It depends on what we can achieve in the given time - we aim to release in portions that are somewhat "contained" (meaning a reasonable break in the story) - but we are a small team.
Always a trade-off between more frequent updates that are maybe perceived "smaller" or larger ones with longer wait times... we aim for a somewhat steady pace.
Now that you are here, I wanna tell you I figured out some of the bug , regarding the black screen and the fog leaking through the scenes, and what causing them

so if you don't do the Massage scene, and pick the path were Lara gets Spanked instead, that is when the fog, leaking through to the images for the remaining episode.
also, Lara wake up, and say that the Dark Voice or entity or whatever, promised her a reward, but that conversation only happens if you do the Massage in a very specific fully extended way, it's actually a bit hard to achive it

, but regardless, Lara considering the Massage event as the canon event no matter what. for example, even durign the shower, she mention she try to get out infromation from the guy, even if she not met him.
Now, at this point I think the idea of trying to do so many different way, is not fully working and just backfire a bit.
The idea of the Dreams having 2 version, on paper may sound good, but it's just causing inconsistency. and also slowing down the progress of the story, because you basically creating two different scenario, but only one of them moved forward.
I understand you want to give the player more freedom, but at the same time since it's your guys first game, may be you guys are not ready yet for a such a complex branching.
The story moved forward, on the Massage path, but in the Resist path, the flow breaks a bit , because it not make sense, but I think you should let it that way for now , and move forward now, in real life. The new characters, are intresting, and we should really move forward beyond just dreams.
Just my opinions