
Apr 23, 2018
Unrelated, but I can not figure out how to get animal forsaken to use Frenzy reliably. They just keep using Surrender To Instincts and spamming Regenerate, even if an ally is currently being attacked by a forsaken. Starting to wonder if it's bugged.

I have a fight with two animal forsaken I need to increase drain on, and repeating the fight over and over trying different things I can not once get one of them to use the move.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
I just found out about this game and HOLY my brain is expanding.One question i want to ask(for now at least) is this.Is it a skill issue if i have a very hard time playing the game without cheats or does the game just have that big of a skill celling(Since my monkey brain still is having a lot of difficulty managing CIRM dmg and trauma dmg and upgrades and bla bla bla)


Feb 21, 2020
Sure, I start with an image of the existing magical girl fed in to the img2img option in openart.ai, and I accompany it with some basic terms with a lot of freedom, with the goal of generating a new evil 'base' for the girl. The prompt at that point looks like:

dark magical girl, black latex bondage suit, red background, purple hair, evil, hair buns, collar, neutral expression, nsfw
I keep the original image's strength low (around 0.9) and the CFG scale can be pretty flexible here. I make sure to describe both new features I want added in (the outfit) and old features to keep (the hair color and style).

Once I have something that looks good as a base for all other images, I upscale it to 4x+anime and feed it into img2img, then it's time to start doing variants. This is going to involve cranking up the CFG scale up around 10+ and trying to micro-manage what the scene will look like. For shoulder-up portraits this is reinforcing info about eye color and accessories for consistency, while also adding details about the expressions you want. They also involve raising the strength up to 0.8-0.7 and the prompts look like

dark magical girl, black latex bondage suit, red background, purple hair, pink eyes, hair buns, collar, smug, smug grin, nsfw

dark magical girl, black latex bondage suit, red background, purple hair, pink eyes, hair buns, collar, yelling, fighting, struggling, angry, nsfw
For the civilian portraits if you want to do stuff like allowing position changes, you need to keep the img2img strength down around 0.9 and occasionally involve negative weighting and successive image hops. If hair color starts shifting off towards black you might need to add 'black hair' at the top of the negative weights, and you might need to take a bad image with a pose that looks good, then use it as a seed to generate a follow-up at slightly higher image strength. Those prompts look like

dark magical girl, smug, smug grin, black nun's robes, red background, purple hair, pink eyes, bare shoulders, hair buns, twin tail hair, black leather collar with gold buckle, hands on hips, nsfw

dark magical girl, blushing, aroused, holding breasts, black nun's robes, red background, purple hair, pink eyes, bare shoulders, bare breasts, hair buns, twin tail hair, black leather collar with gold buckle, drooling, panting, tongue out, hearts, nsfw, sexy, nipples

dark magical girl, happy, excited, thumbs up, black nun's robes, red background, bare shoulders, purple hair, pink eyes, hair buns, twin tail hair, black leather collar with gold buckle, nsfw
So in summary you let the AI drift around to decide what the evil version of the girl looks like, then describe the details it added back to it so it doesn't forget them while also telling it how to change her pose and expressions. Note that things like eyes and mouths don't always follow each other, so it's worth writing 'angry, glaring, gritted teeth' rather than just expecting it to know how to do 'angry' well.
Ah, thank you! I was familiar with how to do the descriptions but didn't think about img2img, and certainly not messing about with the weights and such still new to image generation. As for your question, I'm afraid I can't help with that yet as I'm still new to the game but I hope you get an answer soon.


Apr 23, 2018
I just found out about this game and HOLY my brain is expanding.One question i want to ask(for now at least) is this.Is it a skill issue if i have a very hard time playing the game without cheats or does the game just have that big of a skill celling(Since my monkey brain still is having a lot of difficulty managing CIRM dmg and trauma dmg and upgrades and bla bla bla)
Everyone struggles at first, keep trying until it 'clicks' and playing low level loops without cheats will suddenly become very easy with the strats you learn.


Oct 25, 2017
Unrelated, but I can not figure out how to get animal forsaken to use Frenzy reliably. They just keep using Surrender To Instincts and spamming Regenerate, even if an ally is currently being attacked by a forsaken. Starting to wonder if it's bugged.

I have a fight with two animal forsaken I need to increase drain on, and repeating the fight over and over trying different things I can not once get one of them to use the move.
Frenzy is tricky. I found it easiest to raise with an INJU-focused Forsaken that could Release. I think you have to get INJU to level 2 or 3 before they'll consider using it IIRC. As you've noticed, they'll tend to cycle between two options and I'm still not quite sure of the logic of when they use this move, but they need INJU damage to start it off. As per my previous post:

Animalistic: (I have less experience here)
Wild Hunt: Seems like they use this whenever it's easier than Regenerating some Circ damage down. Deal some Hate damge, then do it again, as many times as you can. Capture and Release are very good for raising this up quickly.
Surrender to Instincts: Seems easy to break with a Forsaken that deals PLEA damage. Capture after they use it, then they'll probably use it again. I think it would work if you Capture/Release repeatedly with a Forsaken that deals this kind of damage, have not tested yet. The low increase on this one means it takes a while to break normally. [EDIT: Confirmed, it does work.]
Frenzy: I have a hard time figuring out when they use this move, honestly. I've had quite a few turns where based on my understanding of how they choose moves, they should be using this move, but then they instead Regenerate. Maybe you can get it easily by doing something like Surrender above with an INJU focused commander that can Release? This one was a real bitch to raise last time I broke it.
Mating Dance: Honestly, not too sure of this one. They won't use it while it's still active. I haven't had to worry about this one, generally--they use it often enough that this breaks in a reasonable amount of time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Everyone struggles at first, keep trying until it 'clicks' and playing low level loops without cheats will suddenly become very easy with the strats you learn.
ah so practice makes perfect once more ey?Anyways i also wanted to ask.I dont supposes theres a disc server dedicated to this game or similar?


Apr 23, 2018
Frenzy is tricky. I found it easiest to raise with an INJU-focused Forsaken that could Release. I think you have to get INJU to level 2 or 3 before they'll consider using it IIRC. As you've noticed, they'll tend to cycle between two options and I'm still not quite sure of the logic of when they use this move, but they need INJU damage to start it off. As per my previous post:
I've gotten INJU to 3 and left PLEA at 0, they still spam regenerate and surrender.


Feb 21, 2020
ah so practice makes perfect once more ey?Anyways i also wanted to ask.I dont supposes theres a disc server dedicated to this game or similar?
CSDev has said that he doesn't have time to moderate a server but he isn't against someone making one.

Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
I just found out about this game and HOLY my brain is expanding.One question i want to ask(for now at least) is this.Is it a skill issue if i have a very hard time playing the game without cheats or does the game just have that big of a skill celling(Since my monkey brain still is having a lot of difficulty managing CIRM dmg and trauma dmg and upgrades and bla bla bla)
Don't know about others but the margin for error for breaking vulnerabilities is... small when starting out. Reccomend looking at FruitSmoothie's guide up to day 25 to learn the general progression of a normal game and to save before every commander use. Also if you're having trouble understanding how mechanics circ and trauma interact with each other, there is a technical guide in a .txt document in the game directory. Also a tip is to combo surrounds off of multiple chosen.

Example being, using a 2x4: 2 capture 4 turn commander, I fully ambush and fully surround (all 4 moves) chosen A, capture and humiliate, and maybe pummel, chosen B, grab chosen A before exterm finishes and focus on A so I can grab A one more time. Prep C for a one turn surround If B can't be surrounded again before A escapes, grab A one final time and hope I can break a vulnerability during the aprox 10 turn surround I've built up on A. Chosen in the example are lettered in order of appearence btw.


Mar 20, 2019
not available on mega anymore.
That is an old post back when I needed a new link for every time I uploaded the pack, now I have it so the link is the same all the time, here's the post with the most recent update :

Okie! Time for the newest release of my portrait pack!! Technically this came out two days ago but writing this post sometimes feels like the hardest part of the process. . . wait nevermind this couldn't come close to the hardest part because I remember the hell I went through last release :BootyTime:

Also I believe the stickied post on the first page chekhov made for all the portrait packs has this new link as well!
You're just in luck since I recently uploaded the split-download version of the full pack as well
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Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
For future reference, how often does this game get updated(v39 to v40) on average and are saves transferable from version to version? v20 save to v40 as an extreme example?


May 22, 2018
ah so practice makes perfect once more ey?Anyways i also wanted to ask.I dont supposes theres a disc server dedicated to this game or similar?
I wouldn't say it's Practice make it perfect. More like learn the rules - then practice. Like chess - if you have no idea what the game is about and how pieces move - you wont be able to play no matter how you move your pieces.
General advice to every newbie - Get 4 turn 2 capture commander ASAP (without any damage type upgrades). And learn to use it (usually doable by turn 11-12). after that you can experiment with whatever you want. (i mean there are good patterns and paths but not going to mention them as you seem to be exited to explore things so i give just a bare minimum necessary to start )


Jul 11, 2021
I just found out about this game and HOLY my brain is expanding.One question i want to ask(for now at least) is this.Is it a skill issue if i have a very hard time playing the game without cheats or does the game just have that big of a skill celling(Since my monkey brain still is having a lot of difficulty managing CIRM dmg and trauma dmg and upgrades and bla bla bla)

You already got some tips thrown at ya, and if you haven't checked the guide someone made (Or are not using the ingame guide goals), some general pointers:

0. Save Often

1. Your first priority is to get all three chosen to spawn and to get 1 EE from each one of them. Depending on your start item, your strats will vary a bit (Unicorn lard start, for example, can end this phase insanely quickly, by like day 6-7 on loop 1 and gets more EE overall during this period, and then can, if enough trauma has been inflicted, gain additional EE where other starting items can't. IMO the safest starting item, but scales rather poorly during and with later loops. Just make sure you get EE from all currently available chosen before you skip a day.)
Apparently their spawn battle depends on how many combat turns you have taken, but I never bothered to optimize it with extra surrounds. Just grab the battle extension upgrades first, skip Focus and grab the ability that increases Trauma damage. The most important part is to get enough trauma on the chosen who newly arrive to immediately gain EE from them. (Roughly 200.)

2. Get all the upgrades to build a 5EE Commander and grab the 2EE Extermination and Evacuation requirement items. If you have tommorrows newspaper, you get to skip the final two upgrades for now. The commander will capture for 4 turns and capture twice, and will be your bread and butter for the next 7 to 10 days. You should be here by roughly day 12.

3. Save often, especially from here on out.

4. Use your Commander to get a Tier 2 Core break at least and as many non minor tier 1 breaks as you can get. If you have any of Barrier Jammer, Orgasm in a can, Schwerer Gusion or Desintegration Vapor, it may be wise to target the chosen with the associated core Vulnerability. Note that I assume you don't want them to be friends because it makes the final battle more complicated, and try to make them unfriendly as soon as possible. (Technically it is better to draw their final friendship break out as far as possible by breaking Minor -> Core -> Core -> Minor, but that's more complicated). When breaking a core vulnerability before the minor vulnerability of other chosen, you get a small amount of EE. If at all possible, you want to break all Core tier 1 breaks before day 15 to gain additional EE.

For the battle itself, start the battle with the chosen captured and get all their circumstances to lvl 1. Retry until you get all their circumstances to 1 at the end of the first 4 turns. (Your battle plan is going to look different if you use the above mentioned items, usually grabbing Tier 1 break + Tier 1 break + tier 2 Break. Disintegration vapor is special in the way that you use it to grab the breaks and THEN try to get another Chosens breaks.)
Your goal is to get 1 Circumstance to 10K and use the associated yellow marked skill by getting a third surround on the first chosen for roughly 10+ turns. So, The usual way I do it is to start the battle by grabbing chosen, getting all Circ level to 1, grabbing a non-Dignity core chosen when she arrives, focusing pleas and Dig (Pleas, simplified, increases your surround duration, Dig increases damage to all other chosen.), grab the first chosen before the evacuation requirement is reached (To ensure third surround), doing all four actions, grab second chosen again, trying to reach 1000 Dignity (For an additional 4 times multiplier on the first chosen), Grab first chosen, get to 10K and as many significant breaks along the way as possible.

5. Your next goal is to get the 5 EE Battle extensions (Extermination and Evacuation requirements) and networked consciousness while breaking additional vulnerabilities. Don't worry if certain Tier 2 breaks seem ridiculous right now, networked consciousness makes it A LOT easier by giving you essentially an additional surround turn and action for free. Your 5EE Commander is going to work fine for most of this. Also note that each tier 2 break makes extra breaks even easier.

6. When you have broken the majority of vulnerabilities, buy some upgrades to make your commander better. You want at least a commander with 3 captures and 6 turns of surround for the next step.

7. The next big milestone is to surround all three chosen, while they have 10K in the same circumstance, and start the same yellow action. This will cause an orgy and deal millions of trauma damage, required for the next step. You want an orgy of at least 4 turns, 5 being a good number and 6 to be safe. After the battle, you will be notified in the EE Screen that they may do something desperate. You want these things to happen for their tier 3 break. Your goal is to get all core tier 3 breaks before day 25 to get additional EE.

8. Increase Punisher Effectiveness to 1000% and use the appropriate punisher commander. You want to get all core breaks by day 45 at the latest. Usually you will be done LONG before that with all breaks. Just as a tip, grab your first core break as soon as you can to get access to the final EE gain upgrade. That goes a long way to facilitate the rest of your loop.

9. Win the final battle. Try to get an absolute victory and make all three chosen surrender.

Really, Once you get the hang of 5EE Commander and three Capture EE Commander for their duties, most of your Loop 1s are going to fall into place by themselves. You have more tools and threats on higher loops that make further tips pointless, and these should give you a general overview of what to do. Also, it never hurts to experiment a bit. (Except when it comes to networked consciousness. That is the single most important upgrade in the game, and once your 5EE commander is online, that is your most important goal.)

Also note that I have no fucking clue on how to use the item that increases your trauma damage but reduces your EE by 1 and the item that gives you 1 EE for deploying a commander. I think you use the former to help with surround during orgy attempts and the latter just gives you a nice 1 EE discount, but not sure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
You already got some tips thrown at ya, and if you haven't checked the guide someone made (Or are not using the ingame guide goals), some general pointers:

0. Save Often

1. Your first priority is to get all three chosen to spawn and to get 1 EE from each one of them. Depending on your start item, your strats will vary a bit (Unicorn lard start, for example, can end this phase insanely quickly, by like day 6-7 on loop 1 and gets more EE overall during this period, and then can, if enough trauma has been inflicted, gain additional EE where other starting items can't. IMO the safest starting item, but scales rather poorly during and with later loops. Just make sure you get EE from all currently available chosen before you skip a day.)
Apparently their spawn battle depends on how many combat turns you have taken, but I never bothered to optimize it with extra surrounds. Just grab the battle extension upgrades first, skip Focus and grab the ability that increases Trauma damage. The most important part is to get enough trauma on the chosen who newly arrive to immediately gain EE from them. (Roughly 200.)

2. Get all the upgrades to build a 5EE Commander and grab the 2EE Extermination and Evacuation requirement items. If you have tommorrows newspaper, you get to skip the final two upgrades for now. The commander will capture for 4 turns and capture twice, and will be your bread and butter for the next 7 to 10 days. You should be here by roughly day 12.

3. Save often, especially from here on out.

4. Use your Commander to get a Tier 2 Core break at least and as many non minor tier 1 breaks as you can get. If you have any of Barrier Jammer, Orgasm in a can, Schwerer Gusion or Desintegration Vapor, it may be wise to target the chosen with the associated core Vulnerability. Note that I assume you don't want them to be friends because it makes the final battle more complicated, and try to make them unfriendly as soon as possible. (Technically it is better to draw their final friendship break out as far as possible by breaking Minor -> Core -> Core -> Minor, but that's more complicated). When breaking a core vulnerability before the minor vulnerability of other chosen, you get a small amount of EE. If at all possible, you want to break all Core tier 1 breaks before day 15 to gain additional EE.

For the battle itself, start the battle with the chosen captured and get all their circumstances to lvl 1. Retry until you get all their circumstances to 1 at the end of the first 4 turns. (Your battle plan is going to look different if you use the above mentioned items, usually grabbing Tier 1 break + Tier 1 break + tier 2 Break. Disintegration vapor is special in the way that you use it to grab the breaks and THEN try to get another Chosens breaks.)
Your goal is to get 1 Circumstance to 10K and use the associated yellow marked skill by getting a third surround on the first chosen for roughly 10+ turns. So, The usual way I do it is to start the battle by grabbing chosen, getting all Circ level to 1, grabbing a non-Dignity core chosen when she arrives, focusing pleas and Dig (Pleas, simplified, increases your surround duration, Dig increases damage to all other chosen.), grab the first chosen before the evacuation requirement is reached (To ensure third surround), doing all four actions, grab second chosen again, trying to reach 1000 Dignity (For an additional 4 times multiplier on the first chosen), Grab first chosen, get to 10K and as many significant breaks along the way as possible.

5. Your next goal is to get the 5 EE Battle extensions (Extermination and Evacuation requirements) and networked consciousness while breaking additional vulnerabilities. Don't worry if certain Tier 2 breaks seem ridiculous right now, networked consciousness makes it A LOT easier by giving you essentially an additional surround turn and action for free. Your 5EE Commander is going to work fine for most of this. Also note that each tier 2 break makes extra breaks even easier.

6. When you have broken the majority of vulnerabilities, buy some upgrades to make your commander better. You want at least a commander with 3 captures and 6 turns of surround for the next step.

7. The next big milestone is to surround all three chosen, while they have 10K in the same circumstance, and start the same yellow action. This will cause an orgy and deal millions of trauma damage, required for the next step. You want an orgy of at least 4 turns, 5 being a good number and 6 to be safe. After the battle, you will be notified in the EE Screen that they may do something desperate. You want these things to happen for their tier 3 break. Your goal is to get all core tier 3 breaks before day 25 to get additional EE.

8. Increase Punisher Effectiveness to 1000% and use the appropriate punisher commander. You want to get all core breaks by day 45 at the latest. Usually you will be done LONG before that with all breaks. Just as a tip, grab your first core break as soon as you can to get access to the final EE gain upgrade. That goes a long way to facilitate the rest of your loop.

9. Win the final battle. Try to get an absolute victory and make all three chosen surrender.

Really, Once you get the hang of 5EE Commander and three Capture EE Commander for their duties, most of your Loop 1s are going to fall into place by themselves. You have more tools and threats on higher loops that make further tips pointless, and these should give you a general overview of what to do. Also, it never hurts to experiment a bit. (Except when it comes to networked consciousness. That is the single most important upgrade in the game, and once your 5EE commander is online, that is your most important goal.)

Also note that I have no fucking clue on how to use the item that increases your trauma damage but reduces your EE by 1 and the item that gives you 1 EE for deploying a commander. I think you use the former to help with surround during orgy attempts and the latter just gives you a nice 1 EE discount, but not sure.
I appreciate you helping me bro but heres the thing.I fr dont know half of what you said(especially the items portion.(Like those exist?And how can i check my starting one?) So i will read the guide and other nice txt file info and will try to understand what how and where and will come back once i have more questions.Still appreciate your input though


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
I wouldn't say it's Practice make it perfect. More like learn the rules - then practice. Like chess - if you have no idea what the game is about and how pieces move - you wont be able to play no matter how you move your pieces.
General advice to every newbie - Get 4 turn 2 capture commander ASAP (without any damage type upgrades). And learn to use it (usually doable by turn 11-12). after that you can experiment with whatever you want. (i mean there are good patterns and paths but not going to mention them as you seem to be exited to explore things so i give just a bare minimum necessary to start )
Huh so it seems that my theory(from my very few hours played) that commanders are a cheat code was true.Very nice very nice.Anyways appreciate the help and yea ill try and first learn the rules of the game xdd and ask some questions when im back

Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
Inevitability, from how I've used it, is useful for upping accumulated trauma and angst by 10x the amount as well as boosting surround duration by a level (since the reqs increase by a factor of 10 per level).
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Apr 23, 2018
Kept trying, kept changing different things, even after getting them to lvl 4 INJU and capturing an ally, they refuse to use Frenzy. Doesn't matter if I capture an ally who will detonate or not, doesn't matter which of the two I try to get to Frenzy, doesn't matter if they are flying or not, nothing works.

Here's my save file if someone wants to give ambushing Spike a try and prove me wrong, but it seems like I've given many many chances where the ability should be used, and they just spam regenerate or rally instead. It doesn't seem like the ability use is working correctly. Or at the very least, nothing in the documentation mentions it being this hard, and I can't understand why.
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Jul 11, 2021
I appreciate you helping me bro but heres the thing.I fr dont know half of what you said(especially the items portion.(Like those exist?And how can i check my starting one?) So i will read the guide and other nice txt file info and will try to understand what how and where and will come back once i have more questions.Still appreciate your input though
After the battle on day 1, you get an item. It will be displayed in green text above your upgrade options. You can check what it does in Info -> Items. On day 1 of loop 1, you can change it there to any of the 8 starting items.

Some things mentioned in what I wrote that may or may not have been immediately clear:

5EE Commander = The Mentioned 2 Capture 4 Surround Commander.

Chosen Vulnerabilities are classified in Minor, Significant and Core for the 4 circumstance types, Hate/Pleas/Inj/Dig
All Vulnerabilities will be spread over all chosen so that there is exactly 1 Core weakness for each of those 4 types, with all chosen having at least 1 core weakness, and 1 having 2.
The same goes for all other types of Vulnerabilities.

Each of these vulnerabilities can be broken 4 times, as seen in the profile of the chosen.
1. You need to deal enough circumstance damage that the chosen would reach 10K in that circumstance. Using an Action (Which gets highlighted in green) will then cause the Tier 1 break. Note that you can use surround actions that do not actually affect the vulnerability you want to break. (Check profile, they will be listed.)
2. You need to reach 10K circumstance damage and use the new yellow marked attack option while the chosen is surrounded. Using that action causes a Tier 2 Break.
3. Tier 3 Breaks happen by themselves, and explain themselves when they become available in the chosen profile. For them to happen, you need to reach high enough accumulated trauma damage. That's what the Orgy is for, as it otherwise is nigh impossible to get the required Trauma values in a timely fashion.
4. Tier 4 Breaks are also rather self explanatory. Check the chosen profile after tier 3 break.

Each break makes inflicting trauma and circumstance damage for that type on that chosen easier.

The relationship between chosen is determined by the order of breaking Core and Minor Vulnerabilities of a type (For example, the relationship between your core morality and your minor morality vulnerability chosen is determined by those). (Significant don't matter). I Personally recommend breaking core vulnerabilities always first, it is the simpler and usually safer option later.

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Beyond step 7 the game becomes self explanatory, IMO. My big hangup starting the game was getting past that point. And well, understanding the need of the 5EE Commander.

And again, grab Networked consciousness (the upgrade) as soon as you can. It is really, really good. I usually start the mad dash for it after my first 5EE Commander deployment.
3.80 star(s) 63 Votes