I agree to most of what you said, but as for the weight of the sword, I think the reason is that it can't have two weights at once. MC isn't wielding it simply with his own strength, he's not lifting a one ton sword and attacking with it. His gravity magic is passively making it lighter, meaning when he attacks with it it's still being made light enough for him to use and therefor light enough for people to block.
The only way around it would be for MC to master his gravity power to be able to turn it off and on rapidly at will.
So say when he's slashing down to restore its gravity so it weighs very heavily and increase the attack power. That would make it very hard to block, but very hard to control for MC too.
Honestly, the gravity power is just going to get OP sooner or later. I can easily see MC being able to create large fields of intense gravity to cripple enemies while allowing his friends and allies to move about freely.
yeah, normally, that would be the case and I would agree. but when he first picked it up, he was doing it with the fox spirit who could not lift it, but MC thought she was joking and pranking it. so to me, it means, he already felt it to be light, while it is too heavy for her *at the same time*
but there was also some kind of description saying MC's powers altered the sword. but was it a permanent alteration or a temporary only when he touches it ?
Maybe MC only need to swing it and once it connects, just release it and the opponent would be crushed. or MC can just throw it, it would be an insanely powerful projectile.
ah, and it's a 10+ ton sword from what was said

one ton would be too light for cultivators.
I agree that his power will become OP very quickly. we don't even know if gravity is the combination of other elemental powers, which would mean MC can use and master any of the elements that makes up gravity.
Here is my take
The MC's power is gravity, meaning he can manipulate the gravitational pull of the sword.
As for the elemental-born system, whether it makes sense or not should be left to future developments since there hasn’t been a deep explanation yet on how it works or how someone acquires it at birth.
Regarding the mark on the forehead: If you're familiar with Chinese culture, those marks can also serve as makeup. They could have meaning or be purely decorative. In Astrid's case, I think her mark is related to her Phoenix Soul.
About why he wouldn't use 1st Form right away in the fight with Ashton, from what I see each time he use 1st Form, he passed out. The first time he used it, the Soul Weaver barely injured. So clearly, to the MC, at that point the 1st Form is not a guarantee option.
As for how Qi works, I don't think we need to dive too deep yet. It's still early in the story, and there hasn't been a detailed explanation of how Qi functions or how it plays into combat. Qi in this story could work differently - it all depends on how DuskDuck interprets it.
As for the dragon - yeah, that part is a bit odd. Maybe he is dead
MC doesn't manipulate the gravitational pull of the sword. it's done unconsciously. it said he altered it directly, like I said just above here

but we don't know how and for how long it's altered.
the fact that the element-born system is thrown around constantly but never explained removes a lot of the tension and impact in fight or character introduction. "hey it's ice, it's rare" yeah so ? "hey, he has two elements" so what ? should I care now ? no you didn't explain anything, it's just random facts without substance. and the worse is that MC had the training for about a month of two, and he got the explanation from instructors and masters, and fellow students. so MC understands, but the player is just left in the dark. that's VERY bad storytelling. if the player is left in the dark, the MC shouldn't know either, at the very least. when the explanation does come, there will be zero impact on the characters. and there is no opportunity for the explanation in the story if MC already knows. he is literally training, it was easy to put it in his training. training arcs are very often used to explain that kind of stuff.
if the marks are just makeup, then many other would have them... but only two girls have the marks, and they are both masters. it's definitely not cosmetic, and it has meaning. again, the MC probably knows now, just like the other characters. only the reader is left in the dark.
exactly, the first form uses a lot of qi. he knows it. and he waited until he used up all his qi first before using it. even though he knows it works on a qi ascendency enemy, so he is sure it will be VERY effective against a very low level guy... if he used it before using the second form, he would not pass out and still would have some strength left.
again, knowing how qi works for the reader is not essential now, but the issue is that literally every character knows except the reader. the ones that were supposed to be introduced to it at the start, and learn about it along side the reader, got a time skip for their training and explanation, and now there is no one else to learn it. especially bad since Liana is a bookworm, she would have read and learnt a ton of theory on it during training.
maybe when Jake shows up, it will be the last chance for the explanation of qi and elements. he is supposed to be some kind of smart guy or genius. the narrative will probably put him as scholar of some sort, or a theory crafter.