Seasons have been converted into Acts.
Act I [1.1.2s] - The latest and current full version of College Kings - A completed game with three Acts.
College Kings - Act I, Act II and Act III
College Kings 2 - Episode I
The previous version i.e v1.1.2s had kct as a variable that could be changed,but the newer version seems to have no way of changing kct unless you go to path builder and start off with the desired kctcan you change your kct in the console of college kings 2? if yes what is the command?
That's the end of Episode the very end of update 14 that linday won after i kissed nora at the very end how come in the new update it only ends there or is there more update then that ?
Yes, October most likely.Is Episode 2 Coming out this Year ?
I won't deny that this game has flaws especially in terms of bugs and some of the inconsistent characters but it seems like you just wanted a completely different game. At the end of the day this is a porn game so obviously women are used for "shag trophies", that's a good thing dude. Who wants to see a women fight division? Wtf that shit is not even entertaining IRL, it would be even worse in a gamei was a patreon of this title till shortly after the whole 'BIG' relaunch with a added number 2 after its name.. the game had so much promise but it always felt like the team was afraid to push that creative envelope even tho they had the funds and support to try and stand alone from the many other college titles on the market..
I was a die hard fan and even with its season 1 shortcomings i could have continued to enjoy the title.. But then came the whole 'supposed' big continuation.. yet even in its BIG debut nothing changed.. yes some animations looked a bit better but simple quality stuff like a change of clothes for characters that had worn the same combination of 3 or less outfits for the entire 1st season.. added to the fact an almost abandoned fight system that didnt work and wasnt being used to its best potential.. making the whole fight KINGS aspect of the game name college KINGS a mute point..
There are SO SO SOOOOO many issues with this game from its shoddy concepted sequel that wasnt needed yet.. from save issues getting your season 1 files to continue the story you had hand crafted through multiple hours and game saves.. only to have to pick and choose from a list of not enough details of how your story should continue.. even tho on your actual S1 save it was so much more diverse and personalised..
I've followed the news feeds hoping for things to change but aside from a few relationship additions (FINALLY) the game is still far under what it could be..
The college aspects could be enhanced.. giving stories from within the classrooms as a side interest.. ie say your unable to cheat (unless a mod or answers are already online) to a test (yes i know its been done but it could also feature into the story better) failing a class on bad grades opening side stories, study sessions with friends also struggling, chances during those sessions to advance a relationship or a chance to makeout or more while in the library.. passing grades.. leading to similar or more aspects of reward from the teachers or higher authority..
Sports - there are so many assets available now that most college team sports or solo sports could have been worked in as a fun story as well as inter college rivalry.. College Kings seems to act like its the one and only college around (despite Emily going elsewhere... Dont get me started on that.. thats another wtf are you doing devs moment)
College sports like Basketball (overdone but yet to be done well unless your name is Oceanlabs) could have built upon the popularity established in SiG.. intergender basketball worked well in that and could have been a fun aspect especially setting up a team.. building a rivalry with other colleges and its students.. using the fight kings battle mode for stuff other than the things its used for now.. either as a replacement for dribbling the ball and shooting (instead of a KO) or dribbling and missing the basket (in place of the your KO'd anim) alternatively a simple version just done by script decisions such as pass the ball.. dont pass.. shoot early.. dodge attack.. step right, step left.. all combinations leading to a win or loss for the team..
Basketball isnt the only sport Daz has access to.. Ice Hockey.. done a same way as the aforementioned Basketball mechanics even down to script choices of defend the goal.. pick a fight with the guy with the puck, dodge left, dodge right, crosscheck the defense, shoot (in possession of the puck)... The same stuff works for Soccer, College (nfl style) football... athletics, swimming, track and field.. you name it there is a way to try and get it done.. The assets on Daz are vast and there is something for EVERY SINGLE ONE of the sports i mentioned.. But the devs aint interested in pushing the boundaries or trying something new and better..
More Interesting Stories - With a built in plot device like the fighting.. underground fighting at that.. it could have been used for so many stories than it has been.. firstly the fight system needs scrapping and something more akin to a arrow key option we have seen before.. simpler and more universal.. second add stories interconnected.. a fight that goes too far.. a student killed or hosptalized due to a fight.. police investigations and arrests, the fight kings having to go even futher underground if it wanted to continue..
Its a VN tht isnt afraid to use sex but the concept of a womens fight division isnt allowed?? there are tons of rivalries in place for some good girlfight style action.. but instead the women are used for nothing more than shag trophies.. I honestly dont care if that is an unpopular choice given its an AVN but if thats all this title is going to be then i pity its creative direction in the future..
College Kings is a game that could be better.. so so much better if the team actually took risks and said lets give it a go.. instead of just churning out the same copy and paste characters episode after episode..
Seasonal Holidays is another thing that could be done with things like spring break (something i see they possibly finally took the idea for) Halloween episodes that actually had a better purpose instead of what was delivered as a complete the list of shag opportunities.. The story has gone so FLAT due to bad writing and an inability to push the envelope with a title that could have it all.. but instead settles for mediocre..
The title college kings comes from the name given to the fight tourny The Fight Kings so already your assessment is off.. its not just a college game and even by the games own trailer its advertised as a game featuring that fighting element so if your gonna try and make yourself sound like a opinionated expert.. then at least have some knowledge of what your talking about... reply all you want but i'm done with this boring pointless conversation already..I won't deny that this game has flaws especially in terms of bugs and some of the inconsistent characters but it seems like you just wanted a completely different game. At the end of the day this is a porn game so obviously women are used for "shag trophies", that's a good thing dude. Who wants to see a women fight division? Wtf that shit is not even entertaining IRL, it would be even worse in a game
In general more focus on underground fighting would be lame, this is a game about College and screwing women, not some gritty tale of a fighter lol
I'm trying to figure out how to unlock the Gallery, does this still work?Gallery Unlocker (College Kings 2-v3-0-1)
This is a simple work around to unlock all the scenes in the gallery.
Replace scene_gallery.rpy file in game -> main_menu -> scene_gallery folder and overwrite it. Then delete scene_gallery.rpyc.
(May change in future depending on author's code)
To do it yourself manually:
1. Open scene_gallery.rpy in a text editor (Atom, VScode, anything)
2. Scroll to line 94:
action Replay(gallery_item.label, scope=update_scope(gallery_item.scope))
3. Replace it with:
action Replay(gallery_item.label, scope=update_scope(gallery_item.scope), locked=False)
4. Save file and exit
5. DELETE scene_gallery.rpyc
The unlocker on the main post should work fine.I'm trying to figure out how to unlock the Gallery, does this still work?