RPGM - Coming of Age [v3.2] [Crazybat]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Good corruption game but extremely slow

    I'ma be real, I've tried to play this game at least 10 times, and I've never had the patience to go further enough into the game to see the corruption shine, the gameplay is walking simulator sandbox with events that vary depending on corruption, the problem, its SLOW, VERY SLOW, there's a great game under the slow pacing, and Its probably more enjoyable with cheats, but I feel like cheating would ruin the game and also probably break it.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is.... okay. I don't think it's as amazing as some people make it out to be, but it's not completely bad either. It just depends on how much you're willing to grind.

    And that's where I draw my personal line. This game doesn't respect your time. You have to grind and repeat scenes over and over just to progress in tiny, small increments.

    Also the writing is just not good. There's a lot of line repeating and the characters go into super specific weird details. The English is also kinda broken, so it takes away from the immersion. My favorite example is when you're working in a store and hand a customer a receipt. She instead says "There's your recipe!"

    I give it two stars just for the female MC alone. She's really cute and has decent body proportions that aren't too unreasonable or unrealistic.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Sorry, but after the last warning I fear that this review too is my own opinion of the game...and so I must delete what was written. I am sure the good moderators understand this....or maybe not? Who knows one says so the other .....
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has lots of really kinky and hot scenes. The developer has done a great deal of work to give us an enjoyable and memorable game, which is definitely one of my favorites. I wish you all the best and hope to see more in the future.
  5. 3.00 star(s)



    In this VN's current state I would give it 3 Stars but I think the writing and renders really deserve 4-5 stars. I try to be as fair as possible to all developers as I know what a challenge and how much time it takes to actually create a new VN.

    This story starts off slow, not ridiculously so in my opinion but some will love it and some will hate it. I fall somewhere in the middle where I really wants a fast forward button in places. Once the story gets going though it is fantastic and even surprising in place. The writer has talent and it shows as the story progresses. The characters are unique, distinctive an memorable. The writer definitely takes this VN in directions even I would not have thought to take the MC Tweak some of the slowness at the start and this would be 5 stars as is for story I give it 4 stars.

    Graphics/Renders/Art design
    Art design is a personal choice and the art is here good but not spectacular. I have NOT tried the HD texture pack however, I try to keep the experience as true to original as possible. However I like it the way it is and there are enough animated renders to keep the game interesting. I have definitely seen better but I have also seen worse. 4 Stars.

    I am NOT a RPGM hater, some games work better in RPGM then RENPY and vice versa. If you are used to a new version of RPGM this is a difficult title initially to control. It feels clunky and it is until people point out the CTRL key and Readme files (Why is the readme file in the game folder and not on the same level as the games main folder?). Once you gain that knowledge it's much easier to maneuver in this world.

    Bugs to an experienced user are fairly easy to work around but they still should not be there. You can get stuck inside a few bubbles until you use the arrow keys to free the MC and you can then use the mouse again. NPC's will disappear when talking to you (for example the park bench NPC when you walk by they will talk to you but are invisible). You will also get random runtime errors and the game will crash (I forgot to write down the error but the next time it happens I will write it down and update this), a simple restart fixes it however. 2 Stars when you first, 3 stars after you know what's going on.

    I like this game, I like this RPGM, I like the developer and that is the most annoying thing about this game is I really want to LOVE it, it is very, very GOOD! So many tiny issues hold this back from being a top VN on F95, and I think it should be. The developer doesn't even have a Patreono_O and with the amount of work here and the level of love and detail in this VN he really deserves to make some revenue for all of his work. I for one would happily donate if he decided to remaster this with an updated engine, maybe some render tweaks and definitely some early story tweaks.

    Maybe break up the story into 4 separate parts and remaster them one at a time? Create a Patreon and see what kind of response he gets?

    I see the talent here and I like this game and I really feel there is enough here to get this up to 5 stars, however as it sits hampered by this engine version I can sadly only give it 3.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the corruption pace this game have, i would like to see more "playing" between the siblings.

    The map size i feel is good for this game, there could be some more utilization on the industry map, perhaps som additional work places, idk...
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Coming of Age is a slow burn RPGM scene finder with a focus on exhibitionism and corruption.

    While RPGM is hardly my favorite thing, it's something I can deal with as long as the game is good enough. And the good enough in Coming of Age really hits some high notes. A lot of the scenes are quite good and despite the dated images, they're adequate for the job.

    But... that's basically where the good stuff ends. The gameplay involves a lot of grinding stats in order to unlock new scenes, and the grinding is just repeating the same scenes over and over again. While the first time you see each scene is great, seeing it for the nth time is just tedious as hell.

    The characters are lacking as well. While the main character kinda works out, as she has a decent amount of personality and does an adequate job shifting from innocent virgin to degenerate slut, basically all of the rest of the characters are one dimensional at best. They have roles, but little personality or even quirkiness.

    The story is basically a slice of life style corruption arc. Unfortunately, there's little in the way of connection between the various events across the city, and new milestones are unimpressive to the point of invisible.

    And that's really the death knell all told. I'll fight through a grindy RPGM slog if there's a great story, great characters, or great gameplay. Coming of Age has none of these things. Great scenes are important, but I can just grab a full save rather than waste 30+ hours of my time repeating the same scenes over and over for 80% of that time. It's rather frustrating, as it's really nice to have a game like this that isn't packed with non-con and rape.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best slow burn corruption games here. However there is a lot of RPGM jank. There's pretty much no mouse support, sometimes audio bugs out, and the controls are kinda strange... but none of that is the dev's fault. Game is updated regularly and the dev is active on the forums.

    If dev had a patreon, I would throw some money at the project.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4746371

    The game has so much potential the story is interesting but my god does the gameplay hold it back incredibly.

    I don't mind grinding in rpg games it actually keeps me more engaged in what I'm playing cause, I know the payoff will be great which is where this game fails the grinding aspect of it is incredibly stretched for no reason at all. Having to go through multiple replays of the same scenes just to get a measly 1 point in a stat is so annoying idk why the dev didn't add option to skip scenes you've already seen unless it's a new scene (Yes I know about the scene skipping item but that only skips major events for the first time and you still have to watch the whole scene play out after that).

    The ratio of ff to mf content is insane which makes me think this was the dev just showing off their preference in porn I only got mf content after 4hrs of playing and ff content in like 40 mins which kept on recurring as I played on, I enjoy ff content as much as the nxt person but damn it got to a point where I literally started choosing no whenever I had to do something with a girl. By the time I had my 2nd sex scene with a guy it did not feel rewarding that was like 7hrs in and I only it got cause I used cheats to lower my shame and other stats a porn game should not require me to cheat just so that I can see a scene.

    This game would be perfect if the dev just cuts out useless scene replays and adds a proper skip function and actually increase the stat rewards depending on the event instead of it just being 1 stat increase and adding minor mf events in the beginning to balance out the ff content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked it, slow depravity, interesting evens. A beautiful heroine model. Corruption through exhibitionism. It was interesting to play. could add underground harassment, more outfits, bdsm games. Thanks for the game
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I rate this game 4*/5 Stars

    The good: The creator is very talented with writing and creating the graphics. This is the first game I've played that really sold the slow burn of the exhibitionism fetish. The corruption is great and seeing May slowly start doing more and more perverse things really hits the spot. If the author had a patreon, I would support it.

    The bad: The grind and the gameplay itself are bad. This game has one of the worst sins of an RPGmaker game. It confuses the ability for characters to travel around a map with needing the characters to travel around the map. We can tell the author noticed this problem because they put a teleport outside your house that directly takes you to college and completes the class. This does not compensate for every other bit of insane walking grind. Get a job at a photoshoot, great! Now I have to walk to the dressing room, click a button to get dressed, then walk back to the photshoot and hit another button to start? Dude, just have the scene start. No reason for all the extra walking. Same with the library job. Why the fuck am I running everywhere just to advance the plot?

    Also the way progression is achieved in game is through scenes slowly being dribbled out. So you do a job get a scene, don't have the confidence, shame, or exhibition levels to continue, so the scene ends. This means the player is constantly replaying old scenes over and over again just to get a miniscule +1 on a stat to then repeat the whole thing the next day.

    Here is the problem: in RPGmaker, you hold down the "CTRL" key to quickly advance the text and scene. You need this to get to the new parts of the scene in a timely manner. The problem is that you can skip past the new details and unlike Ren'Py, there is no way to scroll back to look at previous text. So the scene progression system is designed in such a way so that players will almost always miss some of the new content. The biggest, almost unimaginable problem is that holding down the "CTRL" key to speed through the text randomly crashes the game. That's right. The game routinely kills itself and ruins your progress. This is a known bug and nothing is done about it except to save often. Horrid. Absolutely horrid for a game that requires endlessly repeating scenes.

    Bottom line, if you enjoy the fetishes of exhibitionism, slutification, and corruption, this game will be one of the best you've played on the site. If not, the game play alone will drive you insane. So much time is spent walking places and replaying scenes. The game crashed over 10 times on me. So much time wasted that it bums me out.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I would say its a 2.5, but there is quite a lot of content, if you nuderstand "content" as events or things going on, not taking into consideration if those are bad of if there is a point in them, or logic.

    I ahve been playing for 11 hours, so I will rate those 11 hours tryinng to be objective, dont want to misrepresent facts and have my review deleted wink wink)

    Problems, and also facts:
    The visuals are dated, this HS or the after editing, dont know the real culprit, but it looks old and dirty, overly saturated.
    Many girls have also an "uninspired" design.
    THE GRIND OMG. The grind becomes unsufferable, bot because its too much, but because of how the events are designed and how the logic of the stats affects some events.

    There are some events affected by the stats, but other events, even if they unlock after grinding for hours, they start at ground level, as if you started playing the game. This is a fact. For instance Gina exhibitionism training starts quite late in the game, but it starts showing lingerie to some random, which is less than what the female MC shows in the early game with the schoolgirl uniform.
    This is an example there are a lot more. A lot of event chains, have some content and reach a point where they start getting interesting, and in that moment they end, and anotehr event starts from ground 0. This happens pretty much with every job. Its a fact.
    For the many first hours there are alot of "events" where a camera is involved, or a telescope, or any spy device. as an example the telescope in the balcony, which offers 2 renders from the mc perspective and then offers 5 or 5 fro the peeing Tom perspective.
    I call it repetitive, and i personaly get easily tired with all the seizure inducing camera flashes.

    There is a lot of lesbian, but for the first 11 hours, besides the mc being masturbated and a couple of "n-jobs" there is nothing heterosexual going on that goes anywhere, and for sure the MC is not proactive, she is absoletely reactive.
    Another BIG PROBLEM is that the female mc has 0 agency, ZERO. She does nothing on her own, she doesn't have ideas, she doesnt take action. For instance she is left horny and unfinished, and ionstead of telling the other person "dont stop" or being proactive and do something about it (I dont think its hard to convince a male that is already fingering you) she just keeps her frustration in her thoughts.
    Another issue that is related to this, tehre is a lot of inner thoughts, and I know this is just a mechanism to prevetn the plot from moving forward cause if she speaks her mind, logic tells problems would be solved and events would be longer and the game shorter (you know the math)

    The sex scenes are very vanilla, you see what you usually see in every other average game, its evident that what feeds the scene "strength" is the situations and not the actual scenes, but if you played other games you have probably seen the best already (I will not give names) and this one is quite far in quality.

    I wont tell more, the game is "old" so, TLRD-ish:
    MC lacks agency and is 95% reactive, she does what the plot ,and the circumstances surrounding her, force her or allow her to do. She is also pretty stupid.

    Dated graphics, and for the most part underwhelming "sex scenes".

    Grind is too much for the payoff it offers, considering what I told above.

    Over used until extenuation of the peeping perv/photographer/spy using webcam/security cam/mobile phone or any other recording device to watch or record the MC

    Broken script logic that allows you to show panties after 1 hour of gameplay and makes you grind one event 7 hous later to a level that is below or equal to that.

    In the good side of things, the game has enough hours of gameplay if you have time eventualyl you will find lewd (I guess???)
    In the good side MC is attractive enough for a dated honeyselect.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the amount of story in the game, the different ideas. The graphic is ok even when I'm not really a fan of Honey Select graphics.

    What reduces the fun is
    - the spelling and grammar. You notice that there was no try to proofread the text. Their, they're and there mismatches, things like "principle" instead of "principal", "thinning" instead of "thinking" etc. and the most obvious are functional characters like [<>001] in the text.
    - the grind. Some goals are drawn-out
    - the controls. Some are unlogical (choose an item to speak with someone and not to choose the person) and other just annoying like entering a building. choose a target to go to and you're again in front of the building. One time I had the MC permanently jump in and out of the building by itself. There is a mouse control in the game, but it's lacking. You can't use the mouse in some situations.
    - the logic. Dialog and reactions doesn't fit with the way you play the game. Like "It was the first time" and you already did it dozens of times. Markers you can see in places, for example in the park when working for Garret on the bench for exposing yourself, but not being able to use (Not the only place/time) because you wear the wrong type of clothes. If I can't use it don't show it.
    - the quests or better the questslist. Kind of uncomplete. For example there are stages in quests but you don't see them, like the quest working as a lifeguard. The second stage of that quest is a prerequisite for a quest in the beachbar, but you don't see it. Not even when you get the message ingame that you have to finish the second stage of the lifeguard quest and you're not working as a lifeguard anymore because you get no benefits like confidence from that task.
    - the time of the day. You can look in status what time of the day it is, but some events are only available at specific times and a clock on the screen or status would be helpful.
    - the color of the face of the characters. I'm sorry but many chars look like they got rosacea or they are hopeless drunk. That kind of red face is not fitting and I don't get it why they have a red face. I get it that some people get a red face in certain situations, but not permanently and even then after a time the situations get normal and are no cause for getting a red face anymore. It's the new normal.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The Good
    - The Story and the events are well managed and fun(a bid grindy, but what do you expect from RPGM? An actual Visual Novel?XD)
    - The graphic is decent and enjoyable

    The Meh
    - The game needs proofreading or a languagetool(check Grammarly or write the dialogues on Google Docs)

    The Bad
    - While RPGM doesn't bother me, it bothers me its version of it. Personally i know 2 versions of RPGM: The one that doesn't allow you to use the mouse to move around(and only allows you to enlarge the window by either pressing F4 or F5 or F6, but still can't enlarge more than a little, unless using a resize-window program, but it's not included with RPGmaker so...it doesn't count), and the one that does(and allows you to enlarge the screen without pressing F4/F5/F6 by simply clicking on the "enlarge window" next to the button to close the program). The version used for this game is the middle ground between the two "versions" i just mentioned, and has the flaws of both of them combined. That really ruins the game for me.

    The Conclusion
    - The Math applied here is: 5 stars - 1 star for the poor grammar - 1 star for the bugs - 1 star for the lack of a decent version of RPGM = 2 stars(Because again: the plot and the graphics are decent enough to be somewhat enjoyable)
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Living In A Lewd World

    I enjoy this lighthearted story about the slow, but steady corruption of a young woman very much. I guess, this is, because it touches my two biggest kinks, which are exhibitionism and group sex (which will surely still escalate) without using harassment and rape as plot devices. This is packed in a believable plot line, that is coherent and thus immersive.

    As you have a quest book, it is in most cases clear how to progress to maximum corruption. So don't lose yourself in this big world without clue what to do. But the greatest feature of the game is definitely the replay-gallery, where you can see all stations of corruption without playing the game from the beginning, which is very time consuming.

    The only problem, I have with the game is the grind. You have to repeat many scenes to get some stats low or high enough to progress in the game. But as there is a cheat tool for the shame-stat and you can basically start with the begin of the newest version by using given saves by the dev, this is generally no problem. I would additionally like to have the possibility to go back and forth in scenes, to reread some lines, I might have skipped. But that is due to the device, that doesn't offer this possibility and doesn't overall lower the joy very much, this game grants me.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is really down my alley: corrupting a school girl into showing herself to anyone else. The overall game play is okay but there are some big drawbacks that are very annoying.

    - Theme. Love it. This is really for the ones that are into public naughtiness
    - Realistic development. It does take her time and effort to grow into a public exposure slut.
    - There are some MF H scenes
    - There is a great bunch of helper girls that will show the main character how much fun she can have.
    - Good use of RPGM and maps. There are hidden spots that are used well and make this a game for RPGM

    So why am I frustrated with this game?
    - Engine. RPGM is just horrible. This is even the ancient version without mouse control. So everytime you have to move around, try not to hit the lamppost (yes, to top part) or look out for a car (you will survive though, as the game physics are so terrible). (mouse control is implemented in v2, works okay).
    - Proofreading. What proofreading? Why not ask someone to spellcheck the sentences before you even program them?
    - Her red cheeks look like tomatoes.They are omnipresent, why not limit them to the moments she is still supposed to be embarrassed with her actions?
    - MF sex. Why so very few scenes? This is turning into a lesbian trainer.
    - Very limited quest guide, and unclear. Some are finished, I think, and still open while others are just nowhere to be found. It gets very confusing what to do to progress at times.
    - The continuous crashes. Every few play days you get a render error (WIn10, 64) which will crash the engine. Save every day... or you are screwed!

    Overall conclusion. You hit my fetish, but that is kindof the only reason I give this game 3 stars.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    Art - Okayish but the models are quite jagged (lack of anti-aliasing?)
    Gameplay - Way too much grinding on non-skippable repeating events even with event skip enabled (either a bug or most repeatable events simply cannot be skipped). At least the movement speed is faster than your average RPGM game, but that's not saying much..
    Conclusion: Another time wasting, grindy RPGM that should have been Ren'Py.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a game with high potential but tuned down by the childish development of the plot and situations.

    As you play the game you have to start performing repetitive tasks and just a few of them are going to contribute to the development of the stats. This gets tiresome with time, forcing the player to repeat and repeat taking away the fun.

    Animations are clunky but this is acceptable.

    The model is good but those red cheeks on the MC is kind of annoying and a turn off aspect.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games with exhibitionism/public nudity content.

    Renders look slightly outdated now, but I'm OK with it. Sometimes the game crashes at random places and there's no autosave, so be sure to save your progress often.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    There is a good game in here - reminiscent of some of the greatest RPGM games but so much of the game design is just plain lazy. There is no tightness to the design and so much wasted time.

    The majority of the scenes are just start an activity - repeat it, show you bra - repeat it, show your pants - repeat it, show all your under wear - repeat it, flash boobs - repeat it, flash vagina - repeat it, show everything. The majority of CG you'll see throughout each repeat are the ones you've seen before.

    It just feel like the dev is trying to make the game last a lot longer then it needs to.

    I've completed all the content by week 11. Each day is structured into 4 parts morning - afternoon - evening - night

    There are hardly any scenes that happen at night, so for the vast majority of 1/4 of the game you'll have nothing to do.

    4 days a week you'll have to waste the day going to class. 3 days will be lessons and 1 day PE. the 3 lessons are just wasted, you can choose to pay attention or flash your pants. That is it - 11 weeks * 3 days = 33 times I've had to go to class and see 1 of 2 scenes... repeat after repeat after repeat. PE is very similar too, there is more variation with a few scenes after PE but the actual PE lesson is exactly the same every week.

    There has been no craft applied to this game