Unity - CrescentSoul [v0.2.17.5] [Artificially Dead]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Glitchy frustrating mess, all the enemies can slaughter you in like, 3 hits, to get the key from the first boss I had to literaly spam jump to bypass the boss, the main complaint are the controls - they are clunky and they do not react fast, they instead have delays, meaning you can't perfectly dodge and you can't perfectly jump from platform to platform.

    And, after death you can still hear the H-scene where you died after you respawn, forcing you to restart the game. Skip this one.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    A middle-aged Femboy

    *v0.2.8 build*

    Not a bad game. I was a bit turned off since pixel art is a hit-or-miss for me in H-games but this game won me over. The animations are done pretty well and I think the presentation is generally pretty good.

    0 stars (so far)
    Gameplay wise, it's about what you expect with a -1, 2, 3 combo- and jump, though I wish I could rebind jump to space instead of w. You do get a parry in the form of a kick, though it only works if you use them at the right time with attacks that flash blue.
    The game is still very much an alpha at the moment though since you are basically take no damage and there are still bugs, like a duplicate of you forming to have sex with an enemy with the sounds playing non-stop until you get knocked down and fuck another enemy.
    -I'm assuming the Bug I mentioned is patched out, haven't tested it yet-

    0 stars
    -The game has a pixel art aesthetic, which is usually a hit or miss for me personally in H-games. Still it doesn't ruin the moon with a bobble head or the like, and while I would prefer something akin to D-Lis or UzuraZanac's styles and maybe slim down the waist just a bit for some models IMO, nor is it trying to be anything ground-breaking, I think the art and models are well-made overall.-

    +1 star
    H-gameplay basically consists of what you also would expect where you get knocked down if you loss all your stamina and have to spam in order to break free. It's pretty normal , but I would prefer it if the bar didn't decrease so fast.
    -Its better now-

    As for the H-factor, it passes with a Solid B+ A, I still don't prefer the aesthetic but it doesn't turn me off, the animations have quality, and the fact it has multiple animations pushes it from a B- to a B+ A. If you were able to have some influence on the animation you get, it could be pushed to an A-, but I don't expect anything in that regard.
    -I should also mention that the gallery is locked behind subescribestar and patreon, but i don't think that is much of a large issue at this early of a stage-
    [F = Dead fish || C = Eh, good enough || S = "Whoa! Where did my pants go?!"
    -H-scenes grew on me on my 2nd time around when I started to look a bit more into the finer details. That, and replaying some a mix of shitty amd good H-games recently which upped my appreciation a bit.-

    ==Suggestions and improvements==
    Some things I think can improve the game as of right now is basically just a map and a prompt to collect items which are guaranteed to be in the game at some point probably. Some things I would like to be in the game is just some more castlevania vibes gameplay wise, more enemies with more animations, and maybe -some abilities added at some point, like, for example, one that- lets you step/jump on enemies heads but thats about it -as far as I can imagine.-
    -I also think a ranged option for combat would make things a bit better too.-

    TLDR; Its a promising cake that was just put in the oven, so keep an eye on this one.

    -Update: New patch w/ new enemy, plenty of bug fixes, new main menu, and death is now in game. Nothing too major so not changing generally review much aside from format, but I do think combat might seem a bit jank since you can just spam outside the range of most enemies and just crouch to knaw off the ankles of the new grand succubus type. Had to get good w/ the executioner demon though, but its pretty easy once you read its moves.
    (pro tip: hitboxes are tight but idk to what degree, and parry is great to master for some enemies).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    easily one of the best games in a decade.

    the fact that the animations are good, AND, the FACT that EACH ENEMY HAS MULTIPLE ANIMATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!

    you get 100 stars for multiple enemies, each with multiple animations.
    i will be supporting your patreon. THANK YOU!

    im very excited for the other levels.
    we definitely need a map system.

    it would also be amazing if there was more animation progression - like 3 speeds or phases instead of just 2. like advancing the animation into more intense positions or actions etc.

    the controls are surprisingly good. very simple, very effective.

    THANK YOU. cant wait for more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at: V0.2.1

    Simplistic art, cool ambient lighting effect, player's damage and range is satisfying, chill background music to contrast the onslaught of meat beating that happens 30 cm from the keyboard.

    I thought, I had discovered all of the H-scenes when I seen two H-scene from each enemy and was very satisfied with the content given the age of the game. Then I read that each enemy had 3 H-scenes and was amazed.
    Given the age of this games, it has a really promising velocity, hopefully the code-base is not buried in technical debt to get this far this quickly. (Considering Japanese teams are taking years to develop side-scrollers with 20-30 H-scenes).

    I wish there was a zoom function though.

    I'm looking forward to see more from this game.

    Great job Artificially Dead!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    1.- GRAPHICS
    the graphic style is ok, it's enough not to look ugly but not anything special either

    2.- PLOT/STORY

    Non-existent story at the moment but the setting is ideal for an interesting story in the future

    the classical Metroidvania gameplay, does not try to innovate in anything but it does not make anything worse either, the controls feel good in general but they still need to be improved a bit

    the levels are regular and the enemies too, although there are some things that I think need some adjustments like the bar to exit the sex animation or the fact that you can't lose, I can't talk much about this section either since the game is in a very early stage of development

    The performance is fine, I didn't notice anything remarkable in relation to this, as far as bugs go, the game has some and I got 3, the first one happened to me when an enemy threw me off a platform while he was having sex with me, the camera fell silent but the sprite stayed with the enemy, the second one I don't know why it happened but what happened was that a maid stunned me and then she threw me off a platform, I was stunned and I couldn't continue playing, the third one was a minimum one

    I find the game interesting and entertaining, at the moment it is very empty and nothing remarkable but I hope that future updates will add more content, since I see this project promising
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this demo as presented. There is potential though that is all that can be said. There is a few areas the player can run through and swing the scythe at a few enemies. The enemies erotic grabs do not do anything yet, the scenes are a good quality for the 2D graphics. The gameplay is metrovania though there is not much room to present the level design yet.

    Overall this just needs development more before I bump the score up. Concept wise this is a 5, a purely yuri/lesbian game with good gameplay. Though what needs to be seen is if there further scene development when the player character loses all health (Which cannot deplete in the current version.). As well as just adjustments to enemies damage to stamina, because currently you need to swing to loss stamina because enemies cannot reasonably deplete your stamina to get to a grab.