You should be able to bring it up and type "dir()" to get all identifiers in the current scope. This includes not just variables though and will probably scroll off the screen before you can even read a lot of it, but it does help.
Thank you, but as you point out this lists everything and the screen output is almost unreadable (at least for me) and very long. I have already found this command in a renpy forum, and there are also commands like
with similar (long) outputs. I guess we would need a way to include wildcards for the kind of variables we need - like
which of course is not a valid command... or some way to find a variable based on the current content displayed in the UI (just dreaming, I know

But thank you, maybe we will find easier ways to speed up gaming or just have to use mods of other users, because sometimes I just don't have the time to grind through a game where money or other values are earned only by repeating the same actions again and again for hours... at least in this game the load/save method for the casino works perfectly well, I have also used it for my first games.