VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Corruption Time [v0.03c] [FilthySloth]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The art alone makes this game great. Add to that funny dialogues, witty characters and a likeable erotic factor.

    I also like the setting, which is neither normal nor completely over the top. The game has charm. It is unique. That's really great.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Please add humor tag, this game is just so funny lol. Also, this game is really promising, I will definitely keep an eye out for the new updates. Keep up the good work and good luck with the development (I know it's pretty hard to create a game like this).
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Niv-Mizzet the Firemind

    v 0.03

    I have only good things to say about this game.
    The renders are awesome. Their style may be take it or leave it for some people, but I found them excellent. The models are very well done though the mc looks kinda dumb, which might have been the point.
    The strong suit of the game is the dialogue. It's absurd and it's very enjoyable. This line almost killed me. Excellent work.
    The only problem I have with the game is that the next update can't come soon enough.

    Overall, very fun and I recommend it highly. If the art style works for you, give it a try.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    • Holy cow, i have had fun reading this trough, some of those quercky jokes just made my day a whole lot brighter.
    • Artwork: damn good job from the artist, clean details, though sometimes the eyes where a bit off what weirded me out at the start, but got over that pretty quickly, its hard to do and mostly done great.
    • rendering: decent to very good rendering, also of high note is the camera works done (f.e. you wake up and go from blurred to focus point gradually).
    • Writing: I found the writing adecuate, funny and light, there where typo's in there.
    • Animations: between decent and good, though for the art concept i could say its nicely done, be your own judge.
    • branching: this game (future updates) will have different arks/paths so it tends to be a big game when finished.
    • download is at a high side, dev team should go on a look-out for other ways to compress/zip there files (without crunching) file formats might also do the trick.

    All in all ceep up the good work, ill be waiting for the future updates, wish you all the best.

    edit: After a night sleep and a conversation i had yesterday, i decided to redo a quick play trough, i couldnt find the faulty line in text (exempt typo's) i did not check all content for this though.
    Its the first time i actually went back to check what it was i was refering to originally, thats how much i liked the game, i couldn't leave it alone, also what i mentioned about the eyes, i did not see or felt off this time around (guess its something you get used to quickly) So there fore i can award you the 5th star in completion.
    nota: i did not and will not deduct a star for download size, its only a warning.

    So all in all, congratulations and appologies for this inconvenience.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm loving this game so far. I don't know if the art style will appeal to everyone, but I like it. I find the pure absurdity of the humor tickles my funny bone more often than not, and all of the girls are likable. It's a fun romp, definitely worth your time.
    This is on the short list of games for which I avidly await updates, and play them as soon as possible.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    good game, enjoying it so far, thought the style would be off putting but its actually good.. look forward to seeing more, it's made my list. hope you stick with it, wondering what the stats will end up openings. ive been focusing on playfulness and horniness, with some slight corruption an nudity, happiness important?
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    fabulous game,artwork is absolutely stunning.very well paced with some great scenes for such an early the fact that two routes are implemented-cant wait to try both.this just became my favorite it is an all round gem :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: just a pity i cant give more stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Super high potential here. Dev needs to start a patreon or something and take my money. This art style is sorely needed for games like this. Too many games try to look realistic and drop into the uncanny valley. The less detailed models just make it so much nicer. I love the way every character looks, and the corruption/petplay/nudist aspects seem super promising. I only wish this project was already a couple years along because of how good it is this early on.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, unique character design and pretty funny too.

    Obviously this kind of game contains some kink that will not cater to everyone, but to those who like it, well, it's great.

    When a game is made with passion, you can sense it, and this one is definitely one of those.

    Props to the creator for developing this game and distributing this for free.

    The only negative aspect I can see is it's too short for now, and now i'm gonna have to patiently wait for new releases haha!
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    TM | Twisted Games

    I admit, I'm rating this game a little bit on potential at the moment. Between the possibility of a 'free use' wife for the whole family and the possibility of the father to dom most of the family (and tag team w/ the son at his discretion) you are potentially capturing all my personal favorite kinks. Cuckqueen stories done well are particularly rare.

    That said, it remains to be seen if the story will go in those directions necessarily.

    What does seem to be locked in is some fantastic art work that really grows on you, a solid UI that doesn't distract, and a well paced descent to lewdness paired with unusually good writing for the characters.

    I hope the dev will consider a Patreon or something similar at some point. I would be happy to support this quality of work.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. Renders are really nice (unique, very fresh take). The whole dynamic makes this really fun, it has that sarcastic but funny feel. The jokes are very well done, they are not cringy, they are straight up funny (mainly the reactions of the people). Characters are diverse and interesting. Hope this goes far.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! The dev is making the game completly out of passion, since there is not even a Patreon. And you can tell how much fun he has if you play the game. 5/5 definetly recommend at least trying it out.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    WOW. This is really cool. When I was just looking at the preview I was kind of skeptical about the graphics. But once I started playing its really cool and you don't really think about the "cartoonish" look any more. I love the humor and the different characters. And the craziness. Hmm.. I just want more.
    Can I please have more?

    Edited. I am dropping one star because this sort of changed pace and I didnt enjoy the updates quite as much. But still pretty good!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the art style, story is interesting so far. I think I'd be happier if the son wasn't in the picture, but to be fair, it makes the presence of the gf believable in as far as the story is concerned. I'm hoping that if there are certain NTR elements, they will be skippable, but to be honest, the game looks good enough I may not even care. Good job, Dev, will keep an eye on this one.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    OMG this is so hot. The girls look like so REALLY young (know what I mean?) It also doesn't take long for sex to happen like in some games. A bit too cartoony but that's less of a minus than usual. I like this. Hot dad (put into role from guy who was not) on daughter action.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 522652

    funny dialogues, kinky, great - and unique - 2d art. All praise to a dev who gives such a pearl to the world for free. I cannot wait to see how this game progresses.

    My only grievance is that the girls, especially the youngest, looks too young for my personal comfort.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this on a whim and had low expectations based on the art. But the writing is fantastic and the art style totally works in context. Very charming project. There's something endearing and believable about the relationships that you almost never get in most games. I really hopes it gets more updates!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I've tried on here in ages. Character models are hot and different, the story so far is fun and actually funny at times. Also love the fact that there is another guy in the picture who's also a nice character and not some weird creep. I hope there'll be some nice sharing stuff later. Can't wait for the next update!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    excelente trabajo, bro. Espero con ancias que sea completado. Las animaciones se miran bien, y la historia, aunque sea poca la que se muestra, se mira que sera buena y en este tipo de juegos ayuda mucho la inmersion y eso solo se logra con la historia y alguna que otra libertad para interarctuar con los personajes. Saludos.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, this is something else!

    This game is a lot of fun and its just starting! I don´t know why, but the creator does not want to get money for assistance... But if so, I would have gladly give him some!

    For the review (0,2):

    The look of this game is strange and new to this kind of novels, but I love it! some of the textures look very good, and the characters look nice and unique.

    For the story... It is the start, so I will go a little easy on it.
    The introduction is a little fast but fitting and even though there is still little interaction with the other characters, you can already see some very good ideas!
    For instant, this is the first game I see, in witch you have a son who has his fun with one of the girls mend for you (hope for two guys screwing the family!).

    But the best part is the setting!
    You seem to have a deviant entity in your home, screwing with you and your family. As the father of the family you are supposed to care for your kids, but step by step, you are drawn into different direction...
    This is not that new, but well executed and I hope for a slow but steady turn into a corrupted life of fun! ^^
    I like the idea, that you and your family become corrupted. Even though you have your own agency, you are not the master manipulator nor are your daughters the ones seducing you. That is quite fun!

    Oh yes, the fun.... this game is also very funny to me. :p