Nael already found Gab, this was the reveal of the end of the chapter.
Nael's perception is not bad, its only like that because she actively choses to not perceive all this stuff because it annoys her.
As soon as she focused her senses "for the tiniest of moments" she was able to immediatly find him and knew everything about what happened to him/where he is. She is 100% on her way to gabriel and nothing is gonna be able to stop her.
Gab is aware of this too as he stated towards his torturer:
Imo youre HEAVILY understimating Nael's abilitys, she doesnt "need" anybodys help, there are entire unvierses of powerlevels between her and her abilitys and our MC.
And she never really needed the MC's help either so far, everything was orchestrated by her (and gab) from the very beginning when it comes to Noel/MC including the MC and Noel bonding in the first place and Noel becoming feral.
Sam never had the power to force Nael to stay there, he only thought that, she did it by her own reason and decision.
The thing about Nael is that she lacks pride/views it as unecessary/dumb and therefore doesnt like to brag or showcase her powers, shes just very matter of factly.
Imo Noel and MC are guided/trained to be the successors of Nael/Gabriel about being the protecors of NA in this angelic hierachy or whatever it is because Nael was aware that her time on earth will be limited due to her powers. She raised Noel to give the torch to her.
And Nael never was cold at least since she met gabriel, shes just faking it at times because shes the one who has to make the hard decisions in the end (like dark ones being infertile, her own race). And she doesnt really like to show affection lol
But of course she likes the MC, he's the father of her grandbaby after all now and is just by that means already important to her.
I dont get them becoming this much closer or Nael becoming a LI (as you seem to imply), there is no Nael moves on from Gabriel after he died in this story.
Sometimes I wonder if people are playing different games than me. I thought the fact all of this was orchestrated for the MC was fairly obvious, especially when they literally have a conversation about how weird the events in the alley were and how Nael could have just grabbed Noel at any time and chose not to.
Sometimes I wonder if people are playing different games than me. I thought the fact all of this was orchestrated for the MC was fairly obvious, especially when they literally have a conversation about how weird the events in the alley were and how Nael could have just grabbed Noel at any time and chose not to.
Yeah tbf in avns where i find the story less interesting i dont always notice every detail either, its always a bit about how involved you are in the story.
It was already kinda obvious waaaay sooner when the mc's backpack suddenly was in the appartment next to his bed which he left in the alley where he bonded with Noel, Gab always took care of his little bro.
Nael literally creates the unvierse were playing in when we start chapter 10, should be a obvious nod to her powerlevel
Nael already found Gab, this was the reveal of the end of the chapter.
Nael's perception is not bad, its only like that because she actively choses to not perceive all this stuff because it annoys her.
As soon as she focused her senses "for the tiniest of moments" she was able to immediatly find him and knew everything about what happened to him/where he is. She is 100% on her way to gabriel and nothing is gonna be able to stop her.
Gab is aware of this too as he stated towards his torturer:
Imo youre HEAVILY understimating Nael's abilitys, she doesnt "need" anybodys help, there are entire unvierses of powerlevels between her and her abilitys and our MC.
And she never really needed the MC's help either so far, everything was orchestrated by her (and gab) from the very beginning when it comes to Noel/MC including the MC and Noel bonding in the first place and Noel becoming feral.
Sam never had the power to force Nael to stay there, he only thought that, she did it by her own reason and decision.
The thing about Nael is that she lacks pride/views it as unecessary/dumb and therefore doesnt like to brag or showcase her powers, shes just very matter of factly.
Imo Noel and MC are guided/trained to be the successors of Nael/Gabriel about being the protecors of NA in this angelic hierachy or whatever it is because Nael was aware that her time on earth will be limited due to her powers. She raised Noel to give the torch to her.
And Nael never was cold at least since she met gabriel, shes just faking it at times because shes the one who has to make the hard decisions in the end (like dark ones being infertile, her own race). And she doesnt really like to show affection lol
But of course she likes the MC, he's the father of her grandbaby after all now and is just by that means already important to her.
I dont get them becoming this much closer or Nael becoming a LI (as you seem to imply), there is no Nael moves on from Gabriel after he died in this story.
If Naels preception isn't as bad as it has been described to be, then I compleetley agree with you that she will save Gabe without even the slightest issue. I am not underestimating her capibilities because I know she is able to destroy and remake the universe at will. I'm just not sure about her preception abilities which is why I said it was debaitable if her preception is actually bad or not. Through the entireity of nine chapters and 98% of the tenth chapter her preception is described as being weak. Even Gabe himself describes her as being blind as a bat when he saves Claire from Unis. Then at the end of this chapter we see her use her preception for the first time and are led to believe that she may not be as blind as Gabe indicated. What we do know for sure is that she knows what kind of room Gabe is in and that he is in trouble. It said that the soundwaves through the phone speaker told Nael everything she needed to know. However, the only thing she truly needed to know was that he is in trouble. That for her is enough to act regardless of if she knows his exact location or not. As for Gabe and his captors, he obviously knows retribution is on it's way. What form that retribution will take is just dependent on her true preception ability. If Nael's preception is god tier then she will likely dish out instant karma. If her preception is indeed poor then there is at least the possibility of an MC/Nael team up ending in some brotherly vengence.
As for Nael and the MC, I have to disagree with you. She told the MC point blank that she hated his guts because he was "the only one who diverted the attention of my loved ones away from me". I agree that she has come to like the MC because like Gabe said, she realizes she can be difficult to be around and she appreciates people who want to spend time with her anyway. As for a LI possibility....... I'm not sure. The reason I believe Gabe has to die and Nael is going to have to make peace with it is because as far as we know, she cant prevent his death through regeneration and she cant turn his soul into a dark one since he is male. That means either it happens in a month from torture or in sixty years due to old age but either way Nael is going to be seperated from Gabe. Is Nael just going to destroy the universe when Gabe dies of old age too? If so, what was the whole point of the story? Of course, maybe Nael can actually make Gabe immortal but I'm very skeptical of that. The reason i'm skeptical is because when Nael, Gabe, and Sam were discussing Gabe dying, it said that Nael looked sad. If she were actually able to perminately postpone Gabes death, there would be no reason to be sad.
If Naels preception isn't as bad as it has been described to be, then I compleetley agree with you that she will save Gabe without even the slightest issue. I am not underestimating her capibilities because I know she is able to destroy and remake the universe at will. I'm just not sure about her preception abilities which is why I said it was debaitable if her preception is actually bad or not. Through the entireity of nine chapters and 98% of the tenth chapter her preception is described as being weak. Even Gabe himself describes her as being blind as a bat when he saves Claire from Unis. Then at the end of this chapter we see her use her preception for the first time and are led to believe that she may not be as blind as Gabe indicated. What we do know for sure is that she knows what kind of room Gabe is in and that he is in trouble. It said that the soundwaves through the phone speaker told Nael everything she needed to know. However, the only thing she truly needed to know was that he is in trouble. That for her is enough to act regardless of if she knows his exact location or not. As for Gabe and his captors, he obviously knows retribution is on it's way. What form that retribution will take is just dependent on her true preception ability. If Nael's preception is god tier then she will likely dish out instant karma. If her preception is indeed poor then there is at least the possibility of an MC/Nael team up ending in some brotherly vengence.
She literally decided to focus for the shortest of moments unable to comprehend for anyone but her and immediatly knew everything about gabriels whereabouts including who is torturing him and even how they are clothed. Not Ciarara or any other existing dark one would be able to do that.
Her being called blind by Gab is a "running gag" between them but gab is aware of her being like that because she chose to be like that. Just imagine being nearly omniscient, it has to be annoying/overwhelming esp if youre immortal and is even reasonable that she restricts herself like that.
She created ALL the dark ones, shes the origin, all the dark ones powers are just a spectrum of her powers (this is speculation of me) including high perception dark ones like our cutie ciarara or entirely good-hearted ones like Noel, its all a part of Nael and her being, shes just so much more than everyone else.
The only one restricting Nael's powers is Nael herself.
Sam knew where she was going (to gab) and thats why he tried to stop her because she isnt supposed to intervene anymore.
NEVER EVER will Nael need the MC's or Ciarara's help to find Gabriel, the only thing i could maaaaaaybe imagine is that she needs amy to recover gab as she may have given up that part of her powers while "creating" amy.
Theres not a single ability or strenght in which any dark one outgrew Nael other maybe Noel in kindness but even that is questionable seeing the sacrifices Nael makes and endures.
As for Nael and the MC, I have to disagree with you. She told the MC point blank that she hated his guts because he was "the only one who diverted the attention of my loved ones away from me". I agree that she has come to like the MC because like Gabe said, she realizes she can be difficult to be around and she appreciates people who want to spend time with her anyway. As for a LI possibility....... I'm not sure. The reason I believe Gabe has to die and Nael is going to have to make peace with it is because as far as we know, she cant prevent his death through regeneration and she cant turn his soul into a dark one since he is male. That means either it happens in a month from torture or in sixty years due to old age but either way Nael is going to be seperated from Gabe. Is Nael just going to destroy the universe when Gabe dies of old age too? If so, what was the whole point of the story? Of course, maybe Nael can actually make Gabe immortal but I'm very skeptical of that. The reason i'm skeptical is because when Nael, Gabe, and Sam were discussing Gabe dying, it said that Nael looked sad. If she were actually able to perminately postpone Gabes death, there would be no reason to be sad.
Nael never disliked the MC, it was all a play, mc was tested and accepted. She triggered reactions out of the MC but do you really think Nael out of all beings is so simple minded to think something like "the only one who diverted the attention of my loved ones away from me". Nah bro, she did set this up herself, she just doesnt want our MC to be aware of it.
At worst she was indifferent about our MC in the beginning and simply didnt cared about his existance at all.
If Nael really hates someone or even dislikes someone, he will simply stop existing lol or in case of hate we will see what will happen to the tortur guy. As long as Gab doesnt die, Nael should be able to heal him, its only definitive when he dies as stated by Sam (which was the amy scenario).
But even that doesnt have to be true, it was just Sam who stated this and he thought Nael is powerwise way inferior to him while its the opposite (but i still think she cant revive males).
She is just quickly annoyed lmao, look how she talks about arsa and she still likes her
Nael's motivations are just hard to grasp because she conceals them even Noel struggles to comprehend it and there are probably few who know her as good.
About Gabriel: we dont really know, would he age if he for example stayed in Nael's realm forever now and "sacrifices" his life on earth?
She literally decided to focus for the shortest of moments unable to comprehend for anyone but her and immediatly knew everything about gabriels whereabouts including who is torturing him and even how they are clothed. Not Ciarara or any other existing dark one would be able to do that.
Her being called blind by Gab is a "running gag" between them but gab is aware of her being like that because she chose to be like that. Just imagine being nearly omniscient, it has to be annoying/overwhelming esp if youre immortal and is even reasonable that she restricts herself like that.
She created ALL the dark ones, shes the origin, all the dark ones powers are just a spectrum of her powers (this is speculation of me) including high perception dark ones like our cutie ciarara or entirely good-hearted ones like Noel, its all a part of Nael and her being, shes just so much more than everyone else.
The only one restricting Nael's powers is Nael herself.
Sam knew where she was going (to gab) and thats why he tried to stop her because she isnt supposed to intervene anymore.
NEVER EVER will Nael need the MC's or Ciarara's help to find Gabriel, the only thing i could maaaaaaybe imagine is that she needs amy to recover gab as she may have given up that part of her powers while "creating" amy.
Theres not a single ability or strenght in which any dark one outgrew Nael other maybe Noel in kindness but even that is questionable seeing the sacrifices Nael makes and endures.
Nael never disliked the MC, it was all a play, mc was tested and accepted. She triggered reactions out of the MC but do you really think Nael out of all beings is so simple minded to think something like "the only one who diverted the attention of my loved ones away from me". Nah bro, she did set this up herself, she just doesnt want our MC to be aware of it.
At worst she was indifferent about our MC in the beginning and simply didnt cared about his existance at all.
If Nael really hates someone or even dislikes someone, he will simply stop existing lol or in case of hate we will see what will happen to the tortur guy. As long as Gab doesnt die, Nael should be able to heal him, its only definitive when he dies as stated by Sam (which was the amy scenario).
But even that doesnt have to be true, it was just Sam who stated this and he thought Nael is powerwise way inferior to him while its the opposite (but i still think she cant revive males).
She is just quickly annoyed lmao, look how she talks about arsa and she still likes her
Nael's motivations are just hard to grasp because she conceals them even Noel struggles to comprehend it and there are probably few who know her as good.
About Gabriel: we dont really know, would he age if he for example stayed in Nael's realm forever now and "sacrifices" his life on earth?
I suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens. I believe it could go either way but im partial to the MC/Nael team up to find Gabe because I'd really enjoy being involved in the cosmic level beat down coming for a minimum of two Legion members. Let me ask you this, why do you think Sam tried to stop Nael from interfering? I have thought the fact that Sam is bothering to try to stop Nael at all lends weight to the theory that she doesn't know where Gabe is. Sam has already admitted that Nael is more powerful than himself, if all Nael was going to do is go directly to Gabe, deliever some much needed enlightenment to the Legion, and then return to her domain, why would he even bother stopping her? There is no way that direct trip could endanger earth and he couldn't stop her anyway. The only reason I see for Sam to bother getting involved at all is because if she just knows Gabe is in trouble but not where to find him, she would tear apart existance itself trying to find him.
As an edit, I'd also say that I hope that Nael actually started out disliking everyone outsice her immediate circle and learned to tolorate and maybe even appreciate others more. I think it adds dimension to her charactor and shows great character development.
I suppose we will just have to wait and see what happens. I believe it could go either way but im partial to the MC/Nael team up to find Gabe because I'd really enjoy being involved in the cosmic level beat down coming for a minimum of two Legion members. Let me ask you this, why do you think Sam tried to stop Nael from interfering? I have thought the fact that Sam is bothering to try to stop Nael at all lends weight to the theory that she doesn't know where Gabe is. Sam has already admitted that Nael is more powerful than himself, if all Nael was going to do is go directly to Gabe, deliever some much needed enlightenment to the Legion, and then return to her domain, why would he even bother stopping her? There is no way that direct trip could endanger earth and he couldn't stop her anyway. The only reason I see for Sam to bother getting involved at all is because if she just knows Gabe is in trouble but not where to find him, she would tear apart existance itself trying to find him.
I WOULD LOOOOOVVVEEEE to be involved in fucking these legion bastard (the one specifically) up in all possible gruesome ways, its really rare that im THIS disgusted by a avn villain (and he isnt even important/strong enough to be a villain which makes it even worse) and wanted to see him suffer.
But sadly im 100% convinced it wont happen this time, this is Nael's turn, this is the one thing which is TRUELY important to her if we dont consider Noel, everything else is just the same repetitive eternal existance. But we will get opportunitys like that for our MC along the way too i imagine.
About Sams reasons:
There seems to be some cosmic/godly/whatever "rulebook", if you attain a certain amount of power youre supposed to go to "the next plane of existance" as youre just too powerful for our universe. The pure existance is a way to grave danger.
And Nael is long above that point and just concealed her true strenght from everyone including Sam and whoever other gods/beings are involved.
And while Nael is able to restrict herself and her power enough and disciplined at that - Sam is aware of Nael's love for gabriel being the one reason which could make Nael break and destroy the universe (i think hes some kind of gardener for the universes, his role is to overlook the rules which Nael is in favor of - in general - but not in this situation lol.
He knows that if Nael goes there and finds gabriel dead, the universe is gone. While nothing happens to any universe if she rages about his death in her place.
Sam is not as aware and perceptive as Nael (can be), hes not certain how and when Nael will find gab and in which condition exactly, it could be too late and than boom. If she never returns to our universe, it would be forever safe (from her power), otherwise not, thats kinda simple.
The end of the chapter proved that sam is not able to assess Nael's strenght AT ALL. He was already surprised about Naels power when they did met at the cafe the first time and he was still 100% convinced he could forbid her from going back.
While in reality Nael didnt even needed to move to entirely deactivate him.
Nael is one a entirely other level than anything or anyone else we saw in this story so far. The MC is EXTRAORDINARY when we compete him with every single other companion but he still not even the smallest fly compared to Nael.
I WOULD LOOOOOVVVEEEE to be involved in fucking these legion bastard (the one specifically) up in all possible gruesome ways, its really rare that im THIS disgusted by a avn villain (and he isnt even important/strong enough to be a villain which makes it even worse) and wanted to see him suffer.
But sadly im 100% convinced it wont happen this time, this is Nael's turn, this is the one thing which is TRUELY important to her if we dont consider Noel, everything else is just the same repetitive eternal existance. But we will get opportunitys like that for our MC along the way too i imagine.
About Sams reasons:
There seems to be some cosmic/godly/whatever "rulebook", if you attain a certain amount of power youre supposed to go to "the next plane of existance" as youre just too powerful for our universe. The pure existance is a way to grave danger.
And Nael is long above that point and just concealed her true strenght from everyone including Sam and whoever other gods/beings are involved.
And while Nael is able to restrict herself and her power enough and disciplined at that - Sam is aware of Nael's love for gabriel being the one reason which could make Nael break and destroy the universe (i think hes some kind of gardener for the universes, his role is to overlook the rules which Nael is in favor of - in general - but not in this situation lol.
He knows that if Nael goes there and finds gabriel dead, the universe is gone. While nothing happens to any universe if she rages about his death in her place.
Sam is not as aware and perceptive as Nael (can be), hes not certain how and when Nael will find gab and in which condition exactly, it could be too late and than boom. If she never returns to our universe, it would be forever safe (from her power), otherwise not, thats kinda simple.
The end of the chapter proved that sam is not able to assess Nael's strenght AT ALL. He was already surprised about Naels power when they did met at the cafe the first time and he was still 100% convinced he could forbid her from going back.
While in reality Nael didnt even needed to move to entirely deactivate him.
Nael is one a entirely other level than anything or anyone else we saw in this story so far. The MC is EXTRAORDINARY when we compete him with every single other companion but he still not even the smallest fly compared to Nael.
We will find out for certain in the next few chapters whether or not the goddess bleeds. Either way, It's certain to be a wild ride lol. I'm glad I got your perspective on this though. It's funny how we can read the same novel and have such differing oppinions on what is going on currently. That's an indication it's a good novel I suppose.
Does anyone know what music tracks are used in the game?
Especially the one used during the first scene with Clara when we see her masturbating in her room thanks to Noel's powers. Berkili4 by chance, do you have a YT or spotify playlist or something like that ?
Another question, did you plan a devil path?
I mean, MC was sucked into this shit without having a say in it, it's enough to go really mad / batshit crazy, especially knowing his past.
For example the part where something happens to Amy, MC really becomes filled with hatred, revenge, nastiness and even cruelty.
Maybe I'm the only one, but I would really like to see a path where MC becomes more and more like that.
Anyway, I really like your story as it is now.
I wanted to subscribe on SS but you activated vacation mode, as soon as it's possible you will have my support on SS.
i have a save at end of season 1, and season 2 chapter 1 wont let me start new game, or load my season 1 save. nael just says i need to play first season. anyone mind helping please
i have a save at end of season 1, and season 2 chapter 1 wont let me start new game, or load my season 1 save. nael just says i need to play first season. anyone mind helping please
i have a save at end of season 1, and season 2 chapter 1 wont let me start new game, or load my season 1 save. nael just says i need to play first season. anyone mind helping please
You have to play the latest Season 1 build (compressed version is sufficient), through chapter 9, until the game tells you that you have reached the end of the version. After that screen will the game create the new persistent. That file is needed to continue in chapter 10.
why save from CH1 not work? I save when i was in plane to Shit US Botherassfuck but Error and error and so one???? So Bye bye i do not want to play it more at this point....