
Aug 20, 2020
Which is part of the main reasons I don't play heavily racial profiling and stereotypical games no matter which race of a human it's coming from. Not to say this particular dev of this game is one of those kinds of people that are like that mind you. And when it first appeared here, I actually thought it was weird but pretty funny at the same time. I think almost everyone who've commented here had tbh. I try anything once, and unfortunately, it's not for me lmao but the graphics and game mechanics of the game is very impressive nonetheless. But all jokes aside, as a guy born into a very mixed diverse family, I would find it very offensive if anyone sexually fetishizes me in a racist way be it for the size of my penis, or the complexion of my skin for black and mixed guys like myself are worth way more than being declassified as bunch of animalistic, sex crazed, men categorized towards that of an in-heat monkey in a jungle. It's so harmful that it also affects how people treat you physically as well based on race and skin tones. For example, during my junior high school years, I tried sitting with my fellow black brothers at a table in the cafeteria, and one of the guys instantly blocked me from sitting down and told me to my face to go sit at the "White Table" where I belong at because this seat is only reserved for black guys who look like black guys and I don't look "black" enough to fit the bill. Then when I did sit at a table full of white guys, they used to point and tease saying things like "yeah he definitely belong over there with his high yellow ass" or make a scene and holler things like "YO PRETTY BOY! YOU STILL WANT TO SIT WITH US!?" then burst out laughing Which is something I'll never forget for it hurt me to even hear those things coming from my own race where I actually cried. They even tried to do very NSFW things I don't even want to mention towards me as a way to try degrading me as a person. Most didn't even want me on the football or basketball teams which were my passions at the time and instead had to join soccer and tennis teams. It made me feel inhuman and depressed. If it wasn't for my white friends and a few good black friends that I've made throughout life having my back and even standing up for me when I was being bullied in that way, I'd probably would have done something harmful to myself that I'm very thankful that I didn't go through with it. So, I've mention this to explain that if we as human beings, desire someone of the opposite race in a racially stereotypical and fetishizing way, like supremacy, then we as a whole are promoting or normalizing racism, systematic racism and colorism which is as to why we still have racist white men thinking it's ok to say or do whatever they want to do to the black community and why there's even a huge rift between lighter skinned or mixed guys and girls (especially for the girls) vs darker skinned black men and women in the black community that's so bad that even many (like myself) no longer support the BLM simply because how we're all so segregated based on skin complexions alone which is a serious issue even the media don't really want to discuss the seriousness of how deep rooted colorism is for fear it may spark even more racial issues. People who fetishizes supremacy be they being white or black people, may think it's more complementary than an insult, but it's far from a compliment and is just another form of low-key racism used from both sides, that promotes the bigger issues in the world faced today.
It's a game, it's fantasies, if you don't like fantasizing, a video game has no relation to reality

It's a fictional, you compare a game and reality which has no relation

what's sad is that person destroy other people's games because you don't like that kind of fantasy,

but nothing forces you to destroy a game, because it does not meet your expectations

A lot of people like this type of game like me

it's very mean to destroy a game like that because you don't like it, I'm the same

when you make a game, it's hours, days, months of work for a developer,

when people make fun of and destroy a game, it's disgusting,

thank you for respecting the games of others.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 21, 2018
I never mentioned the comments I was referring to, but nice strawman you got there,
and no I'm not gonna dissect the meaning and content of every single comment before mine to make a point.

anyway all I'm saying is it get's repetitive seeing the same posts or slight variations thereof on the same topic EVERY SINGLE TIME, but hey if you still enjoy it, good for you I guess.
Your strawman rant was in the first page, don't blame for your laziness of not even skimming before getting up in a soapbox to thump your chest.
Mar 5, 2021
It's a game, it's fantasies, if you don't like fantasizing, a video game has no relation to reality

It's a fictional, you compare a game and reality which has no relation

what's sad is that person destroy other people's games because you don't like that kind of fantasy,

but nothing forces you to destroy a game, because it does not meet your expectations

A lot of people like this type of game like me

it's very mean to destroy a game like that because you don't like it, I'm the same

when you make a game, it's hours, days, months of work for a developer,

when people make fun of and destroy a game, it's disgusting,

thank you for respecting the games of others.
A letter to Octogames.

Dear Octo games, Thank you for your game!
We (i) value your time & passion. The year is fresh,
more adventure awaits you. Keep making games
because it gives us (me) joy, after a long day at work dealing with my asshole boss your game is a perfect
bait to laugh, scratch my head, or get pissed.
And have fun of course.

I can’t wait for your next game.

& Remember people who say dumb things are really dumb . If you pay attention to what they say or think negatively. You are worst than them!
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New Member
Feb 14, 2021
Bruh, that's some goofy ass hair. He doesn't look like he's balding, rather he looks like someone did his haircut wrong.


Aug 22, 2018
one of the few games that doesnt want to please every posible genre / tag ot there.
Thank you !
One question though, isnt Inity more difficukt to make than renpy, and if so why go for unity ?


Jun 12, 2017
It's a game, it's fantasies, if you don't like fantasizing, a video game has no relation to reality

It's a fictional, you compare a game and reality which has no relation

what's sad is that person destroy other people's games because you don't like that kind of fantasy,

but nothing forces you to destroy a game, because it does not meet your expectations

A lot of people like this type of game like me

it's very mean to destroy a game like that because you don't like it, I'm the same

when you make a game, it's hours, days, months of work for a developer,

when people make fun of and destroy a game, it's disgusting,

thank you for respecting the games of others.
Excuse me but I never mentioned anything about the game itself being a problem nor do I find NTR in general an issue nor people who are into this kind of NTR. I myself like a little NTR just not in this game's kind of way and that's not discredit the dev's hard work that have made the game for those who are into and looking for this version of NTR. It ain't for me for sure, but never did I tried destroying the game by saying the game was garbage or not worth playing or whatever hurtful thing to say to try tearing a creator down in that way. I thought it was weird and funny but in an all-in good fun kind of way. If you've read carefully of what I've mentioned, I was talking about people fetishizing white or black supremacy IRL in such a way that's actually another form racism when doing so. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I WAS IMPLIYING THAT THE DEVELOPER WAS PROMOTING THE IDEA THROUGH THE GAME! And I love interracial and diverse content too and my earlier comment about seeing a BBC gives me PTSD which is true, (for trying to do something gay that I was not proud of myself for years ago) but it was just fun shade not to be taken seriously nonetheless. I was simply replying to what the other person have posted when he'd mentioned about supremacy fetishes and how I personally felt about it in general. There's a huge difference between NTR and racial profiling fetishes and one is a healthy fantasy the other is not and that's all I have to say about that. Now as far as the game itself, little that you know, is that hours before you've responded to my post, and even before I myself responded to the other person's post, is that I'VE ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME (for almost 2 hours tops) and like I've mentioned before, I really do find the game mechanics and graphics very impressive and the dev did an amazing job on the game even more so than a few other game developers. And I'd give it 5 stars for I feel like it's worth a 5-star review. And I still have the game and a file on my PC and even though it isn't my thing for now, maybe in time I'll lean into it more and eventually find it more enjoyable. People are so quick to assume they know so much about another that I have to clear the air when I shouldn't have to if people learned to look closely before you react negatively towards another's post for I am free to have an opinion as well as my own likes and dislikes for that's what this site is for. But now that you know that I'm not that kind of person to tear a dev down in that way, if you ever see me post anywhere on this site that deals with NTR or anything else, please do not respond to me as if I have a problem with "Content that doesn't fit my interests" simply for having a darn decent opinion about it for that ain't how I roll for I very well know how to find content that does with a few clicks of a button trust and believe that. Anyways this is my final response towards this thread so you or anyone wants to keep going on with this conversation feel free to but I'm not responding nor checking back for I've said all there is to say on my end. I'm too handsome to be stressed over butt hurt responses unless I'm actually getting paid to deal with it. You do you while I'll do me and just leave it at that.


Aug 20, 2020
Excuse me but I never mentioned anything about the game itself being a problem nor do I find NTR in general an issue nor people who are into this kind of NTR. I myself like a little NTR just not in this game's kind of way and that's not discredit the dev's hard work that have made the game for those who are into and looking for this version of NTR. It ain't for me for sure, but never did I tried destroying the game by saying the game was garbage or not worth playing or whatever hurtful thing to say to try tearing a creator down in that way. I thought it was weird and funny but in an all-in good fun kind of way. If you've read carefully of what I've mentioned, I was talking about people fetishizing white or black supremacy IRL in such a way that's actually another form racism when doing so. THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT I WAS IMPLIYING THAT THE DEVELOPER WAS PROMOTING THE IDEA THROUGH THE GAME! And I love interracial and diverse content too and my earlier comment about seeing a BBC gives me PTSD which is true, (for trying to do something gay that I was not proud of myself for years ago) but it was just fun shade not to be taken seriously nonetheless. I was simply replying to what the other person have posted when he'd mentioned about supremacy fetishes and how I personally felt about it in general. There's a huge difference between NTR and racial profiling fetishes and one is a healthy fantasy the other is not and that's all I have to say about that. Now as far as the game itself, little that you know, is that hours before you've responded to my post, and even before I myself responded to the other person's post, is that I'VE ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME (for almost 2 hours tops) and like I've mentioned before, I really do find the game mechanics and graphics very impressive and the dev did an amazing job on the game even more so than a few other game developers. And I'd give it 5 stars for I feel like it's worth a 5-star review. And I still have the game and a file on my PC and even though it isn't my thing for now, maybe in time I'll lean into it more and eventually find it more enjoyable. People are so quick to assume they know so much about another that I have to clear the air when I shouldn't have to if people learned to look closely before you react negatively towards another's post for I am free to have an opinion as well as my own likes and dislikes for that's what this site is for. But now that you know that I'm not that kind of person to tear a dev down in that way, if you ever see me post anywhere on this site that deals with NTR or anything else, please do not respond to me as if I have a problem with "Content that doesn't fit my interests" simply for having a darn decent opinion about it for that ain't how I roll for I very well know how to find content that does with a few clicks of a button trust and believe that. Anyways this is my final response towards this thread so you or anyone wants to keep going on with this conversation feel free to but I'm not responding nor checking back for I've said all there is to say on my end. I'm too handsome to be stressed over butt hurt responses unless I'm actually getting paid to deal with it. You do you while I'll do me and just leave it at that.
No problem my friend, sorry if i aimed at you personally, like you said i respect your opinion
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New Member
Mar 9, 2019
Which is part of the main reasons I don't play heavily racial profiling and stereotypical games no matter which race of a human it's coming from. Not to say this particular dev of this game is one of those kinds of people that are like that mind you. And when it first appeared here, I actually thought it was weird but pretty funny at the same time. I think almost everyone who've commented here had tbh. I try anything once, and unfortunately, it's not for me lmao but the graphics and game mechanics of the game is very impressive nonetheless. But all jokes aside, as a guy born into a very mixed diverse family, I would find it very offensive if anyone sexually fetishizes me in a racist way be it for the size of my penis, or the complexion of my skin for black and mixed guys like myself are worth way more than being declassified as bunch of animalistic, sex crazed, men categorized towards that of an in-heat monkey in a jungle. It's so harmful that it also affects how people treat you physically as well based on race and skin tones. For example, during my junior high school years, I tried sitting with my fellow black brothers at a table in the cafeteria, and one of the guys instantly blocked me from sitting down and told me to my face to go sit at the "White Table" where I belong at because this seat is only reserved for black guys who look like black guys and I don't look "black" enough to fit the bill. Then when I did sit at a table full of white guys, they used to point and tease saying things like "yeah he definitely belong over there with his high yellow ass" or make a scene and holler things like "YO PRETTY BOY! YOU STILL WANT TO SIT WITH US!?" then burst out laughing Which is something I'll never forget for it hurt me to even hear those things coming from my own race where I actually cried. They even tried to do very NSFW things I don't even want to mention towards me as a way to try degrading me as a person. Most didn't even want me on the football or basketball teams which were my passions at the time and instead had to join soccer and tennis teams. It made me feel inhuman and depressed. If it wasn't for my white friends and a few good black friends that I've made throughout life having my back and even standing up for me when I was being bullied in that way, I'd probably would have done something harmful to myself that I'm very thankful that I didn't go through with it. So, I've mention this to explain that if we as human beings, desire someone of the opposite race in a racially stereotypical and fetishizing way, like supremacy, then we as a whole are promoting or normalizing racism, systematic racism and colorism which is as to why we still have racist white men thinking it's ok to say or do whatever they want to do to the black community and why there's even a huge rift between lighter skinned or mixed guys and girls (especially for the girls) vs darker skinned black men and women in the black community that's so bad that even many (like myself) no longer support the BLM simply because how we're all so segregated based on skin complexions alone which is a serious issue even the media don't really want to discuss the seriousness of how deep rooted colorism is for fear it may spark even more racial issues. People who fetishizes supremacy be they being white or black people, may think it's more complementary than an insult, but it's far from a compliment and is just another form of low-key racism used from both sides, that promotes the bigger issues in the world faced today.
Dude, this is a place we come for fap material, not /leftypol/. You should talk to someone professional to help you with this.


New Member
Sep 18, 2019
Ah boy, looking for the easy applause. Nobody before your message has commented anything against ntr. Did you have this message prepared before reading anything to get likes?
The post(s) they had been referring to have since been deleted. Just because you didn't see every plane in the sky, doesn't mean there isn't a crap ton out there.

(An example of there being a lot more happening around you than you realize.)
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Steve Carter

Apr 28, 2017
Which is part of the main reasons I don't play heavily racial profiling and stereotypical games no matter which race of a human it's coming from. Not to say this particular dev of this game is one of those kinds of people that are like that mind you. And when it first appeared here, I actually thought it was weird but pretty funny at the same time. I think almost everyone who've commented here had tbh. I try anything once, and unfortunately, it's not for me lmao but the graphics and game mechanics of the game is very impressive nonetheless. But all jokes aside, as a guy born into a very mixed diverse family, I would find it very offensive if anyone sexually fetishizes me in a racist way be it for the size of my penis, or the complexion of my skin for black and mixed guys like myself are worth way more than being declassified as bunch of animalistic, sex crazed, men categorized towards that of an in-heat monkey in a jungle. It's so harmful that it also affects how people treat you physically as well based on race and skin tones. For example, during my junior high school years, I tried sitting with my fellow black brothers at a table in the cafeteria, and one of the guys instantly blocked me from sitting down and told me to my face to go sit at the "White Table" where I belong at because this seat is only reserved for black guys who look like black guys and I don't look "black" enough to fit the bill. Then when I did sit at a table full of white guys, they used to point and tease saying things like "yeah he definitely belong over there with his high yellow ass" or make a scene and holler things like "YO PRETTY BOY! YOU STILL WANT TO SIT WITH US!?" then burst out laughing Which is something I'll never forget for it hurt me to even hear those things coming from my own race where I actually cried. They even tried to do very NSFW things I don't even want to mention towards me as a way to try degrading me as a person. Most didn't even want me on the football or basketball teams which were my passions at the time and instead had to join soccer and tennis teams. It made me feel inhuman and depressed. If it wasn't for my white friends and a few good black friends that I've made throughout life having my back and even standing up for me when I was being bullied in that way, I'd probably would have done something harmful to myself that I'm very thankful that I didn't go through with it. So, I've mention this to explain that if we as human beings, desire someone of the opposite race in a racially stereotypical and fetishizing way, like supremacy, then we as a whole are promoting or normalizing racism, systematic racism and colorism which is as to why we still have racist white men thinking it's ok to say or do whatever they want to do to the black community and why there's even a huge rift between lighter skinned or mixed guys and girls (especially for the girls) vs darker skinned black men and women in the black community that's so bad that even many (like myself) no longer support the BLM simply because how we're all so segregated based on skin complexions alone which is a serious issue even the media don't really want to discuss the seriousness of how deep rooted colorism is for fear it may spark even more racial issues. People who fetishizes supremacy be they being white or black people, may think it's more complementary than an insult, but it's far from a compliment and is just another form of low-key racism used from both sides, that promotes the bigger issues in the world faced today.
So what are your views on sexism in porn games?


Active Member
Dec 29, 2017
View attachment 2329530

Cuckold Life Simulator

is a story about paying enough attention to your other half or she will find someone else.
An office slave named Slavik (Slavek) comes home early one day and catches,
his wife and her new fitness trainer having sex.
Watching this, he realizes with horror that he is aroused.
Deciding to test this reaction, he watches them the next day as well.
And so, gradually, day by day, he increases the extent of his cocooning, masturbating on his wife and trainer,
and then taking part in their sex.​

Thread Updated: 2023-01-21
Release Date: 2023-01-21
Developer: Octo Games
Censored: No(i wish)
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English
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You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

Developer Notes:
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Ability to play with one hand
3.30 star(s) 8 Votes