It's a common pattern:
- dev has an idea and spends 100s of hours developing it into a game, releases it here publicly for feedback and to generate interest
- gradually more users choose to support the dev on patreon. patreon is explicitly not a "pay x$ for product", it's an ongoing commitment to support the artist's efforts. supporters can stop at any time. there are only "social contract expectations" that the developer will continue to deliver value to the supporter.
- once a certain level of momentum has been established, the dev choose to stop directly releasing latest updates to the public, to provide some more "exclusivity" value to the supporters.
- some devs continue to maintain a presence on this site that is dedicated to sharing such games, including by piracy, as this participation allows the dev to get feedback and potentially encourage more supporters to join.
- currently there are at least 116 people (114 patrons, GT, and me

) who have access to the release of Chapter 2 part A. and so far, none of them have chosen to leak this release (i.e. be a hero)
tl;dr if you want the game, pay the money. if, after paying the money, you think others should get it for free, then choose to be the hero. otherwise shut your cakehole and quit ya whinging.