
Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
The image pack for the Meguca is done, but I can't seem to figure out much of the greater customization features.

1. Is there a way to give a girl a specific personality yet, or do I need some kind of guide to the quiz answers? Also, didn't there used to be a button for determining personalities manually? I'm not seeing it.

Has anyone else encountered this strange glitch where the girls keep Blasting on repeat, completely divorced from the turn system and effectively softlocking the game? Mami and Madoka are doing that to me and it's probably the most irritating thing ever. I can't pull them into individuals without them being active either, and since this happens the minute Madoka shows up, there's no way for me to save the game with all three active. They're too powerful for me man.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
The image pack for the Meguca is done, but I can't seem to figure out much of the greater customization features.

1. Is there a way to give a girl a specific personality yet, or do I need some kind of guide to the quiz answers? Also, didn't there used to be a button for determining personalities manually? I'm not seeing it.

Has anyone else encountered this strange glitch where the girls keep Blasting on repeat, completely divorced from the turn system and effectively softlocking the game? Mami and Madoka are doing that to me and it's probably the most irritating thing ever. I can't pull them into individuals without them being active either, and since this happens the minute Madoka shows up, there's no way for me to save the game with all three active. They're too powerful for me man.
The repeating text issue has been reported.


Nov 8, 2019
Yeah I really wished there was a guide to the personality quiz or something, cause basically every time I try to make a full custom team I end up just giving up since it feels impossible to make a team with the vulnerabilities/personalities you actually want. Or at the very least, you should be able to make a custom team with the single custom chosen you can make in the campaign menu so you have some control over it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
There did used to be. I even remember that it would tell you "Hey, these three girls can't work together" if you made a team with say, all core morality or exposure vulnerabilities.

I'm sure I'm just missing it, but it does kinda suck.

Anyway I need a third Meguca for the second team. Sayaka and Kyoko are the other two, so anyone have any ideas? Right now I'm thinking about Nagisa or Yuma, but that could just be me being a massive lolicon.

Edit: Actually, I found it. You can directly modify chosen personalities in the single creation menu when you're in campaign mode, but can't while making a team for some reason.
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Nov 8, 2019
There did used to be. I even remember that it would tell you "Hey, these three girls can't work together" if you made a team with say, all core morality or exposure vulnerabilities.

I'm sure I'm just missing it, but it does kinda suck.

Anyway I need a third Meguca for the second team. Sayaka and Kyoko are the other two, so anyone have any ideas? Right now I'm thinking about Nagisa or Yuma, but that could just be me being a massive lolicon.
Either we're both missing it then or it was removed, I'm inclined to think the latter though since I'm pretty sure I've clicked through every option in the main menu trying to figure out how to do it with no luck.

Yuma would probably make more sense on a team with Kyoko.


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2017
Alright. Well, I wound up remaking all the 'Guca in the custom editor. As it stands they don't really play nice with each other due to how the game prefers a team to be built, but it's easy enough to unhook them from that if you don't care about the relationship building these days.

This first draft has the full Mitakihara Quintet, with AI generated images for both civilian and Chosen forms, and the custom roster and appearances. If I've done it right you should be able to just download the zip, unzip it, drop the portraits in the portrait folder and the roster wherever you keep your own rosters, and import all five to the game. There's no sixth 'guca, though, so your second pass through is going to be with some random anyway.

For version 2 of this mod, done whenever I feel like it, I'll add Yuma and Nagisa to the roster (and maybe Kazumi? Maybe even Oriko and Kirika... Well, some of them, at least), tune the personalities a little better, and maybe figure out that custom write-in feature nobody uses and see if I can't get some custom scenes plugged into the game.

I'm also considering a full re-do of the canon portraits, replacing them with not-magical-girls-at-all IPs that are popular, like Asuka taking over for Fury or Komi as Whisper. If I do they'll be a similar style to the Meguca, with struggle being blowjobs and swoon having visible cum on their face.

It goes without saying that this mod does contain what some would call loli
While no explicit mentions of them being under 18 are included - obviously - Madoka and Homura are flat as boards so... Your discretion is your own.
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Nov 8, 2019
Minor bug report, if you click on an attack and instantly hit space (the keybind for continue in battle) you will attack twice.


Feb 21, 2020
Ladies and (I assume mostly) gents, we got em

Last attempt I was one turn off a full orgy, got it this time though

Edit: Small catch, no space between large and penis 1691704168939.png
  • Yay, update!
Reactions: Nemo de Nemo


Aug 5, 2018
Greater sins imminent for 30 days already. chosen just refuse to do anything separately
The whole downtime system is complicated. Here's how it works - each downtime action is assigned a different "weight", based on a chosen's current ANGST, unresolved trauma, and current vulnerability breaks. The highest value is what I will term the "default" chosen action. After the default action is selected, black magic is used to produce a combination weighted table, adding additional weights to the existing table based on the chosen's innate innocence, other chosen's default actions, and their relationship with those chosen. This table is then sorted, highest to lowest, based on the sum total of a specific actions wight across each chosen. Finally, the combination weighted table is compared against the original weighted table. If a two or more chosen's combined weighted value exceeds their current actions original weighted value, then they switch their current action to the currently evaluated action.

As for your issue, there are two means of solving it - 1. break the issue, 2. spike angst.

For #1 - you need to figure out which chosen is being the problem child, and fix the issue. Obviously, if a chosen is lagging behined in vulnerability breaks, or angst, that can potentially lead to them dragging down the teams EE generation. Less obviously - downtime actions are split into 4 general categories based on trauma FEAR|DISG|PAIN|SHAM. Critically, getting a vulnerability break only unlocks the downtime action for that specific category, not for all categories. Get FEAR high enough on every chosen, with one chosen not having as high of a Morality break as the others, and you might get an edge case where the other two chosen are participating in a lower tier of downtime action than would otherwise be expected.

For #2 - Since actions are dependent on their weight equations, spiking specific trauma's on different chosen will diverge the two chosen's weights. Having two chosen, one with high FEAR and the other with high DISG, should result in both choosing different downtime actions. Do keep in mind, it is important to only spike the trauma's that a chosen has the highest vulnerability breaks for.

If you want additional help, you should post your current corruption progress (vulnerability breaks, total angst and trauma), alongside the specific downtime event you are getting after the battle. Maybe also your save, though that might not be necessary in this case.
Jul 14, 2018
Alright. Well, I wound up remaking all the 'Guca in the custom editor. As it stands they don't really play nice with each other due to how the game prefers a team to be built, but it's easy enough to unhook them from that if you don't care about the relationship building these days.

This first draft has the full Mitakihara Quintet, with AI generated images for both civilian and Chosen forms, and the custom roster and appearances. If I've done it right you should be able to just download the zip, unzip it, drop the portraits in the portrait folder and the roster wherever you keep your own rosters, and import all five to the game. There's no sixth 'guca, though, so your second pass through is going to be with some random anyway.

For version 2 of this mod, done whenever I feel like it, I'll add Yuma and Nagisa to the roster (and maybe Kazumi? Maybe even Oriko and Kirika... Well, some of them, at least), tune the personalities a little better, and maybe figure out that custom write-in feature nobody uses and see if I can't get some custom scenes plugged into the game.

I'm also considering a full re-do of the canon portraits, replacing them with not-magical-girls-at-all IPs that are popular, like Asuka taking over for Fury or Komi as Whisper. If I do they'll be a similar style to the Meguca, with struggle being blowjobs and swoon having visible cum on their face.

Mega link

It goes without saying that this mod does contain what some would call loli
While no explicit mentions of them being under 18 are included - obviously - Madoka and Homura are flat as boards so... Your discretion is your own.
I've included these 5 portrait packs into the portrait pack post.
The portrait pack post that the front page directs to and helps people to find the portrait packs easily.

I don't read all new posts so remember to send me a message or tag me when you or anyone else makes a portrait pack. I feel like I might have missed some.


Feb 21, 2020
First successful final battle (although technically first final battle as well because I never actually got around to it on my first run)
Now to do it all again but optimised
Also is it worth playing on in classic mode after beating it?



New Member
Mar 3, 2019
Look at what the circumstances do. Pain gives 2X to all damage, including circumstance damage, and Injury gives 3x to circumstance damage, both per level. So if you have 1000 INJU and 1000 PAIN that's 2*2*3*3 36x damage just from that. EXPO also gives 2x to allies per level so with 1000 EXPO on someone else that's 144x circumstance damage. Some of these may be mitigated by trauma multipliers or other penalties but you can see what the goal is here.

It's easy to get all three chosen on loop 1 when they have no loop+ buffs stacked up if you know what you're doing. Once you understand the basics, the two earliest skills to master are using commanders effectively and stacking up angst for the bonuses.

The most common pitfall people make when learning the game is using specialty commanders (ones that do a pre-determined type of damage with no flexibility). They are used for very specific situations that don't usually apply to new players, but because they cost EE to unlock many assume they are 'better' than a typeless commander.
"Trauma multipliers or other penalties" being where it says x1/2? I don't really understand what's causing that, but I keep ending up with totals of like, 0.25x or measly increases like 1.5x.

I didn't realize Pain also added multipliers to damage, that's new information. It doesn't seem to indicate that anywhere.


Nov 8, 2019
"Trauma multipliers or other penalties" being where it says x1/2? I don't really understand what's causing that, but I keep ending up with totals of like, 0.25x or measly increases like 1.5x.

I didn't realize Pain also added multipliers to damage, that's new information. It doesn't seem to indicate that anywhere.
Leveling up a trauma will add a negative modifier to the associated circumstance. So for example, the higher level a Chosen's Shame is, the less Exposure damage she takes. It's why leveling up Exposure on all Chosen and Injury and Hate on the Chosen you're trying to break is necessary, as you need the positive modifiers from leveling those to offset the negative modifiers from leveling the traumas.


Aug 5, 2018
Leveling up a trauma will add a negative modifier to the associated circumstance. So for example, the higher level a Chosen's Shame is, the less Exposure damage she takes. It's why leveling up Exposure on all Chosen and Injury and Hate on the Chosen you're trying to break is necessary, as you need the positive modifiers from leveling those to offset the negative modifiers from leveling the traumas.
Small correction - Trauma's will apply a scaling modifier if their level is higher than the lowest trauma, *1/(2^x) - to be exact. So if you have all Lv.4 trauma's, then you'll have no negative modifiers from trauma. Have a Lv.1 PAIN, but everything else at lv.0? INJU x 1/2 damage.


New Member
Nov 19, 2019
Could someone please tell me how to make the buttons bigger? They were already frustratingly small, but then they became unplayably small after I hit f11 trying to make things bigger. Windows 10.


Apr 11, 2018
For anyone having issues with button visibility, an incredibly janky workaround is to use the magnifier tool that comes with Windows in whatever mode you find least annoying/distracting. I prefer putting magnifier on the full screen setting and having it not follow the cursor, so you can position the game window within the blown up portion of the screen and mostly play as normal
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New Member
Jan 30, 2021
So maybe this has been mentioned but couldnt nail anything down in searches, may also be CE related but the game will just randomly close itself and put out a crash report EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION, had this a few times and eventually the game would simply not load at all and sit on a black screen. Is this just me being punished for cheating or is there something else going on?
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