Really hard to give a rating to this game...
From my POV it's worth 2.5 star, but it doesn't mean it's a "bad" game, it just mean that I personally have been disappointed by this game , but I totally understand that some people LOVE it and will hate me for giving it only 2.5 star
This review is in 2 parts :
Part 1 is my personal thought about how the game handle corruption and transformation ( badly )
it's pretty long, have spoilers and consist mostly of my personal thought about a lot of theme present in this game
if you don't care, skip to part 2, but if you have time and are open minded enough to understand that it's just a personal opinion, then take the time to read it
Part 2 is a global review of the game itself
Part 1 : How to NOT corrupt
( seriously read it it's super interesting )
- The first thing that I personally didn't like in this game, is the total mind rewrite after becoming a vampire
( and that is for the protagonist as well as for everyone else )
When transformed, you end up forgetting your previous personality, like it's a totally new person in the body, the old one just died.
If your best friend of all time is transformed, you can be sure she is gonna try to bite you as soon as she wake up , not even thinking half a second about it...
( At some moment in the game it's even implied that you really die when transformed and your soul ( so you ) go somewhere else while your corpse stay here and wake up as a vampire, so when you are a vampire you really are someone else, a new character or protagonist... So maybe it's true, maybe not , maybe the dev have plan to add to the lore and explain how all this work, but right now I really don't like the direction it take )
Yeah later in the game ( far later ) we have a "logical" explanation for the mind rewrite, it's because when you are transformed, your creator have full control over your mind so if he want you to forget who you were before and instead just become a caricature of the evil blood sucker, then you will just be this caricature
( yeah in the vampire route we kinda keep our mental freedom ( even if not really, or at least we don't care in this situation, we will discuss it later... )
I have nothing against corruption to a point where you are no longer who you used to be, in fact I love it
But it should take time, and not be a instantaneous change ! because when you do it like that, it's like you play a different protagonist
You can't just erase a personality and replace it instantaneously with a other personality, you need to build up this new personality over the old one step by step
( I know it's a stupid comparison, this is fiction , but a good corruption or any personality change should be like in real life, when I remember who I was 10 years ago, I'm now a totally different person, there is nothing left of the old me except memories , but that don't mean I'm not "me" anymore, what I am now is build on what I was before, I didn't replace my brain one day and ceased to exist as the "old me" )
Each time I see a bad review in a corruption game, 90% of the time it's because the corruption happen too quickly.. but this right here in this game, it's not corruption , it's literally replacing the mind and personality of someone with a other
Ok you could argue that vampirism curse it so powerful that your bloodlust and normal lust are stronger than everything else
But please... even Vador still think about Padme all the time, so if even the full power of the dark side on the most force sensitive being in the galaxy isn't enough to totally erase who he was before, then don't tell me vampirism can...
I feel like it's just a easy way to avoid writing complex story and dialogue to fully explore corruption and transformation theme and that's bad because this game is supposed to be about corruption and transformation
- Almost all the vampire are so dumb... like a bad cartoon villain, only here to be your opponent and give you a bad end scene
no development, no real story, no choice ( unless you consider a choice to decide if you win or you loose )
- The worst part now : if you want to play as a vampire or you want to be a human getting corrupted and transformed as the story progress, you will not find what you're looking for here.
3 chapters ( so 80% of the game ) before you can enter the vampire route..
It's far too long...
So yes, you have some "extended bad endings" where you get transformed and get to play a little as a vampire before the "game over" but like their name imply, they are "bad endings", not a "route"
too short and you are not playing yourself, you are playing a caricature of a evil vampire with your personality totally erased
you simply play a other protagonist
I was waiting for this vampire route... hour after hour of play waiting for THIS moment
And the disappointment was total and absolute....
SPOILER ahead : you submit to a vampire, are bitten and wake up as a vampire........ ONE HUNDRED YEARS LATER !!
So say goodbye to all the possible story with all the people you knew, your friend, your family... all those possible interesting story reduced to nothing.
So yes, like mentioned before, this time you retain some of your personality because this time your creator is not a cartoon villain evil vampire, and let you keep your mind
But wait for it......... you've lost almost all your memory
So yep, again you are not yourself anymore, and by the time you regain your memory ( a few hours in game ), you have been a vampire for faaaaaar too long to give a shit about your old life
Again I repeat, I have nothing against a full corruption , but this is the fastest corruption I've ever seen
Dev : - "You are a vampire now, it's been 100 years, you've lost all your memory and all of your friend and family are long dead"
Mila - "Oh noooooo.... Anyway.
End of my complain
Yes... I feel pretty stupid to have spend 1h to write all this just to say that I don't like something in a sex game, but if anyone else also had the same thought about this game, then I did not loose my time ( and you can give me a like plz

Also, to anyone ready to click on the report button just because I gave my opinion on something, I need to say that if I'm willing to spend so much time thinking and writing about all this, it's not for the pleasure of complaining about something, it's because I like this game (kinda).. more I like the theme of this game
And when I see something bad in something I like or something with great potential wasted or not developed enough, then it's when I take time to make a long review like that
If I didn't liked this game at all, I could just have stooped playing half way and never bothered to share my thoughts, but I still enjoyed playing it , and so I will take time to talk about it
Part 2 : Global game review
The gameplay, no surprise here, it's grind after grind, a classical RPGM grind , nothing really bad, I've seen worst.. but I've mostly seen better
If you are used to RPGM games, there is nothing too bad here, but if you hate anything related to grind in rpgm games, you're not gonna like this one
Go from A to B, talk to someone, get him a item or slay a monster ( or lose to have a bad end scene ) and come back for your reward
Lot of puzzle, enigma, labyrinth, farming XP.... ( at least at the beginning you have the choice to have all your stats maxed so you can win fight "easily" )
Some passage of the game are just impossible to pass without the walkthough, or you can try but you're gonna have to click on every fucking pixel of the map and talk to every PNJ you can see
I can accept that when there is a good reward after, but here there isn't enough good stuff to balance all the grind
There is not a lot of content, it's decent but when looking at the size of the game, it's not enough
I know it's drawn art , it take time and a lot of effort, so I'm not gonna complain too much about it, just know that this game is not a fap fest with a scene every 5 min, it's more like a scene every 30-40 min, sometimes less sometimes more...
Add to that that a 1/4 scene don't have illustration ( probably not YET ), they only have one picture for 1 frame at the end of the scene
it's like : whole scene with only text and standing character image -> fade to black transition -> "Mila journey ended here" -> 1 picture of Mila as a vampire representing what she became after this scene -> and that's it , game over
The art is good, not breathtaking but good enough , but it clearly lack something..
the scenes are a little too basic for my taste, we are talking about vampire porn here, it's the perfect mix of eroticism and horror, but the scenes stay pretty basic , the dev take no risk and in the end it's a bit much vanilla
So I'm gonna wait for it to be completed and probably ask for a save for the vampire route when it's done
This could have a great potential but for now it's a bit much vanilla and playing as a vampire if you like all this kind of stuff is not worth it for now