Ren'Py - Cursed Overlord 2 [v0.50] [King's Turtle]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    ran out of bullets before you found any scrap metal? you basically need to try again from early on or reset entirely. have to save scum every day incase one of the succubus's get sick not to mention treating your own infection. most early enemies have no loot. no respawning loot to farm. making the town happy is Sisyphean. hitboxes are a joke. the game is incredibly grindy and save scummy in general, and not in a fun way. no hints of objectives or walkthrough so you just need to waste your time pressing E on everyone and walking into every surface to find out where you can go. if it was just grindy and save scummy like their last game it would be a half decent time waster , but this is a whole new level of unrewarding 1.5/10