Dev Blog 10/03/25
Hey all. A bit of a shorter dev blog this time, but I want to keep everyone updated on what's going on. Spoiler: not a lot. lol!
Real life and my other work has been keeping me super busy these past few weeks. I've been working on a project that should be good for me in the long run, but takes a lot of initial time to roll out. But that's nothing to do with the game, just what's been going on in my personal life. The game itself took a bit of a pause in the development, but I'm back on it now. And I'm mostly really happy with the writing so far! I really enjoy writing from Morgan's perspective. This chapter is starting to take its place as my favorite chapter so far. I think everyone is going to enjoy it. We'll see about the renders, though. lol! Writing is easy for me, rendering on a laptop is not so fun.
I took a bit of an emotional hit recently by learning that one of my best friends had died. I used some aspects of his personality when I designed Jason - basically his cockiness and arrogance. So I've found it hard to focus on writing him these past weeks. I was having an issue with his scene at the beginning of the chapter before I found out, and I skipped over it and worked on other parts, but going back has been rough. So much that it feels like it's a little forced and rushed, kinda like the Luna scene from the end of Chapter 3. So I've gone back and redone a few ideas on it, and hopefully it works.
I'm going to try to rush as best as I can to finish this chapter. I have some fun things planned for Chapter 5 that I can't wait to work on. I also have a few ideas to help with my workflow regarding the lighting and HDRI's in Daz that I about to start trying out. It's kinda like an experiment. If I never mention it again just know that it didn't work and I just wasted my time. But if it works I might just brag about it.