RPGM - Completed - Cowgirl Trainer [Final] [Noxurtica]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Heartwarming, but cliche. A classic loner antihero and starry eyed heroine saves town from bandits story. It's more romantic than your standard trainer and despite how plain it is, it's still a nice time.

    Combat 5/10: Fine. There are a few too many random encounters, you won't run out of gold, and it is repetitive. The combat can be fun at times and there are different playstyles. It's your standard RPG, but all attacks cost ammo before you have to reload. Stronger attacks take more ammo which takes more turns to reload which means more turns to get shot. However, you can choose different strategies like optimizing for magic damage which doesn't cost ammo but instead TP. This changes the game where instead of spending a turn to reload, you're trying to fish for crits, dodge, or debuff/buff people. The game has different equipment and TP styles to support this. However, one TP Style is significantly better than the others (TP Style: Bloodlust). I still enjoyed running the Gambler build during my playthrough though. In the final battle, it was so exciting to see the MC dodge two bullets and gain 100 TP, but then he died. It didn't feel too balanced, but switching to Bloodlust afterward felt cathartic.

    Training 3/10: Trial and Error. The training scenes are annoying due to the gameplay boiling down to memorizing dialogue for each action and responding accordingly. It changes based on which position you choose, the last action, and it's randomized. There's a resistance bar and a lust bar that is affected by choosing the right options. If the resistance bar is full, the scene ends. This would be fine if it weren't for the fact you are limited by the number of times you can attempt the scene due to SP. You can get more by progressing the story or spending gold, but it's still annoying to do and I ended up replaying the same scene in order to progress the relationship.

    CG 5/10: Amateurish and only one per scene (excluding variations which normally have two other per scene). It's serviceable. Nothing groundbreaking and it looks like it's from 2013, but it can be charming sometimes. I like the design of both the MC and Connie too compared to some of the other trainer games.

    Character 8/10: Basic, but good. The MC is witty enough and Connie is innocent so their relationship is nice to see. You can tell what will happen from a mile away, but they complement each other so well and it's reflected nicely in combat. Connie is all buffs while MC is all debuffs so they work better as a pair.

    Dialogue 5/10: Cute, but generic. The dialogue all leads to the same outcome and the choices that would affect the story are out of your control. It doesn't last longer than it needs to, it gets the point across, and it's fun sometimes. The dialogue itself is all spelled correctly and is grammatically correct.

    Story 7/10: It's your standard story of an antihero who gains people who care for him and soon he finds himself with people he loves. He learns to accept others into his life, he does good deeds, and by the end fights for his family rather than revenge. It's cliche, but this kind of story is a cliche because it makes you feel good. I liked going through the story and at some points it felt repetitive, but it didn't overstay it's welcome. There was even a mid-story event that broke up the monotony of waking up every day to collect the next bounty. Despite everything being average in this game, it ends up being a good time and if you want a quick 1-hour game, then this isn't a bad choice. I rate it a 4/5 because while a 3/5 is average and only okay, I found myself having a fun time and genuinely wanting to complete it.