
Apr 20, 2023
This is the only game so far to get its hooks into me so well that I became a monthly supporter. With the recent 'attack' from Patreon (see link in game description for more on that) I am humbly asking anyone and everyone with a couple dollars to spare to join as a supporter on subscribe star.
Yes its a koikatsu based game but the things the dev manages to do with it are pretty impressive. Honestly I can't say enough good things about this game and given that it is ArcGames first game they have worked on, I can definitely see amazing things in their future if they can just get the support they need.
Their discord is a really chill place, lots of fun people just having a good time and the mods keep up really well on keeping the shit posters and trouble makers out. Arc himself chats with us regularly and baring any emergencies or major events which he will notify us about ahead of time, always releases updates on time.

I don't post very much on here, not because I dislike the games or content or anything like that but just because I am a rather introverted person with anxiety so putting myself out there in public forum like this is really difficult but for this game, I am willing to take that risk.

These are the kind of Devs that deserve our support. The game is still free on his site of course, being a supporter gets you access to new content earlier and a decent assortment of other bonuses. Give the game a shot, if you like it then join on up and help protect the Corrupted Kingdoms!

OK, rant over, please do consider supporting if you are able to though, the entire community around CK appreciates it.
you're joking right? the game turned into a slow down shit show when the dev changed the style twice. we get more BS updates for over a year now, and when we do get a sexy update (this is a sex game after all) it's a copy paste engine sex scenes that we can replay with the character cards.

Arc got lazy, period. anyone who's been following this game this past year knows this. I'm not a special snowflake, everyone here have the same human eyes and knows what's up.

now... as a joke I always argue that he should have added Loli options, he went with Patreon because it's a good platform to get a lot of money fast, and now he got fucked. this Dev was making good money, if he didn't slow down his updates when his game got big (which sadly happens with a lot of Devs that want to work less while making more) I would fully support him. this however is not the case, Dev wants more money? he should go to limitless freedom make any game you want sub channels which he should have done in the first place (Patreon is creativity killer, always has been) and he needs to start working on the fucking game like a job, instead of a hobby. that's when I'm gonna advice people to support him because he's a great Dev.

you wanna support a good Dev? go support TK8000... Arc doesn't deserve your money just because Patreon fucked him over. he lost our trust way before that. when Arc was poor he was pumping up updates like crazy, more often and larger content, what happened? did having too much money made the work harder? no one asked for an RPG combat addon to the game so you can't use that as an excuse as to why updates take longer. everything I've seen from Arc so far suggests that if he could, he would turn himself into that Eromancer guy (lazy updates to a game that hardly changes while earning 17k per month)


fuck Patreon, everyone on this site need to start shaming Devs for using that platform.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2019
All this talk of loli characters is something I don't see at all. To me, the difference between the actual kids and I assume short/small women should be obvious to me. The mind control narrative doesn't work with me due to it being desire surfacing rather than rewriting minds regarding the girls.

End case being the ban is more about lack of nuance than outright overzealous envelope pushing.
I think the art package used does tend to make everyone look rather young and innocent. Even the Organisation's goons look like schoolboys.


Aug 26, 2020
Honestly I think the game would benefit from a new art style because KK is pretty boring. But redoing a game this size would take forever.
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Jul 31, 2021
you're joking right? the game turned into a slow down shit show when the dev changed the style twice. we get more BS updates for over a year now, and when we do get a sexy update (this is a sex game after all) it's a copy paste engine sex scenes that we can replay with the character cards.

Arc got lazy, period.
At least someone said it. I'm not a fan of Patreon, fuck that site but I don't particularly care for Arc's current plight either.


New Member
Nov 15, 2021
you're joking right? the game turned into a slow down shit show when the dev changed the style twice. we get more BS updates for over a year now, and when we do get a sexy update (this is a sex game after all) it's a copy paste engine sex scenes that we can replay with the character cards.
No, not joking, the game didn't really slow down but some priorities got shifted based on feedback and polls that were run for subscribers.
I have yet to see a 'BS update' and I have been subbed for more than a few months at this point, coming up on a year soon in fact. All the updates that have been published have had content and or important fixes that needed to be done.
Expecting every update to be just about sex would take a way from the game and the story its telling, hentai is easy enough to find if that is all you are after but a well written story with developing characters and plot? that is a lot more difficult to come by.

Arc got lazy, period. anyone who's been following this game this past year knows this. I'm not a special snowflake, everyone here have the same human eyes and knows what's up.
Again, no Arc didn't get lazy, he has been working his ass off to keep providing new content and updating older content to remain in line with the current direction of the game.
It is still being developed and things are of course going to shift and change, that means every time there is a new update the new content has to conform with the past plot and character personalities or else things have to be altered and that, by itself is a lot of work. Simply writing the story by itself is time consuming and can be a very frustrating experience, I have tried before and failed miserably at it. Arc gets my respect because he sticks with it, works hard and produces content that the vast majority of his supporters and players appreciate.

now... as a joke I always argue that he should have added Loli options, he went with Patreon because it's a good platform to get a lot of money fast, and now he got fucked. this Dev was making good money, if he didn't slow down his updates when his game got big (which sadly happens with a lot of Devs that want to work less while making more) I would fully support him. this however is not the case, Dev wants more money? he should go to limitless sub channels which he should have done in the first place (Patreon is creativity killer, always has been) and he needs to start working on the fucking game like a job, instead of a hobby. that's when I'm gonna advice people to support him because he's a great Dev.
He is telling a story, developing new and interesting characters, providing the game free of charge to anyone who wants to play it and doesn't badger people to subscribe. Additionally he is trying to survive and and break into the game development market which isn't an easy thing to do.
He sticks pretty well to his update schedule and lets us know if there is going to be an interruption or problem in advance so I don't know where you are getting this whole part about slowing down updates and not wanting to work from.
As for wanting more money, that isn't really the case here, Patreon screwed him over and he lost a large chunk of revenue because of that. Was using Patreon a mistake in the first place? looking back its easy to say sure but at the time it was simply a matter of creating a revenue stream to help fund his development. After losing that source of funding he didn't just give up and retire or anything, he actively came to us and told us the issues. It is always easy to look back at things that didn't work out and say they were mistakes but I think he made the best decisions he could in the moment with the information he had available at that time.
Saying he needs to work on the game like a job instead of a hobby is kind of insulting and I don't think there is any need for that here. He is already working hard on it and logging more hours per day than most people do in a full time position to get things just right and to make sure his writing is up to scratch. I doubt you have tried to develop a game yourself so can you really say you understand the issues and stresses that come with such an undertaking? I know that I can't and at best I have tried to just write a coherent story, much less developing a full on game. I don't want to devolve into personal insults or anything, I do apologize if that came across as hurtful but I would appreciate it if you could try to see things from Arc's perspective.
Saying he should have done this or that really doesn't help anyone and only creates animosity, aren't we all just looking for games and content that we enjoy?
I support Arc and his game because I personally enjoy it greatly and I feel he deserves the support, if you don't feel that way that is totally fine but there is no need to go after either him or his supporters simply because you don't share that interest and their content doesn't appeal to you.
That being said, if you do have a game either finished or in the works I would be happy to give it a shot and see just how it compares to CK.

you wanna support a good Dev? go support TK8000... Arc doesn't deserve your money just because Patreon fucked him over. he lost our trust way before that.
You are right that Arc doesn't deserve our money JUST because Patreon shut his page down, he deserves our money because he is a hard working and dedicated Dev who cares about his community and his game. He deserves our money because he is making something that a lot of us enjoy and that we couldn't make on our own. Hell there are a lot of reasons he deserves our money and I am personally happy to help support him, Patreon screwing him over is just one of the reasons he deserves the support of players regardless of how much or how little they are able to offer.
Arc is a friendly person who takes the time to talk to his community even when he is hard pressed by deadlines and update schedules. He takes our opinions and thoughts into account and understands that we form attachments to his characters and the world he is creating. In my opinion, he isn't just trying to grab cash or scam anyone, he is putting in the effort and giving us a great story in a fun and unique game world.

With the number of positive reviews and comments just in this thread alone I think its fair to say that Arc is in fact a good Dev who has not 'lost our trust' but has continually earned it instead. You are free to support whoever you like of course but there is no reason to tear down others simply because they have a different taste or opinion than you have.

I hope you will reconsider and give the game a fair chance, if you have issues with the update schedule you should join the discord channel, you will be able to see how regularly updates come out and plan accordingly.

Sorry for such a long post, I did my best to keep it professional and hope you will do the same if you feel the need to respond.

Regardless of what anyone decides to do one way or the other, I feel this game is well worth fighting for and would like to see more dedicated and helpful Devs like Arc enter the gaming space.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2017
I used to be a patron of this game a while back but stopped subbing for whatever reason.
Been tempted sometimes to re pledge because I liked Act 1 and 2 but from what I hear about Act 3 I'm not super into it.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 3, 2020

You are the hero - or possibly villain - of this tale, originally on a journey to discover why your family was driven out of your home town, but quickly thrust into events beyond anything you could ever have imagined. As tensions rise between the humans and the mythical creatures that lurk just outside of sight, will you stand as a beacon of hope... or use your newfound power to bring the world under your control?

Thread Updated: 2024-02-12
Release Date: 2024-02-05
Developer: ArcGames - - -
Censored: No
Version: 0.20.9
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

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*This mod/version isn't made nor is endorsed by the dev, download and use at your own risk

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Wow, read your story about Patreon trying to force you into changing your game. Censorship of any type in the art world is an abomination in its own self. A censorship on fantasy is just stupid. Good luck with your game and fight the good fight. Not just for yourself, but for all artists and devs out there.
Now, that you are at SubscribeStar, would you consider using an I-patch or allowing someone to create one for your game?
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Apr 10, 2020
Arc has made a public post on his Subscribestar summarise the latest position:

Basically it says that the number of people taking out SS subscriptions since he was chucked off Patreon has been encouraging, so he's hoping that he won't need to go down the Steam route after all.
Oh thank god... Pretty sure a change in style would've killed the game for me.


Discussion Dynamo
Sep 3, 2022
Corrupted Kingdoms [v0.20.9] [ArcGames]


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Jan 12, 2021
Its not a gamble to move to subscribe star. It worked fine for Selebus, creator of Lessons in Love. It can work for this creator too.


Jan 4, 2024
Skimmed some comments saying the game turned to crap because the combat, didnt want to believe it. Yep the combat is just that bad, what is that a 1% chance to win any fight along with not being able to reload until you lose?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 3, 2020
True. Very true. Sel's now so loaded he's started a charity foundation on the side donating money to starving kids in Africa and planting trees to stop climate change, lol.
Why does that come off as having a ring of not being true......hummmm......


Jan 6, 2019
Just got on this game recently. The whole act 3 thing is interesting. From a game play perspective introducing a complicated strategy game mechanic (complicated in comparison to act 1 & 2) this deep into the game seems like a bizarre decision. Its basically a surprise genre change. Then of course there is the fact that as a gameplay device, the old VN style plays more into the corruption fetish. The battle thing could play into a rape thing but doesn't seem to from what little I have played of act 3. So the old gameplay style harmonized the porn and story better.

On a story level I think the game goes wrong before act 3 and act 3 is just the natural consequence of that. The author wrote a mystery-espionage narrative but doesn't seem aware of that. The conflict being the mystery of what happened to the mother, what the monster is and then espionage being the MC's relationship between the Fey, Org and Church. I say this is espionage because for most of the game the MC is established to be squishy. Even when you get powers they're not even introduced as combat powers but puzzle solving devices. Espionage is the natural vector the MC would take here.

A lot of what we learn about about the mystery component is not earned. You'd imagine a lot of the plot would revolve around the MC discovering more about the unknowns but instead most of it is simply divulged by one or two characters simply explaining however much they feel is fit at the moment. Ironically a lot of the exposition here is given by a character (gramps) that the story wants us to believe doesn't like telling us things.

Then we get to the espionage component the author set up. This is set up in an A, B and C plot. A plot is the Fey, set up to be a double agent scenario where the MC must advance their goals while Morgana is none the wiser. B plot is the Org, MC is set up as an explicit outsider to this. With his relationship to Jessica the story sets it up to be a kind of political thing involving influence curried by interacting with characters or buying properties. Maybe some amount of using your girls as pawns or whatever. Then you have the C plot which is the Church which is established as a big no go zone. The kinda thing where the monster would maybe distrupt plans or would require a lot of energy to stay our of sight of.

Somehow the author forgot they wrote any of that and treats all 3 major threads the same. Instead of using any of the material here to keep these plot lines as unique or interesting all 3 are treated the same in which the MC becomes a double agent infiltrating the group. Except MC doesn't do anything to advance his own goals really he just does fetch quests. The one of these plots where the MC actually does double agent stuff is the one where it makes the least sense for them to have even allowed him in the Org. The church plot is handled especially poorly given the MC has reoccurring nightmares about the monster and has had substantial threats on his life by it. He goes to the Church anyways cuz gramps says so lol.

I see people saying a war arc is basically the only place the story can go. Its only because they wrote themselves into a corner with this. You have an A and B plot so you can switch between them and keep things feeling fresh and sometimes use it for tension. Instead all 3 plots are the same so the author ran the premise ragged instantly and was forced to move on. I don't even think war is the natural progression for the story. The unlikely alliance between the fey and org that kick starts it is extremely ham fisted. It doesn't jive with the way the characters were written before at all. A war arc is super common in battle shounen because it usually ups the stakes and is a natural progression for a genre filled with fight scenes. The story's stakes are already at world saving / world ending, so it doesn't raise the stakes. Its also out of left field in a story that has until this moment had problems solved with wit over might. Additionally the format prioritizing cute anime girls > plot means its not even really more dangerous to the characters. We're talking about a story that introduced a character for the explicit purpose of killing off that character that goes on to ressurect said killed character.
Hey now, don't go stealing my idea of analyzing the story to see how much it makes sense!

I'm joking, obviously. I still have to collect evidence for the analysis, and after that I'll have to write the thing, so it'll be a while. You've certainly raised some interesting points that fit somewhat with what I remember from the first time I played (when there was no act 3) that I'll keep in mind as I progress. While I'm still early in the process, I will say that I've already noticed some details that doesn't bode well for things "making sense", no matter how intrigued I was by the concepts introduced in the story the first time around. For one, the tone and mood of the story has MCU-levels of inconsistency, switching from humor to horror to humor to melancholy to humor to suspense to humor, constantly trying to avoid things getting too serious... which doesn't really bode well for where I know it to be headed.

There are ways to mix genres like this, of course, but I'll have to wait and see before I make any judgments on how well it is done here... though if your evaluation and the general displeasure players seem to have with act 3 is anything to go by, it doesn't bode well.


Jun 16, 2018
Hadn't returned to this game for a while, but I see that we no longer have the option of placing the turf boss girls we defeat into the dungeon, to later decide if we recruit them, banish or kill them. This dungeon provided an opportunity to further corrupt a shattered enemy and get a lewd scene from them before deciding what to do with them. I'm reading that he got into trouble with Patreon - I imagine it's due to things like these and the "shatter" mechanic?


Feb 15, 2018
guys, tell me the version number before he changed the dungeons and removed a lot of content from it? I would play this version separately (since I haven’t played for more than a year and now I understand that I missed a lot of content). Yes, and this version will be preserved in history.
4.30 star(s) 241 Votes