Unity - Completed - Curse of Dares [v1.2] [Delusria]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game caught my attention with the cute girl, but is very lackluster, playing like one of those bargain bin 'baby's first unity project' games but with porn. The sex aspect is equally pathetic and unfinished, and as for the gameplay, walking around is a chore and you're never told what exactly you're supposed to be doing, and while you can intuit what the "unlocks" are and where you're supposed to go, it's not good at communicating anything at all with the player. I wouldn't say it's worth anyone's time.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's like if you took an F-tier action-roguelite / bullet heaven / VS-clone, gutted out almost all the gameplay mechanics that make them fun, half-ass the rest, then replaced the map with a maze full of keys and secrets, added some sex scenese, then stuck some expanding tiddies on the screen for you to look at. It's just not good, man. Everything about this is either subpar or just bad, minus the tiddy.
    Bugs, glitches, the works.

    Honestly just skip this, IMO.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game, the BE pics are very nice and the fact that the different sizes incorporate into the sex animations is quite nice. Gameplay is quite lacking, as the abilities are poorly described and lack variety, as well as there being a lack of enemy variety, and the fact that there isn't a sneak button makes backtracking pretty tedious. Although, there is a #oddlysatisfying feeling to killing a whole bunch of ghosts at once and collecting a bunch of XP.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    its just a vampyre survivors type game, Still has some poytential to be a great game with more tha just expansion of breast an that shit, i hope it get more content and a major update for some proble like the unbalance on some things.But that is being possitive this game appears as complete so it will not get more update so its kinda sad still BAD GAME its so broken and meh wank.
    2/10 (Sorry for my bad english)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is inspired from Vampire Survivors and it features breast expansion. There are supposed to be more, like ass expansion and etc, but because it is their first game, they couldn't have the time/resource. This is one of my favorite breast expansion games. The balancing is a bit off, but the dev is actively updating it! About a day or so before my review, they updated it to v1.2!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Quite chaotic, inconsistent, and practically incomplete. Broken, basically.
    The scenes have potential, but otherwise you can't even get more considering the strange mechanics of the keys. There are a couple scattered around the map and you use them to open all the doors. ALL DOORS, and there are more than 10, so you see that it is impossible to move forward in some cases.

    I was going to say it might get better with time but... This is literally the [Final], so no, don't waste 20 minutes on this like me.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5: Minor adventure game with some bullet heaven mechanics thrown in, because why not? If you got an evening to kill then go ahead and play, but be warned that you need patience for this one because it’s quite a slog to get through.

    Two girls make a dare on Flau to spend the night at a haunted school that is supposedly full of ghosts, Flau however, believes that the place is nothing but a den of homeless bums but takes the dare anyways with another going along with her. And sure enough she finds herself accosted by many men wearing bedsheets with eyeholes, not that she really has much of a problem with that. Even so, something supernatural is in the air with hostile wisps wandering the halls, causing certain changes to Flau’s breasts…

    Story 1/5: Once you read past the opening scene, that’s pretty much it. The only other bit of story you get is finding Flau’s other friend getting raped by the homeless ghost men in the far corner of the map. Once that’s done you’re free to wander at your leisure finding any more homeless ghosts or return to the entrance to sleep and end the game. There’s some alluding that the third girl who stayed behind set the whole thing up for both of them to get raped by homeless, but nothing comes of it since the game ends before that could ever happen. The game kind of leaves the question open of whether the homeless men are actually ghosts or not, but to Flau it really doesn’t matter since she just takes the whole thing in stride and allows herself to get fucked.

    Gameplay 1/5: You wander the halls of a dark, dank and strangely warm abandoned school with only your flashlight and wanderlust to guide you. You really aren’t told this, but your main goal is to find all the homeless ghosts scattered across the map and find your friend. Wisps will occasionally spawn to attack Flau, initially you are totally defenseless and must find “white orbs” to level yourself up to gain attacks. The main method of attack is leveling up your lactation and growing Flau’s breasts, there are various other methods like booty claps, crop dust, and others. Wisps spawn when you pass darkened floors, so watch out where you are because if you step on them too much then you might get overwhelmed. Dying has no penalty though other than booting you back to start though.

    Art 2/5: I’m like 90% certain the in game animations are put through a filter to try and give it feign as pixel art, whatever gives the A-OK for the DLsite I guess, less work for the designer. The only other piece of CG is the art of Flau popping in every time you level her breast enlargement up, but it quickly vanishes after around 3 or 4 seconds so it can't be admired very well. For what it’s worth, the progression of enlargement there is OK, nothing amazing or offensively bad. My only major complaint here is that the change of clothing or lack thereof has no reflection of the CG art and there being no actually visible lactation is a missed opportunity.

    Hentai 2/5: Do you like breast expansion? Because that’s the name of the game here. You level up Flau and watch as her tits swell up with the power of bullshit or something. Beyond that there’s at least 30 scenes of Flau doing the nasty with many homeless, starting small from handys and blowjobs to full on sex in different position. It’s not bad, but nothing extravagant. Flau’s breast size will change accordingly in every scene as you level up. Once you see them all though, that’s it. Games over. There’s no gallery either so if you want to see any again, you have to replay the whole thing… And there’s no way I’m doing that.

    Translation 4/5: Grammar really isn’t an issue here, Flau talks a bit during scenes, but there short and pretty simple. The intro and part where Flau and her friend meet up are fine. My only complaint is that we needed some more accurate descriptors of what the powers when leveling are and what they do.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Pretty goddamn bad not only is it possible to get soft locked by using the wrong keys in areas it's also really easy to get lost due to there not being a minimap at all also the "scenes" are the breast sizes going up when you pick the lactate talent and the really bad sex scenes with the "ghosts".

    I would give it a skip.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is a slog, but technically functional.
    There is no tutorial, nor hints, nor anything that you'd expect from a developer that wants you to play their game.
    But, it does have mediocre vampire survivor gameplay and breast expansion, if you're into that.

    At the start, you have no attacks and just need to get hit by ghosts until you level up.
    To progress further, find a key and a fireplace. They are in the starting area. Your character gets warms, strips down to her undies, and you opens a door, and you can start exploring.

    But exploring is a slog. She moves slow, everything's dark, and corridors are twisting with some doors needing a key, and others needing no key, with no way of knowing which is which.
    If you open a door from one side, it requires no key, if you open it from the other, it's free. There is no way of knowing if you're using the correct side.

    There's a lot of things about this game that irritate me, but the main objective is the worst. You are not told what it is, but you need to find your schoolgirl friends that are currently being raped by "ghosts" or hobos wearing ghosts costumes. "Ghobos," if you will. Finding one means the other spawns. There is no clue as to where, and you're going to spend a long time trying to find her.

    If you're hurt, the only way to heal is by getting raped by a Ghobo. I have no idea why this works.
    I also have no idea if you want to collect them all, like Pokemon, or not. I did not find the 2nd schoolgirl, despite 20 minutes of attempts.

    This game is for masochists, with a lot of spare time, that want breast expansion and Ghobo rape. It has those in spades, so it's technically playable.
    I would still not recommend it.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    might be good but can only see 4 of the supposed 41 ghosts since there seems to be a key missing to unlock further doors. very basic vampire survivors combat and "dying" just teleports you to the beginning room with no other consequence