The game is intriguing in the sense that you don't really know or trust any of the characters so keeping them at arm's length is better, hell even the mc himself is a mystery.
So far i see Lana as the most likeable Li, she is the badass 'ice queen' while also being cute with her crush on the Mc and fun interaction with Blanche.
Blanche is fun tech gurl who isn't to throw some truth in your face. Her unfiltered teasing and back and forth with Miriis good.
Elise is a cute girl next door duh
Miri is the most obvious red herring you will see, she is shown as the spy that is possibly working against you, shouldn't be trusted and also her blatant seduction act.
Safiya.... i just don't like her

same goes for her lackey Aria.
Dizzy is portrayed as a rebel agent and girls immediately throwing themselves as the mc are meh.