New update from the developer Undergrad Steve posted on Patreon & Steam:
Hey everyone!
Here's an update on what we've been working:
The 2.2 Major Update that's coming for free to all owners of CK2 Episode 2 "The Pool Party" is coming mid December, the exact date is tbd.
On the free 2.2 update
The update adds 16 new scenes, 8 of which are sex scenes. Note that some of these scenes are transitional and one of the sex scenes does not include penetration, but all the others do.
Information on which girls these scenes are with can be found at the bottom of this post. So if you don't want to know, you'll want to stop reading before the spoiler warning below.
Unlike Episode 2, most of these scenes have been written by me (Undergrad Steve). Some of the scenes were written by the writers of Episode 2 and fully edited by me.
These scenes are first and foremost a reconciliation gift to all of the fans that we've disappointed with this release, I'm really sorry we didn't do better.
As you can hopefully see from this message, my goal is to be very clear on what you can expect from this update and future episodes.
On Episode 3
With the goal of brining back the magic of OG CK, CK2 Episode 3 has been fully plotted by me and will be solely written me (Undergrad Steve). I can't promise that it'll be better or more to your taste, but I can promise that it'll be closer to CK1 than any other Episodes of CK2 have been. Hopefully with improvements from everything that I've learned.
I expect Episode 3 to be roughly the same length as, or possibly slightly longer than Episode 2.
It'll contain 15 sex scenes, though it very much depends on what you define as sex scenes, not all of them will have penetration, some might not even have animations (for example an underwater handjob).
If you're interested I have laid out who those sex scenes are with below under the spoiler tag.
We'll most like price Episode 3 lower than Episode 2, possibly around $7.99USD, as that's what most of you voted as fair a fair in the survey on Episode 2 and the length will be roughly the same. However this price is by no means locked in. We need to find a balance between value for money and being able to fund the development of future CK episode.
We do not have an exact release month for Episode 3 planned, but it'll be sometime early 2023.
I hope that you try the 2.2 update when it's out and I hope that we can win your trust back with Episode 3.
Thanks for sticking with us.
- Steve
(From here on below it's spoilers)
Episode 2 Sex Scene Spoilers
(These characters were picked based on player feedback and who missed out in Ep2)
Lauren & Riley
Naomi (No penetration)
Episode 3 Sex Scene Spoilers
(These characters were picked based on player feedback and what worked in the story)
Amber (No penetration)
Aubrey x2 (One without penetration)
Chloe x2 (One without penetration)
Emily (No penetration)
Lauren (No penetration)
Ms. Rose
Nora x2 (One without penetration)
Samantha & Riley (No penetration)