When the train is stopping in the beggining of game u can hear some voices and these voices are Polish and from city Cracow or the city near Cracow where I am living.
Really? That's awesome! There you go, then - the game takes place in Cracow. Officially confirmed!
I like the look of this a lot so far. The girls are really cute, that engine works well for the most part (except for the issue with breasts that so many 3dcg games have - if there is a way you can overcome that it would be just amazing). Mind control is something I like a lot if done well, and it looks like this may do that. One thing I wonder about is how much freedom we will have with the MC's attitude. Can we want revenge against those who have wronged us (and Morgana for being a bitch) but be nice to the girls who are nice to us?
Also, one thing that might be better is to have a few frames with the MC's hands when touching Pixie and Lily. It's a bit odd that they just stick their chests out and that's supposed to represent groping.
Specific character reactions:
I would suggest adding some indication to leads if they can be completed yet, and try to make sure anything the player might want to do is covered by one. One specifically that seems to be missing is one for Jessica reminding the player they need to progress with Emma.
I'm a bit unsure what problems you could be having, a "That's all folks" message should be a pretty simple thing to code.
Wow, that's a really in-depth review! Thanks a lot - it's super helpful for me to get detailed feedback, so I appreciate the time it must have taken to type it all out. Let me see if I can cover your questions and suggestions:
1. The "Justice" or "Revenge" choice affects the MC's baseline reactions to things (Basically affecting whether MC is more compassionate or more driven) but players will have total control over how they treat each individual NPC. So yes, you can get hardcore revenge on Morgana whilst treating Emma like a princess if you like.
2. About showing MC's hands - yeah, I kinda wavered on this one, largely because it was hard showing the hands touching the girls without it looking bizarre (there's no forced perspective option in the software I use, so I have to get imaginative). But no hands looks just as weird, so it's something I'll be working on.
1. Pixie - the slutty outfits will be added in as your relationship with Pixie grows. So who knows? A slutty schoolgirl variant outfit might yet make an appearance!
2. Lily - Oh, plenty of "manhandling" opportunities with her! At the moment I'm focused on the Control aspect of the various girls for storyline reasons, but a few people have asked for Romance options with some of the girls so it's definitely on my ToDo list.
3. Emma's tougher than she looks...
4. Yeah, I only realised after release that Jessica's "must progress with Emma" Lead was missing. Thanks for reminding me!
The problem with the "That's all Folks" message is that the game is going to have dozens of girls eventually, each with their own storylines that merge with other girls and can be completed in almost any order your choose and the complexity of the "if-then-else" statements at that point becomes ridiculous.
That being said, I hadn't considered using the Leads themselves as "No More Content" markers - and I really like that idea! Clean, simple, and doesn't require hundreds of lines of extra code. So that system will be in place from the next update on. Thanks for the idea!
I think that's everything? If I missed anything, let me know - and thanks again for the super-detailed post! Very helpful.
Here is an idea (again i only know a bit of Unity coding so not sure how it would work for you) if you add a variable that get changed at the end of each route and then when MC ask Pixie "what to do next?" you have a "If" command that cheeks have all these variables been changed then as you add more content you just move the where the variables gets changed and add more criterion to the "If" command if you add more routes.
At least what i know of programming shude work in theory. Bur again I only know unity and am only a beginner at it.
Thanks for the suggestion! I had considered that, but the girls in future updates aren't going to have singular "routes" - they'll begin to interact with other routes depending on particular variables and events so keeping track of everything they might do, and then checking all that against a "have they done it yet?" list would run into thousands of lines of code by the end of the game
Master of Puppets' post above did give me an idea, though - I'll attach a "NO MORE CONTENT" marker to Leads when you reach the end of that person's route (and add more Leads per girl) so it should be a lot less confusing for people. Hopefully that will solve 90% of the problems, and checking for missing scenes in the "Extras" menu should inform players if they still have hidden scenes to find.
Thanks for the suggestion, though - I appreciate it!