Hey there,
sorry you feel that way. I understand that most of the girls have major or minor flaws and I see how that could make you dislike them.
As for the roommate choice, since v.0.1 is a demo, the choices and paths possible are quite limited.
Expect a lot more choices that change the game in a meaningful and sometimes permanent way for the next update, planned for this Friday (16/10)
Thank you for your feedback and I hope you'll give the next update a try.
- Undergrad Steve
Don't get me wrong. I do like the game so far. It is clear that you've put a lot of thought and effort into it.
I just dislike games where MC is cheated on or has to share his love interests as the main theme.
As long as that is nonexistent or at the very least optional, I'm cool. I'm just lamenting the fact that 2 of the three girls from the title are A.) the cheating ex, (Emily) and B.) a girl you watch get fucked by other dudes, Aubrey. Yeah, I know its optional but now that I've seen the scene its turned me off Aubrey. Also, her character seems kinda shallow anyways so... yeah, not waifu material.
As for the comments of you just want everyone to be an untouched virgin..
I mean, I have a Defloration fetish, so technically yes, in my ideal game, absolutely! lol
But no, I don't expect that and I'm not going to hold it against any game if they are not. lol.
I have Laura(?) as a virgin character so I'll happily pursue her and hopefully have other characters that aren't so whorish.
I just personally dislike the more promiscuous characters in most games, because I play most games for the romance (aside from the "Gotta fuck em all" attitude I have to porn games (Thanks poke'mon!). And the way most promiscuous characters are written, they don't give a fuck about the MC, they just want a lay. So for me, there is nothing there besides a depthless sex scene, hot model, but otherwise pointless from my perspective.
I also kinda want to know what the fuck the deal with the "Keys" system is all about. Dev needs to explain that better. Is Boyfriend the nice guy? Is the Troublemaker the douchebag? is Bro a in-between? Because honestly, i've no idea what points I should be going for. Bro sounds like its geared more towards you getting along with the male characters, which I have
ZERO interest in. like I said, if I could get rid of them all, I would. lol
So yeah, I'll leave this off with my thoughts on each female character so far:
Julia, the "Landlady" : Not much here, seems she's had a wild past, interesting to see if anything is found out about her.
Emily, the Cheating Ex: We don't know much about the relationship and what the extent of her cheating was, so though I am loving her character model, the story does not set her up as someone I'm going to like. Will be interesting if the Dev finds a way to change that, would GREATLY depend on the cause and depth of her cheating, like if she fucked someone? Dead to me, if she just kissed someone... not thrilled but if there's a good reason I'm willing to hear her out.
Lauren, the Virgin: Prime wife material, shy and inexperienced, hopefully we can grow closer to her and open her up. 
Autumn, Deer Pres: Lauren's sis and pres of the other sorority, seems she has a past with Cameron, seems she gets flustered easily but isn't afraid to stand up to jackasses. Absolutely look forward to going after her better, she seems sweet and fiery, hopefully we can get her and her sister...
Riley, the Unexpected Nerd: Adventurous, sweet, and unexpectedly nerdy, she even did the prereading!
Love her so far. She seems interested in MC rather then roommate, which is good. Hopefully we can find a way to get her away from the roommate without having to give him Lauren, because fuck the "Bro's before hoes" mentality, I'll take the Hoes, you go off and be with you're bro's.
Aubrey, the Flirt: She is the character I'm least interested in, we first see her fucking Sam and then flirting with Josh (who's apparently a cokehead?). When talking with her, seems she just likes fighters and kinda wants to fuck em all? Infact if you say you're not a fighter, she immediately looses interest in you. So yeah, gorgeous character model, but a little too shallow and slutty for my tastes.
Chloe, the Chicks Pres: So she's kinda built up like she's going to be the main girl of the story. Her dialogue with the MC absolutely shows some chemistry, buuuut looks like she has a BF... and did nothing to discourage the MC from almost kissing her!... doesn't really bode well for her being Best Girl. Even if her BF is a dick, you don't cheat.
Will be interesting to see what comes of her and what she says after MC wakes up from getting TKO'd. Will she try and deny she was flirting, making her a fuckin liar? Will she break up with her asshole BF? Was she not with the Ape Pres and is just being pursued by him and MC got knocked out for attempting to kiss what should be his girl? IDK but i'm interested enough to find out!