Okay, I just finished what there is so far... and loved it. Short, of course, being an 0.1 release and all, but nicely written and apparently in native English, which is always a plus in my book. The storyline is engaging and requires only the usual suspension-of-disbelief thinking that comes with anything that has supernatural elements. The models are very nicely done, and original as well: I didn't see a single default KK model, and I like that the dev took the time to do that. Besides, they're almost unbearably cute!
I have one, and ONLY one, slight annoyance to report. Near the end, there is a blast of creepy music that plays at a certain point. I say a "blast," because it completely disregards the volume settings and erupts at full force. I, like many others, tend to play with headphones on -- in my case, a very *good* gaming headset, and I cut the volume down to about 20% when I play. That sudden jolt of loud creepy music made me jump right out of my chair and question the integrity of my eardrums!

If you could please fix that ONE bug, I'd really appreciate it!
Other than that -- excellent game. I'll be eagerly watching for the next update. Cheers!