VN - Ren'Py - Color of My Sound [Ch.3 Finale v6] [Gallant Trombe]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This one got potential to become a top tier game. There is a good story going on. Girl's models are well polished. Giving a fresh feel, they are not typical models used in every game. Graphics are good just check the screenshots. I'm really glad this one is a renpy build ( there are few other games with graphics like this one but they are built with unity. Sadly my potato laptop can't take it. So I'm really glad with this one ) story is in its early stage meaning there many things to be revealed, we have to wait for next updates. Writing is good.

    Only con for me is there is no sound. Well title of the game is color of my sound. I don't need sexual sounds but it will be good with sounds like gun shots. Also there is no animation but I'm okay with it. If it is possible please add sound effects in the next updates. No need to add music. Hoping dev will keep up the good work.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    The sound of silence

    I'm not the biggest sci-fi fan on earth, but I like a well written story.
    After reading the overview and the raving reviews I was intrigued enough to give Color of My Sound a try.


    The renders are pretty (good) and atmospheric, some even animated (eyes).
    They aren't super high res, but that's actually a plus because in my opinion the slight grain only adds to the (dystopian) feel.
    Also nice use of depth of field effects.

    There are no animations - which is fine by me.


    There is no sound at all - which is a big shame.
    Color of My Sound would be(come) so much more immersive by adding accenting music (for example in the Red Velvet) and sound effects (beeping devices, hissing airlocks, echoing gunshots, etc.).
    It would be nice if the dev considered adding sound in future updates.


    I like the looks of the MC, he's very unique (although he seems to be in desperate need of a haircut).

    However, I really don't like how he gets portrayed as this glorious hero of the empire who won countless battles.
    He constantly gets treated like a celebrity - everyone recognises and admires him, everyone says what an awesome guy he is.
    I never liked it when games depicted the MC like that.
    It's especially odd since he looks like he only just graduated - way too young for having achieved all the merits he gets credited for.

    The LIs have interesting and distinguishable personalities.
    They are also good looking, but not really my type. Okay, Mireille is kinda cute...

    Unfortunately, some of the female characters are wasted in poorly written lewd scenes (more on that in the next paragraph).


    The English is really good - there are only few typos and grammar mistakes.
    Definitely a pleasant surprise since my first impression wasn't that favourable (there's a grammatical error already in the adult content disclaimer).

    Now, on to the story.

    I absolutely didn't like the opening scene. Here's why:

    The MC performs a single gig at a club and - of course - the whole female audience is fangirling over him. *sigh*
    One of them - a groupie named June - is already awaiting him outside, only to tell him how she's head over heels into him and would like to accompany him back home, but - of course - she's totally not like "those other girls". Eh, sure.
    Our MC takes her home and while she's busy in the bathroom he thinks about how "nice and innocent" she is.
    Nice? Maybe. Innocent? Hardly.
    I'm not sure what kind of girls the MC usually deals with, but her asking a complete stranger to fuck is hardly "innocent" in my book.
    Anyways. Next thing we learn is she's indeed "innocent", literally: She admits she's a virgin and wants him to be her first.
    Just a reminder: June is a full grown woman who looks like she's in her late 20s, wears raunchy makeup and asks a complete stranger to take her home to have sex. Virgin? My ass.
    But we're not done yet. The "climax" is yet to come.
    The MC starts fingering her and when she's about to cum, she asks him to stop because she doesn't want her "first orgasm to be like that".
    Wait, what? First orgasm? Like... ever?
    I'm not entirely sure, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the writer actually meant it that way.
    Of course our MC is more than happy to assist in the deflowering process (quoting June: "Fuck my virgin pussy. It's yours forever" - yup, totally sounds like something a virgin girl would scream).

    Is the person who wrote this even hearing (reading) themself?
    I wonder if this is what incel fantasies look like. For me it was just incredibly painful to read.

    At that point I was close to quitting Color of My Sound, but curiosity got the better of me.
    I continued reading - and I'm glad I did because once the writer leaves the lands of lewd behind Color of My Sound does a 180° spin and turns into an actually well written sci-fi story with interesting characters set in a coherent universe.

    I had almost reconciled with Color of My Sound and was willing to forget that gruesome opening scene - until...

    ...the next explicit scene occurred (this time involving Lana).
    Out of thin air Lana - a respected veteran and recent member of his squad - starts to give the MC a hand job because... I guess that's what people do 24 hours after they first met: "Handing" out cheer-up hand jobs to colleagues who feel a bit down.
    Oh, we also learn she (a grown woman) has never done anything like that before. Yeah, sure.

    At that point I was so annoyed that the writer is obviously willing to sacrifice well established characters for a quick fap (crowd-pleasing at its finest) that I finally quit Color of My Sound. Just too much stupid "porn logic" for my taste.

    By the way: The explicit scenes aren't even particularly arousing - they lack emotion, empathy and eroticism.


    There are only few choices so far and they don't seem to impact the story that much (mostly if you are interested in an LI or not.
    You can't avoid June, though - she's a given).

    Minor bug:
    At one point Color of My Sound asks if you want to keep your MC's name or like to enter a new one, but regardless of what you choose there's an "enter your name" prompt coming up afterwards.

    User Interface

    The UI is clean and stylish. Some elements (quick save, etc.) are hoverable, which is a nice idea.

    The text box offers excellent readability. You can even adjust its opaqueness in the preferences.

    There's also an integrated codex with further infos about the characters and a glossary.


    Well, this was quite a roller coaster ride.
    My first impression of Color of My Sound was rather negative - the opening scene with June was so underwhelming that I almost quit.
    I continued reading and was surprised to find an actually interesting story of much better quality than the explicit opening scene.
    Kudos for that.
    Unfortunately, the enjoyment came to a crashing halt with the next lewd scene which was just as implausible as the first one (and made me quit for good).

    TLDR: Interesting sci-fi story and characters set in a coherent universe ruined by poorly written "porn logic" scenes - if it wasn't for them, I would have easily awarded 4 stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Color of My Sound [Ch.1 Part B] review -
    PROS -
    1. Story - This is one of the best stories I have played in this forum . The writing and dialogues are top notch . Loving the Sci-fi theme .
    2. Renders are totally great , one of the best and details are amazing in each render .
    3. Main character who looks different than other games and with a nice personality .
    There are no music and sound effects and no animations to the H scenes till now it would be nice if it gets added in the future versions .
    So in the end 5 stars excellent start , added to the watchlist and looking forward to the story and how the game progresses .
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    ~Initial plot hooks came in blazing and fully captured my attention
    ~Main character looks great. Absolutely awesome. Most games have an ugly male MC or some 5'5" big-dick manlett as their main character. This MC kinda feels like Spike Spiegel with a more conservative haircut. :p
    ~Premise regarding the MCs role seems absolutely ideal for a nuanced harem pathing.
    ~Detail on the renders of the gals is high tier.

    ~No music / sound yet. Arguably much better than someone half assin' these game components. Throw some "Space" themed lofi hip-hop on and it fits the vibe perfectly.
    ~Descriptions are sometimes vague. (I.e. 1st planet was described as having a "unique odor" two separate times- but that was never elaborated on. Could be narratively intentional to add a layer of mystery.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Chapter 1 Part B
    Simply excellent Visual novel with amazing story loving the Sci fi setup and mystery theme around the Main character and people around him .. The renders are great and all female models are attractive and hot . All characters including Main characters are interesting and nicely developed . This is one of the games where I enjoyed the story more than the sex scenes. Genuinely impressed with the story writing , does not feel like your first time dev . The game does not have any sound and animations till now , but I don't mind it .
    Overall 5 stars for this game , Nice start dev it has lots of potential to be among one of the top games in this site despite being in early stages and looking forward to future release .
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Color of My Sound [Ch1 Part B] review

    3 words:

    Very. Fucking. Promising!

    What it is:
    Branching-path visual novel. It's a classic detective story, with military undertones. And sexy women. And banging.
    Right now the choices don't seem to matter much, but I suspect they will, later. I'll forgive it for now because we're still only at character introductions and main plot intro. It's still quite early in this project.
    A playthrough of this version will take you 1-3 hours, depending on your reading speed and how often you stop to enjoy the "scenery". And there's a lot of "scenery" to enjoy.

    Visuals: 5/5
    Just fucking gorgeous. Hot women, diverse cast, beautiful backgrounds. Perfect lighting. All the bells and whistles. It's just super clean and beautiful in every respect.

    Story/writing: 5/5
    Multiple story threads. Mysteries everywhere. Each character has their own agenda. Well thought out world building, with political systems and different conflicts going on.
    Character portrayals are excellent. Each character feels unique, with their own kinds of expression and language. Dialogue flows naturally but sometimes drones on a little bit about old battles and other background lore.
    Quality of English: Absolutely flawless.

    Visual storytelling: 5/5
    Show, don't tell. That's what I always say, and this dev really gets it. Sometimes just small changes in facial expressions can tell the story. That was fucking great to see!
    There are sequences of images without text at many different points in this story and it works fantastically. I just love the shit out of that stuff! Excellent!

    Unless you are bothered by the kinda small amount of content, you need to play this right fucking now!

    The raw skill at display here is absolutely formidable. By the time this project is completed it will be top 5 of all time here on f95, mark my fucking words.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story, beautiful characters (even the MC, YAY!), outstanding renders, solid writing and above all that a harem game.

    So I can see this game in top 5 at least, if the quality remained like that, not to forget it's that good despite being the developer first game, really well done.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Marvellous Lunatic

    Version: 1.A.3
    Platform: Win64

    Really great visual novel with an interesting sci-fi story, beautiful crafted characters and a lot of content for a first release.

    Overall great visuals. Good use of camera angles, colors and dof. Well done on the image editing as well. On a few occasions I saw some noise, could be either artifacts on the editing or artistic choice. However, it doesn't take you out of the game at all, just a minor detail I spotted while reviewing.
    Great work on the environments and some re-designs / re-shading and especially the lighting. Really nice scenes that amplify the beauty of the well-crafted characters.
    Nice details like mouth-opening animations when starting to talk or eye-blinking animations.

    Unique background stories, tasteful design, no super unrealistic proportions. Great introductions of the characters with hints and cliff-hangers for character-development. Simply well done.

    Simple, slim and clean. Nice font and nice color pallet. Has a fitting minimalistic touch to it.

    Overall very well written. The dialogues are meaningful that progress the story and not just empty conversations. Good natural language, so no off-put because of bad translations. Erotic sections are written pleasingly which let's you look forward for upcoming scenes.
    A little minor critique is about the usage of the narrator, but this might be just a misunderstanding on my site. Often the narrator is used when the current impressions of the mc are expressed or if memories from his past are told, while thoughts are written as inner dialogue of the mc. While having the conversation with Lana it feels like a mix of both. Could be a misinterpretation on my side and again it's nothing that drags your attention away from the story and the art.

    Great story already with a promising lore. You already can tell the dev has put much effort in the background story. The first chapters also come along with some mysteries and cliff-hangers to certain stories which keeps the story interesting and wanting more. It also allows the community to speculate and talk about the story and how it might unfold.
    Introduction of the characters is well done with interesting background stories. I'm sure there will be more to them in the upcoming episodes.

    None at the moment of my review.

    You can already tell the dev has an eye for details and puts a lot of effort in these. For example the conversation with Blanche and the meaning of her name. I like the fact the dev even put a white/silver shirt on Blanche to underline the meaning.

    Really great sci-fi visual novel with a lot of content for a first release. A strong dialogue based visual novel with a great story to unfold and not just an continuation of sex scenes. It looks really promising, can't wait for more updates.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well well well, what do we have here?

    This is one of the tightest and most impressive starts I've seen for such a serious premise.

    Rarely do I see the military aspect of any VN feel legitimate. It's certainly a new flavor to me. The MC is a military officer, and you don't question that fact.

    The renders and models all look fantastic. Even the MC is one good looking dude, which is pretty nice since we usually either A: never see the MC, or B: get a stock/fugly one.

    And to address the topic of the girls and the Harem tag, they're beautiful and feel like unique people. There's not much to say about them, as they haven't had as much time to be fleshed out yet. The team dynamic is going to play a major role in shaping these characters.

    There's some obvious references here, especially to the nobility of the Dune series, but it's less about spice and destiny, and more of Game of Thrones-esque political thriller. Hopefully without the Game of Thrones-esque ending.

    As a result of these political nature, the MC gets thrown into something much much bigger than himself, even if he's the greatest hero in the galaxy.

    Which btw, doesn't inflate his ego or even mean much to him. It makes the MC more than just the bestiest guy in the galaxy, like many other games. The MC is a calculated man who gets the job done.

    This game also came with a decent start to a unique UI. I'm thinking once that gets nailed down, and appropriate atmospheric music gets added, we're going to see the foundation to another banger like City of Broken Dreamers.

    I'm excited to see more of this game, but it definitely has potential.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    What we got is a masterpiece of art, story, and character development with meanings hidden behind each color, a good intrigue that unfolds, schemes, betreyal and good looking love interests.
    The first time I played I was lost in the beauty of the renders, but! next time I played I enjoyed the excelent world building.

    Don't ask me to form a coherent thoughts process, the game is that good ( the only flaw is the limitation of the hardware used for the renders but that doesn't invalidate the fact that the game is perfect!)
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2368932

    What a promising start! The game looks great, the setting is really fucking cool and the cast of characters introduced so far is excellent. There is barely any lewd content so far, but to be honest I was more interested in the story and discovering more about the characters and the setting anyway. There isn't much there to review yet, but the potential here is huge, hence the gushing.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Super thorough premise, with a universe that seems to rival that of Starship Inanna's.

    Writing wise, seems to be able to entice me well enough, and as someone that skips most of the dialogue in most games, I found myself reading every single one in this. The slight uncertainty and mystery is definitely a good bonus. Also love the slight comical moments, regarding the quick camera angles and slight eye contact, attention to detail by Gallant is great!

    Renders look amazing, and though not overtly over the top, the setting is just right. Sometimes simple is fine, as long as it captures the vibes properly. Suffice to say, the renders definitely have captured the vibes Gallant has intended.

    I definitely have high hopes for this game, the premise seems vast and enticing, my only suggestion is to be well organised with the storyline, plot, and the characters. Sometimes creators can get lost in the different plots and subplots when there are too many.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is refreshing, some intrigue, and information to found, the render are quite good (just hoped to have choice over the gender, but not really a big problem), i will say 4 star because of this and the fact there is not really many choice, yes here you have choice that change story, but i don't have seen many choice who change our relationship with bloum, yes we have the order to accept the ship, but not to are friendly with it and the privacy loss.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A mystery thriller VN with sci-fi setting that has tremendous potential

    Off to a solid start
    An original plot with an intriguing story that has unique settings very rare to come across a VN such as this with very high production quality that also has its own story universe
    Top notch writing and well written dialogues combined with great story telling make the VN very engaging; enjoyed reading it
    Top notch renders with new hot models a lot of new assets used for setting up the environment to give an immersive experience
    Great character building with interesting persona and backstory
    Like the name of the title "color of my sound" gives off a nice vibe as well as aptly relates to the MC's life the main story

    It's missing some sfx,music and animations I guess these are gonna be implemented in the future updates which will make it all the more better

    A highly enjoyable VN that has the potential to be an one of a kind sci-fi mystery thriller recommend if you want to enjoy a good story
    Patiently waiting for the future updates to see how the story plays out
    Great work dev Goodluck with the project keep up the good work.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story entrance so far plus im a sucker for sci-fi so thats a plus in my opinion...And very interesting cast and renders, im looking forward to seeing more of the game...And last but not least, very good length for a first release so that gives me hope for the upcoming updates as well...
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the most original story lines I've read so far, and a breath of fresh air from the usual fare.
    Dialogue has zero flaws.
    Images are some of the best I've seen, on par with the professional ones who'd usually find in more mainstream galleries.
    Solid start to a solid VN. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent start! This is a pretty neato espionage story so far with a lore that's heavily influenced by Dune. There's a cyberpunk element to it too. Since it's only the beginning, there's no real way to tell how things will currently develop. The models for all the characters are beautiful, and environment have character.

    I hope this games continues to impress!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A very strong debut of a game that provides a fresh new premise and a break from all the cliches we've become accustomed to on the site

    There are quite a few space themed VNs around these parts as well as a few sci-fi societies and this VN blends the best of both worlds without it making it seem like something we've already seen before. There's no overly horny/douchey character that promises to annoy us in the future. However, we are given a "tip-of-the-iceberg" look at their personalities with a hint of caution which promises to reveal strong character depth as the story develops. The choices we are given look like they will factor into how the story will progress so that's always a plus

    Renders speak for themselves and are well above average. A few newer faces which is saying a bit given how many models are recycled.

    EDIT: Playing the rest of the content, it has not disappointed. The dev clearly has a very firm grasp on the plot development and knows what he's doing to the highest degree . Wish I could give this game 8 stars! :D

    Other than that, really pleased and pleasantly surprised by this intro that actually had quite a bit of content for an initial release. Looking forward to what the future brings!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Color of My Sound [v1.A.3]
    (Played in Windows and Android - My review might change in later releases)

    Storyline/ Ambientation: What would happen if I mixed cyberpunk and sci-fi? Blade Runner and Star Wars? Star Trek and Dune maybe? If I had a protagonist who looks a little like Luke Skywalker and many beautiful female characters that would make Jabba the Hutt lick his big, froggy lips?
    This VN has all that without falling into the usual cliches.
    There's an interesting story and many interesting characters too.

    Graphics: These are some top quality renders and although there's no animation, there's a huge quantity of them to follow the story and the sex scene, frame by frame. For a comic book fan like me, I think animation is overrated and can be off putting!

    Sex Content: One good sex scene! I couldn't ask for more in a first release VN. Someone once said, you can have a fap game or a good story. Not both. This one's sure belongs to the latter category. It's not a fap game (so far at least). It's a rich sci-fi adventure with sex scenes!

    Music and sound: I guess ambient music in Spotify will do for now. Music and sound is very important but for now I'll let this slide ;)

    Gameplay: There's a reasonable number of choices that affect the storyline. As we know, ramification in VN storylines is simple at first but it might become complicated in later chapters. The GUI is incredible. Kudos!

    Conclusion: In my honest and sincere opinion, this dev deserves some support! For a rookie this is a great VN par or even better to some veteran's work! I was really impressed!
    Total score 4.5/5 (For lack of music and sound). Keep up the good work!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential here, renders look good with quality character models, no engrish detected, nothing about the mc irritated me, like the other reviewer said there are a lot of different things being introduced such as factions and terms with a pretty good amount of length of play for the first release and the story takes itself seriously. No animations for sex scenes.