- Jul 14, 2018
- 122
- 172
Can anybody please explain Forsakens to me? The txt tutorial is so hard to read/understand. I don't get it at all but as with the earlier part of the game, learning how everything works is absolutely worth it (so far anyway) so I would love to understand it.
My main problem rn is to understand the basics of forsakens. I'm sorry to ask questions that are probably answered in the txt file but it is seriously SO hard to understand anything in there. Lots of questions but I'm sure that answering these will also help someone else! I can't be the only one who thinks that its hard to understand the game mechanics.
1. Most importantly, what do stats do? I understand what Stamina and Motivations does (I think at least. Stamina gets reduced whenever you train them or do something with the forsaken and motivation has to be higher than Hostility so the forsakens don't annoy the others... Don't really get what that does either tbh but that's for a later question to keep this ordered.) But I got a bunch of new stats that I don't know what to do with. For example Hostility, Deviancy, Obediency and Disgrace. I feel like the guide explains it poorly. Do they do anything outside of training? Are they useful at all? What should I focus on? Idk, if someone can explain what these do exactly I'm happy
Translated:training guide.txt said:Hostility
As mentioned above, Forsaken whose Motivation is lower than their Hostility will act out in ways that disrupt the other Forsaken. This disruption will be more extreme (draining more of the others' Motivation) when the one acting out has lower Motivation and higher Hostility. However, because Forsaken with lower Hostility are more peaceful by nature, it costs more Motivation to send them out into battle.
Forsaken with higher Deviancy become more fixated on their fetishes, doing everything for their own pleasure rather than for a larger purpose. This makes it more difficult to train them to change their behavior, and they gain less Expertise from training. However, their detachment from reality also allows them to endure training whose intensity is greater than their current corruption levels without becoming more corrupted. This "buffer" is equal to half their current Deviancy level.
Low Obedience makes the Forsaken much more reluctant to consent to training actions, especially those which are more intense. However, the greater determination held by these Forsaken also causes their Stamina to regenerate much more quickly.
The reputation of one of the Forsaken determines how much psychic energy she draws upon when fighting. Forsaken at low Disgrace must be fed a large amount of energy in order to transform, but they deal significantly more damage. Meanwhile, Forsaken at high Disgrace can be transformed with very little energy, but they don't deal much damage.
Plans do nothing without a Forsaken assigned to the Trainer position. If you have a Trainer, the Trainer does not recover Stamina each day, and instead makes Forsaken that were idle that day and at full Stamina follow their chosen plan (if they have one).2. What do plans do? Is it just that if you have a trainer they increase something after a day is over? I see a 1% increase of deviancy, since I train that, sometimes after battle. Is it actually worth it? Because 1% per day seems REALLY bad (but since i don't understand what deviancy would even do I have no clue what to do with it anyways)
Sort of. Most Training has three effects: raises the associated damage type expertise (possibly changing your Forsaken's damage types), raises the stats if the intensity level is higher than the current corruption stat + something I'm not sure of, and restores Motivation. So if your intensity is higher than the associated stat on the Forsaken, you can have that Forsaken gain in that stat. Whether or not this is a good thing depends on what you are training that Forsaken to do.3. What does training do? There is something that says "Current Training Intensity / Current Corruption" and then some stats... Nooo idea what these are. Does something happen when Training intensity reaches current corruption?
Expertise is a damage multiplier on that damage type, which is relevant only if your Forsaken deals that damage type. For instance, if your Forsaken doesn't have a damage type that includes HATE, HATE expertise doesn't matter. It is a straight multiplier to damage that comes from the Forsaken's experience in that damage type.4. What does expertise do? Probably only connected to training but all trainings have a -% stamina, a +% motivation and a X amount of expertise. Is that like experience? What happens when I have a lot of expertise and can I see that anywhere?
That means that their Expertise is 1.000 in all damage types, giving no modifier.. Giving them training that increases their experience will also increase their expertise.5. My forsakens have 20k hate, plea, inju, expo. What does that mean/do?
Combat style tells you what types of Circumstance damage that Forsaken will deal. More types of Circumstance damage == a lower damage multiplier.6. About combat style: I assume the combat style is similar to a commander body that has suppressors etc on them?! So the combat style is just a way to customize their battle function and where they deal damage towards?!? How can I change it and is there a way to make it more efficient than for example 20% plea/inju/expo (which is what I have right now on one forsaken)
If this is your experience, try using a Forsaken somewhere in the high 60s-low 70s for Disgrace, that is specialized to deal a single type of damage. I posted a guide walking through the creation of one such Forsaken here.7. Is there a way to make the forsaken overall stronger? I'm guessing that the forsaken are there so the player has more variety when fighting in battle so I hope that they will be more useful than commanders at some point?! They already hold the Chosen way longer in the early game than any of my commanders but their damage is really low. Often can't even surround the chosen again when my forsaken is done with them which makes them essentially useless (for now). Don't really see a reason why I should change strategies from the first walkthrough and not just do the same stuff with commanders instead of forsakens
Not last time I checked. It's just something fun to do.8. Does meeting the forsaken do something special? Or is it just a fun text adventure? If someone could give me a quick guide on how to play that mini game that would be cool. The forsaken always run away after I do 1 or 2 actions![]()
Sacrificed Forsaken give you extra EE at the start of your loops. it's not much, but as you go through a long campaign you'll likely find a whole lot of Forsaken that don't do anything valuable.9. Any reason to ever sacrifice forsakens? I did it with a save to just see what happens. Kinda hot tbh but is there more to it? I get from the guide that it resets motivation of all the others but is there some other premise or just that? ... Also, does the text change when I have a stronger forsaken one later on? Just curious
The four Punisher positions allow the Forsaken in that position to perform the T4 break on the Chosen. In so doing, either they or the Chosen that they affected will get the listed bonus.10. What do positions do? Some are straight-forward I THINK?! For example for "possible breeders, hypnotists, harvesters and publicist" it tells me that there is a certain bonus if I use forsaken X as a breeder. Are the bonis decided at random for each chosen or can it change depending on the actions they take? And is there more to those than just the boni? Like, if I use a forsaken as breeder does my army increase and I get stronger or do i just get the boni? And what about the other positions? Like favorite, concubine, bait, ambassador? Trainer is the only job I truly understand... I just need them to train the others with a plan... though I don't understand what plans do yet xD
Nope. This is determined pretty much entirely during the time they're Chosen, and they only check 1) Do I have a defined family relationship with this Forsaken? and 2) How did I feel about this Chosen during the final battle?11. Is there a way to make forsakens become friends again or enemies for that matter and is there any reason to do that? Feels like there could be some fun events if the forsaken have certain relationships with each other. But no idea if that's a thing so I was wondering if it's possible to change their relationship status around somehow. I managed to get all of them to hate each other before subdueing them in the final fight.
Nope, you nailed it. The major issue that is created by this is a kind of "failure cascade" where a Forsaken is angry, so she lashes out, so that makes the other Forsaken angry, so they lash out, which makes the first Forsaken angry again... if you're in this situation you can generally fix it with some Grand Concert training. Or just sacrifice the bitch, that often works.12. What happens when Forsaken break and lash out because Motivation < Hostility? I think it happend to me once. Do they lash out after the "Commander" button becomes red? After that my other forsaken that I didn't use in fights had about 10% less motivation... which seems... neglectable. Is there any reason why I should pay attention to that this early on with 3 forsakens? Feels like it could be trouble if they enter a loop with 10 forsaken later on in the game but for now... Idk, just gimme some infos on that if you can ^^
This post lays out a real strong general framework for thinking about Forsaken. I'd add to this that the most important thing to think about Forsaken is their cost, which is determined by their Disgrace. Some Forsaken you'll want to use to deal damage and you'll want a moderately high Disgrace for those. Some Forsaken you'll want to use for their powerful Defiler bonuses and those you'll want to keep a low Disgrace on. Some you might want for a special purpose. Basically, you build a Forsaken to do something that a Demon can't do (because otherwise, you would just use a Demon). So the simplest Forsaken type that's useful has Disgrace somewhere in the 70s and deals only one damage type. Cheap and you summon it a few times to break everyone's T2s, using that energy to rocket past the 4/2 and 5/2 Commander phase where you might normally be fumbling around to reach Networked Consciousness. There are some other ones that are useful:13. Any other interesting thing I should know about with the forsaken?
Thanks for helping! I'm happy if someone could just explain a few of those at least. Most important one is probably if and how I can make the forsaken stronger and what the stats do. I might be able to figure out the rest through trial and error.
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time and answer almost everything <3 Helps a lot!Translated:
Every stat does a good thing and a bad thing as it goes up.
More Hostility makes the Forsaken lose less motivation when deployed, BUT the bad temper makes them damage your other forsaken at higher motivation numbers.
More Deviancy makes Forsaken able to suffer higher training levels without stat changes, BUT they also gain less combat experience/expertise when training.
More Obedience makes the Forsaken more likely to consent to training actions, BUT they regain stamina slower when idle.
More Disgrace makes the Forsaken cost less EE to deploy, BUT they do less damage of all types.
Motivation and Stamina are both checks on whether you can deploy that Forsaken. You can't deploy a Forsaken if it would bring Stamina or Motivation below 0. Motivation < Hostility means the Forsaken will throw a tantrum, hurting the Motivation of other Forsaken but restoring their own.
Generally, very high stats are generally bad as they are emblematic of a Forsaken with no free will or independent thought. Extremely low stats are emblematic of a Forsaken that's difficult to control. which can also be bad.
Plans do nothing without a Forsaken assigned to the Trainer position. If you have a Trainer, the Trainer does not recover Stamina each day, and instead makes Forsaken that were idle that day and at full Stamina follow their chosen plan (if they have one).
The first 4 plans increase the stats above by 1% per day. You are generally correct that there are quicker ways to raise a stat that you want higher through training personally, however, you may not always have a day to spend training a single Forsaken, or since training actions mostly affect more than one stat, you may not have another way to raise a stat that you want higher without.
Other plans raise battle experience, which raises your damage and may cause changes to your Forsaken's damage types.
Sort of. Most Training has three effects: raises the associated damage type expertise (possibly changing your Forsaken's damage types), raises the stats if the intensity level is higher than the current corruption stat + something I'm not sure of, and restores Motivation. So if your intensity is higher than the associated stat on the Forsaken, you can have that Forsaken gain in that stat. Whether or not this is a good thing depends on what you are training that Forsaken to do.
Expertise is a damage multiplier on that damage type, which is relevant only if your Forsaken deals that damage type. For instance, if your Forsaken doesn't have a damage type that includes HATE, HATE expertise doesn't matter. It is a straight multiplier to damage that comes from the Forsaken's experience in that damage type.
That means that their Expertise is 1.000 in all damage types, giving no modifier.. Giving them training that increases their experience will also increase their expertise.
Combat style tells you what types of Circumstance damage that Forsaken will deal. More types of Circumstance damage == a lower damage multiplier.
One damage type: 1000% multiplier (10x)
Two damage types: 100% multiplier (1x)
Three damage types: 15%(?) multiplier (0.15x)
Four damage types: 1% (?) multiplier (0.01x)
I would say the prevailing wisdom is to build around 1 or 2 damage types per Forsaken. Once you're at 3 or 4 types of Circ damage, you're going to be much more efficient using a Demon instead of a Forsaken.
To change damage types/combat style, keep training the Forsaken in the associated stat for that damage type. Hostility-HATE, Deviancy-PLEA, Obedience-INJU, Disgrace-EXPO.
If this is your experience, try using a Forsaken somewhere in the high 60s-low 70s for Disgrace, that is specialized to deal a single type of damage. I posted a guide walking through the creation of one such Forsaken here.
Not last time I checked. It's just something fun to do.
Sacrificed Forsaken give you extra EE at the start of your loops. it's not much, but as you go through a long campaign you'll likely find a whole lot of Forsaken that don't do anything valuable.
The four Punisher positions allow the Forsaken in that position to perform the T4 break on the Chosen. In so doing, either they or the Chosen that they affected will get the listed bonus.
Nope. This is determined pretty much entirely during the time they're Chosen, and they only check 1) Do I have a defined family relationship with this Forsaken? and 2) How did I feel about this Chosen during the final battle?
Nope, you nailed it. The major issue that is created by this is a kind of "failure cascade" where a Forsaken is angry, so she lashes out, so that makes the other Forsaken angry, so they lash out, which makes the first Forsaken angry again... if you're in this situation you can generally fix it with some Grand Concert training. Or just sacrifice the bitch, that often works.
This post lays out a real strong general framework for thinking about Forsaken. I'd add to this that the most important thing to think about Forsaken is their cost, which is determined by their Disgrace. Some Forsaken you'll want to use to deal damage and you'll want a moderately high Disgrace for those. Some Forsaken you'll want to use for their powerful Defiler bonuses and those you'll want to keep a low Disgrace on. Some you might want for a special purpose. Basically, you build a Forsaken to do something that a Demon can't do (because otherwise, you would just use a Demon). So the simplest Forsaken type that's useful has Disgrace somewhere in the 70s and deals only one damage type. Cheap and you summon it a few times to break everyone's T2s, using that energy to rocket past the 4/2 and 5/2 Commander phase where you might normally be fumbling around to reach Networked Consciousness. There are some other ones that are useful:
The almost completely corrupted Forsaken with around 90% Disgrace that costs only 2EE to send out can keep the Chosen extremely busy once you first summon them, helping other Chosen come out sooner (the time before Chosen come out is dependent on the number of combat rounds)
The Advanced Species Forsaken with Disgrace in the high 50s/low 60s that focuses on HATE damage to start Orgies as quickly as possible and can Release them so that they don't explode once they hit their T3 INJU break.
The extremely low Disgrace Forsaken who costs a bunch of EE to send out but has insane Punisher bonuses to creating other Forsaken.
Had a similar thing happen with one of mine earlier.I seem to have run into a glitch where, upon sending Despair rampant her name changes to ' lets her leather straps '.
Saves attached.
I THINK (not to sure) it means that while your regular commander can't break t4, one of your forsaken is capable of doing so.Had a similar thing happen with one of mine earlier.
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on another not, not played in a while (41 was the last version, I think?) and noticed a something on the stats indicators, figured out what the ! means, but still cant dont know about the question mark... Anyone else know or am I just dumb and am not seeing it explained somewhere else?
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This means that there exists a Forsaken in your roster, who, if they were assigned the Hypnosis Punisher position, would be strong enough to break this T4.Had a similar thing happen with one of mine earlier.
View attachment 2956242
on another not, not played in a while (41 was the last version, I think?) and noticed a something on the stats indicators, figured out what the ! means, but still cant dont know about the question mark... Anyone else know or am I just dumb and am not seeing it explained somewhere else?
View attachment 2956246
Those are pretty good, nice job.A few portrait packs I made for some operators from Arknights and aYou must be registered to see the linksto include them:
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so, i downloaded the recommended portrait upgrade pack. it came with bonus images. How do I implement them into the game? I'm currently fighting against one of the girls that has a few spicy images in the bonus folderYou can download whichever you like.
The way portraits are done in this game is that you have the regular portrait for a girl. But they also have a non-magical girl portrait (civilian), with 10 different emotions for each. The native game does not (yet) have different portraits for civilian versions so Contemplative Yearning is visually the most complete by having both civilian and magical girl versions of each girl.
After a girl is corrupted at the end of a run during a campaign, she can be recruited as a forsaken, and that's why it's also possible to add forsaken portraits, even if the native game does not (yet) offer different images for it. It's quite nice that the developer CSdev has created the programming for it to use these different portraits.
Then it's also possible for a girl to be animal or undead, which have their own portraits yet again if I'm not mistaken.
What is meant by duplicates is that the same image is used for the girl in different states (civilian - magical - forsaken - animalform)
Please note that the 27 portrait set at the very top does not work with the latest release (45e), but does work with prior versions and is expected to work again with the next release. So if you've got the latest version of the game, it's best to skip that one for now. Otherwise the higher up in the list, the better quality you can expect. If you're unsure what a mod does, I've added a link to the original post offering the mod with the "details" button below the download link for the mod.
Hope this is helpful, let me know if you have other questions.
If you mean the bonus images in Contemplative Yearning's pack, to implement those you need to move the bonus image into the portrait folder with that Chosen's name and then rename it to one of the expressions (anger, fear, focus, joy, lewd, neutral, sadness, struggle, or swoon). Though just a note, make sure to double check that you're putting it in the right folder, as some of the bonus images are listed as going with the wrong Chosen (for example, in the Bonus folder the images named Axiom actually belong to Calamity, and vice versa the bonus Calamity images are Axiom's images).so, i downloaded the recommended portrait upgrade pack. it came with bonus images. How do I implement them into the game? I'm currently fighting against one of the girls that has a few spicy images in the bonus folder
The game has a folder called "portraits". In there, there is a folder for each of the chosen in the base game. What I recommend is that you first make a backup (copy the whole portraits folder into a new folder, say "portraits backup"). Then you can copy any of the downloaded folders into the portaits folder. You can even do this as the game is running and after you've copied it, you can click a couple of buttons in the game, as it will automatically update when you do.so, i downloaded the recommended portrait upgrade pack. it came with bonus images. How do I implement them into the game? I'm currently fighting against one of the girls that has a few spicy images in the bonus folder
Thanks. Not sure how many are gonna use them, but thats cool. Mostly made for personal use, but figured Id share just in case.Those are pretty good, nice job.
As usual I've included it with the post that aims to collect all portrait sets. Anyone let me know if I missed any: https://thef95zone.info/threads/corrupted-saviors-release-45e-csdev.63932/post-9314125
thxThe game has a folder called "portraits". In there, there is a folder for each of the chosen in the base game. What I recommend is that you first make a backup (copy the whole portraits folder into a new folder, say "portraits backup"). Then you can copy any of the downloaded folders into the portaits folder. You can even do this as the game is running and after you've copied it, you can click a couple of buttons in the game, as it will automatically update when you do.
I use this when I start a new game sometimes, as I don't know which chosen I will get, and if I'm unhappy with the portraits I might make some new ones and copy it right in there.
There's also an alternate way. You can also create folders with names that don't exist yet, eg. "Calamity2". Then inside the game while you're examining calamity there is the option to change what portrait folder it gets images from. I think it's a little too much work, but the advantage is that you don't have to copy over any files and thus need to make no backup.
That's quite a few new ones.Thanks. Not sure how many are gonna use them, but thats cool. Mostly made for personal use, but figured Id share just in case.
As an update, I've got a new bunch.
You must be registered to see the linksfor the new inclusions. (F) indicates packs with forsaken images.
Nearl Family:
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oops. I see what I did wrong. Here is an updated link forThat's quite a few new ones.
The link for whislash doesn't work.
On the whole decent and thank you for sharing.
The scale isn't linear so 50k more points could be a huge damage amount or it could be negligible. Style changes occur off of damage primarily I think.So I have one question about combat styles for Forsaken that I've been completely unable to figure out... how do you reliably change their combat style? I assume it has to do with how much expertise they have in each damage type, but I do not understand what about it actually pushes them over into changing their style, as I've had Forsake stubbornly refuse to change their style from doing 3 types of damage to 2 even though 2 of the circumstances were like 50k more than the other two.