
Engaged Member
Jan 3, 2019
Right now my mc is heaving a hard time chosing between Riley and Lauren Lauren right now seem to be safe bet for mc, But Riley is more down to earth cool personality and fun to be around. Lauren is way too serious.

As for Emily please no Bye bye.. She brings to much drama already.
Aug 17, 2019
So I've just started the game for the first time. Julia's clearly supposed to be the mum, right? Because with her having those traits but the MC constantly using her first name feels really jarring. Is this sort of thing to become a common thing throughout the rest of the game with other characters? I only ask because it feels like one of those Patreon changes, but there doesn't seem to be any kind of patch for it and they don't seem like a frequent character so I'm genuinely confused.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2020
im loving this game more and more every update and maybe im the only one who crush for Chloe :love:i think she isn't bad as people would say about her ,keep the good job UndergradSteve (y)


Dec 10, 2019
It's still early, there are some tiny bugs here and there. But it's a fairly strong game. Just.... I think you get locked out of paths too quickly and without warning. Characters that you're interacting well with suddenly turn cold just because you're doing well with another girl. I guess that also has a real life feel to it, butttttt maybe you should look into that.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2017
Played for 30 minutes, its like a poor's man BaDIK. I've never seen sugh straight plagerism as this game is to BaDIK, its actually hilarious. The freeroam, the phone and messages, the thematics, the fraternities, ahah my god.


Active Member
May 22, 2020
This was another pretty solid episode in the VN. Kudos for that.

I do see loads of areas of this game that are similar to Being a DIK. I wouldn't call it an exact copy by any means, but I can definitely tell that this game's creator is definitely a fan of it. I'm sure we could argue scene by scene on what is the same, but I definitely feel there are way too many differences to call it a copy.

I love the number of paths being created in this game. I really enjoy that in a game and hope to see a couple more branches appear. Cough Cough. Ms. Rose. Cough. Cough. Nora. OK. Maybe the latter will require a dog or Ape playthrough, but I'm still interested.

I'm hoping the confession coming in the next episode doesn't have to do with surprise genitalia revelations.

Emily is somehow one of my top picks, despite my disdain for cheaters in real life. It is a bit silly to me that such drama occurred in high school to cause her to cheat, but things like that do happen in reality as well. Perhaps it is the model used and the red hair. Maybe it's her personality. I like her and it definitely isn't Mabeline.

Riley is great in the personality department, but the model really isn't appealing to me. I will probably still run through her path to see where it goes, but she isn't my top ranking LI at this point.

Chloe. Chloe. Drama queen Chloe. Where you end up, I really don't know. Hot model with so much baggage and hang up phone calls. Sorry. It's difficult for me to have much interest in her at this time. Maybe some changes will come to change that, but nothing really there right now is drawing me in her direction.

Penelope is pretty interesting. Nice personality. Cute model. She isn't my number one pick, but she is definitely compelling enough to stay in the running.

Amber is also pretty meh to me. I would be much more interested in her friend; Kim, but she hasn't been presented as a possibility yet. We'll see for both of them.

Aubrey is smoking hot. I really hope she moves past the potential booty call to something more substantial.

Autumn is hot. Guess it will take a bit longer to sway her into something else. Guess I'll have to try some protesting with her to see where it leads and hope I don't get maced in the process.

Lauren is another model that doesn't always appeal to me. Her personality is also on and off, but the ending with her in this episode is pretty cool. I'm interested in seeing where this goes.

Evelyn is potentially interesting, although I'm not really sure if I missed something with her or not. Guess she's a bit take it or leave it, but I still wouldn't mind seeing if something might pop off with her.

Julia, come on! It's not his real mom. Let him snag a piece!

Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to more.
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2017
Totally with you on Josh being the person Emily slept with. Also explains why he keeps trying to hook the MC up with other women probably his messed up way of making things up to him.
I don't know...Josh could be just on drugs, i think the MC mentioned he was into that.
Could also be Josh want Emily for himself and hope's to get the MC hooked up with some other girl.
But Emilys rection to Josh doesn't seem to speek for that he was the one she cheated with or she is just ice cold...

Emily has really learnt nothing and seems to have some alcohol problems and a rather unlikable personality...i can already see how the next update begins with: Oops, I did it again...
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Active Member
May 18, 2018
There is no problem.

Some of us like full quality and you have people compressing the game for you, win/win.

I don't see why those of us wanting 100% quality should lose out for people with lesser internet and/or rigs.
I guess you got my post wrong ... maybe because of my bad english ... :confused:
I like quality and I apreciate it ... what I wanted to say is that *.png is an picture format from 1996 and somewhat outdated ...
lossless *.jpg and *.webp are in quality almost the same ... Only a pro could see a differnce between them ingame ... but more important is the size difference between this formats ... is significant if not huge! I see it in sight of efficency.
My Company would fire me if I would be so unefficent and use an out of date file format instead an (quality wise same - (hint: lossless)) file format with much less space reguirement. I hope you and the other "facepalmers" can get my point of view better now ;)
Imo it makes it easier for the dev and the player/downloader to handle smaller game sizes ... in storing, upload and download.
It makes a huge difference to upload or download each update unnecessary huge files sizes - in time and effort - for both or even three ... the dev, the gamer and the compressor.
Dont you think too?
I get that some dev´s want to use layers in there games and *.png is a good format for that - but you can also use a converted *.webp picture to get the same without wasting storage space and up/download times.
A lot of other dev´s here doing this already and there games dont lack any quality ^^

And yes, you are right in therms of lesser good internet in my case (only 1,5MB/s which sucks enormously) but not in rigs (I have a 3 years old average system with enough SDD/HDD space) - my "complains" are all about efficency in space and time (and in some cases the "lazyness" or "dont careness" off some milkers ... erm ... games dev´s) ;)

hopefully this cleared up some of the missunderstandings here ^^
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