- Sep 27, 2019
- 460
- 527
The one manage discord accountAre you talking to me or to the Dev of this game?
The one manage discord accountAre you talking to me or to the Dev of this game?
i think you missed the point of their sandbox comment. Sooo many add fluff to VNs by making it a sandbox. Instead of a 10 min "linear" update, its these clickaround sandboxes thats now an hour. it's essentially time wasters. It sounded like it wasnt a criticism to the content of your game but a criticism of the decision to make it a "stealth" sandbox. I could also be completely wrong and projecting on them but yeahHello guys, I'll try to answer your doubts and criticism.
First of all, I can easily say that there is a reason for every developing decision that I've made.
It's called Prologue for a reason, you know?
If you're still missing the point of the plot you should read the overview in page one of this thread, it's all written there.
Of course, if you're just 'incredibly' impatient and you want everything as soon as possible, I'll tell you from the start that this is not a game for you. This will be a story with three distint chapters and it will take it's time.
Until now you've played the prologue that explains the past of the MC. Now, with Chapter I, the real story begins.
Skipping those three months had sense because, otherwise, you should have played a character that remained hidden in a room for all that time. They used that same time to repair the old factory and remodel it into a semi-working clinic. And the fun fact that you have defined her business as "safe and stable" makes me realize how much attention you may have had in the entirety of the story...no wonder you still have to grasp it.
I am still amazed by how people could be so ungrateful. I am a single developer doing everything by myself and you have the guts of calling it an "empty sandbox". Of course, it's empty because it's still in development!!!
And it's not that I'm earning millions of dollars out of this, I still have to pay bills with my main job. I dedicate the rest of the time to the development of everything else.
To think that this comment comes from another "Game Developer". You should know more than anyone how much time and effort it takes to make a videogame, especially one with not just one or two decisions or routes. Shame on you.
Good thing that public versions will be limited in the future...geez.
But see, this is true criticism. "Why trasforming the game into a sandbox?", that would have been the right question, especially the right way to do it.i think you missed the point of their sandbox comment. Sooo many add fluff to VNs by making it a sandbox. Instead of a 10 min "linear" update, its these clickaround sandboxes thats now an hour. it's essentially time wasters. It sounded like it wasnt a criticism to the content of your game but a criticism of the decision to make it a "stealth" sandbox. I could also be completely wrong and projecting on them but yeah
Aww thank you, even though I don't think they're my "forte"Good artworks
Hello and thank you for playing!I played through and it has a good premise so far, the world was a lot more detailed than I expected it to be and I'm looking forward to what you do in the next update.
In terms of it being a sandbox, if you have decided to make it a sandbox, could you at least include either some sort of text indicator or a journal entry about what options have opened up rather than having to constantly recheck rooms/retalk to people to see if new options are available?
Also on a side note, there's a small bug if you ask Izy about "What he does in his spare time" for a 2nd time because there's an "elif if".
"Doubts, criticism, ungrateful"... It's called feedback dude. If you notice my post before that I said some very nice positive things about your game praising it, but you just ignored that comment. I suppose it is part of the human condition to grasp on more to what is perceived as negative than positive. I think I read somewhere that a lot of people are 100 times more likely to hang on to what they take as an insult than a compliment.Hello guys, I'll try to answer your doubts and criticism.
First of all, I can easily say that there is a reason for every developing decision that I've made.
It's called Prologue for a reason, you know?
Until now you've played the prologue that explains the past of the MC. Now, with Chapter I, the real story begins.
Skipping those 3 months had sense because otherwise, you should have played a character that remained hidden in a room for all that time. They used that money to repair the old factory and remodel it to a semi-working clinic.
The "lucrative business" that you mentioned is still very far away. You'll see in the next updates.
I am still amazed by how people could be so ungrateful. I am a single developer doing everything by myself and you have the guts of saying "empty sandbox". Of course, it's empty because it's still in development!!! And it's not that I'm earning millions of dollars out of this gameI still have to pay bills with my job. I dedicate the rest of the time to the development of everything.
Good thing that public versions will be limited in the future...geez.
Being a fact that you changed your opinion in a rather quick manner, I didn't count your previous comment. You should focus more on your behaviour than on others."Doubts, criticism, ungrateful"... It's called feedback dude. If you notice my post before that I said some very nice positive things about your game praising it, but you just ignored that comment. I suppose it is part of the human condition to grasp on more to what is perceived as negative than positive. I think I read somewhere that a lot of people are 100 times more likely to hang on to what they take as an insult than a compliment.
You definitely have some talent for game development or else I wouldn't have tossed you so much praise in that first comment.
I understand how it can be tough to make a game especially alone and how you still gotta pay rent and you are not making a ton of money off of it at this phase, and that can definitely be a mountain of stress I feel you.
I also know how a game that is not completed yet can be in that awkward incomplete phase, and how it can be frustrating to deal with comments about it at the time. As if the game were a house that is currently being built and the roof as not been put on yet, and some jackass walks up to the construction site like "Hey man, it's gonna rain inside the house and get wet dude you might want to add a roof! What about when it snows guy where is all the insulation people are gonna freeze in there!" Well no duh obviously it needs a roof and insulation that's just pointing out the obvious.
My previous comment about the "Stealth sandbox / empty sandbox" is still valid criticism and here is why. Like in the previous paragraph where captain obvious points out no shit that house has no roof. This one is more like... "Wait what are you doing!? Are you putting wings onto the house and a propeller now? You are transforming this once beautiful house into a fucking airplane now!? come on guy it was a great house..." I got no problem with airplanes, I got no problem with houses either. What I'm saying is that it can be very off putting when there is a change of that magnitude mid playthrough.
With each update you release on a game you have a certain amount of momentum built up into a certain direction. This momentum is what many people are following with any game. When that momentum shifts into a radically new direction suddenly such as from visual novel to sandbox on a coding level, or in the type of content tags delivered level (For example switching from a female protagonist to male protagonist.) all of the sudden it causes people who enjoyed the way things were going originally to be unhappy about such abrupt changes. Imagine with me a super maro brothers game where the first 2 levels are normal mario jumping around stomping on goombas and stuff... Then a water level shows up and it's water level, water level, water level until the end of the game from there...
Another comment has mentioned some of the pros and cons of visual novel versus sandbox. Yes these are valid points many people prefer the visual novel over the sandbox style and by seeing that a good chunk at the start is visual novel, the game lacks a sandbox tag, and has a VN tag... People think visual novel.
You said something along the lines of "If you played the 90 skipped days you would have played a character that remained hidden in a room for all that time. They used that time to repair the old factory and remodel it into a working clinic. Describing her new business as "safe and stable" is not true."
Well... I don't think you appreciate just how long 90 days is for story telling purposes. That is an entire season a quarter of a year dude. Many games from start to finish take place in less than a 90 day span. I have seen other games with much larger jumps and not complained about it. For instance a childhood scene then flash forward to everyone grown up, or coma happens and guy wakes up years later. I have no problem with these 2 examples that are even longer than your jump as it makes sense from a story telling perspective. Who wants to watch coma guy, and if you drag out the childhood stuff too long well that's just a game about kids and not a prologue for an adult game. The reason why I find the 90 day jump so bad in this instance is you are cutting out what would seem to be a very suspenseful and interesting portion of this story. Surely she did not stay inside that factory for that entire time. Maybe in reapairing some of the machinery she needed to go out and find a tool? Maybe she had to do a sexual favor or beat up the guy or bribe the guy to get the tool she needed? Maybe she ran into those bad dudes from when she first got out again and she got some revenge on them or fell victim to them or made friends with them having gotten off on the wrong foot? While in the factory that dude she met that lives there already... So she spent 90 days living in same place as this stranger and we get to see ZERO of the start of what sort of relationship they had at the start other than that very little bit on day 1? Did she make contact with her dad at all in that 90 days? What of that boyfriend she fucked earlier has she tried to contact him and get help from him over the 3 months? How did she get food in that 90 days? She was never seen eating does that stranger just feed this girl for free or does she gotta go out and beg for food? I could go on, but I think this is enough to prove my point. That's my gripes about the 90 day jump. Too many of the interesting parts of the story were skipped or left out with the size of this jump.
Anyhow I'm not saying this stuff to be "unappreciative" or to be a dick. It's my feedback to show you what some people think of your game. A helpful resource of opinions that you otherwise would not have access to. A perspectives beyond your own so that you can better understand your own game from the eyes of other people. Good luck with your game you really should have more players at least based off the strength of the prologue because it was pretty good.
I would never dream of denying the high level of your disagreeability. You have made that point crystal clear. Well done.Being a fact that you changed your opinion in a rather quick manner, I didn't count your previous comment. You should focus more on your behaviour than on others.
Another fact is that you insist in making you own ideas and presume things about the story of the game. Which again, it's simply wrong. Do you know that I will slowly tell what happened during those 90 days? Do you know that there will be flashbacks? Do you know all these things? No, of course. But, as in the example of the house, you must insult the work of others. You forgot the first thing that I said "There is a reason for everything".
I've read your long post and I disagree almost on everything you said. A VN can also be a Sandbox and a Hybrid between the two without losing it's identity.
And, reading your comments on the story, I have the vague suspect you didn't even read the dialogues or the CODEX but you're still behaving like some kind of "know-it-all" at their first view of the movie "Memento".
If you want an example of good feedback, check SummerCar post a bit higher than yours.
And not to be a dick or "unappreciative" of your opinion but it remains only your opinion and not of "some people". Good thing about this place is that you only speak for yourself.
" Yea I can also see the tourist view point after skipping the 3 months. The fucked up thing to me is if they changed the "3 months later" image on the screen to read "The following morning" instead and changed nothing else it would be significantly better. Get out of here with that 90 day shit "I would never dream of denying the high level of your disagreeability. You have made that point crystal clear. Well done.
Focus on myself huh? It appears that my compliment sandwich has failed. I surrounded my critique in bit of warm praise and kind things to say about your project and seemingly those go ignored and you only take in (or respond? unclear) to what you feel is more negative energy those awful things called "thoughts of other people".
What's with the constant argumentative and combative nature of your responses dude? Opinions can change rather suddenly based on new information. I have my own problems I am well aware of them. I believe one of your problems is that your are apparently incapable of handling constructive criticism well and instead resort to deflections (focus on your behavior not others) and name calling (know-it- all) as a defense mechanism.
I am not a know it all. I am fully aware that there are many things I do not know. I am sure you know many things I do not know. However, I too know my share of thing that you do not, and I am sure there is a common grounds area of things we both know, and a fourth area of things we would be in disagreement on. Reality is the perception of reality.
The rather simple point I was making before that I don't think you understood was some people don't like major changes to a games mechanics. (VN transforming into a sandbox). The "Empty Sandbox" comment is not unfounded either as to my knowledge there is just the one guy to talk to, option to masturbate in shower, and 1 little scene with the guy in the hospital part other than that there is nothing to do in the sandbox portion. It's a fair although not kind assessment on my part. Yes yes I know it will get more content later, but in it's current state that is the status.
You insist I insist on making my own ideas. You are correct. Why would I stop making my own ideas? No, I was not aware of your plan to incorporate flashbacks as the game had not to that point included any flashbacks.
You say I insult your work, and I disagree. In my opinion I have been polite and have offered constructive feedback. Yet an insult is one of those funny things that can never be given, but only taken and you appear to have taken what I have said as an insult and you have misunderstood my good intentions. If I were to be lobbing insults you would know it, and I would say far more offensive stuff such as "Get the sand out of your vagina snowflake" and I haven't done that. I can be rather blunt and crass and crude when I am lobbing insults around. I have been professional and polite although not always agreeable.
Yes it is my opinion, but one thing about opinions is that sometimes more than one persons holds the same or similar opinion. L7Bear for instance pointed out some of the same things as me and before me even. I'm sure that there are plenty of people that see things your way and agree with you. For instance your massive group of 4 Patreon supporters and yourself surely outnumber us 5 to 2 we are in the humble minority. (I'm just kidding here in banter busting your balls in jest, but in all seriousness you really should have much more supporters than that. Just bad luck I guess. Laugh don't get offended!)
If I make "suggestions" it's not "you have to do this". It's just feedback and constructive criticism.
That being said it is impossible to make everyone happy. Anyways I'm gonna get out of here and work on my own project some more. Good luck with yours.
i understand. I also understand what you mean with prologue and that building something big like sandbox is not the easiest task and has to be made step by step even if you had more ppl. So dw. ( The only thing I would be scared is that you will try to give the game so many options and side quests that you overdo it and get a burn out or something i that’s what no one wants. At least me) good luckDon't worryIt was added in version 0.02a but it's just for a brief time during those 3 months of waiting in the game.
As I wrote before, probably at the beginning of the thread, this is not just a "porn game" but I appreciate your commentThe game doesn't take a direction that I like, so I'll stop here. I myself don't like sandbox either.
The flashback narrative is not appreciated by everyone, especially in a porn game imho. A detail, the guy give her the tour of the place like she wasn't living here during the renovation work in those 90 days.
Good luck with your game and farewell.
Thank you Pogo, I'll do my besti understand. I also understand what you mean with prologue and that building something big like sandbox is not the easiest task and has to be made step by step even if you had more ppl. So dw. ( The only thing I would be scared is that you will try to give the game so many options and side quests that you overdo it and get a burn out or something i that’s what no one wants. At least me) good luck
To be honest half of them are, the rest is customized. So, in this case, I would say try half of the game?Are those original backgrounds? If they are, I'll have to give this a try!
Thank you so much for your wordsIt's cyber punk themed. So insta win!!!
Wow, what a nicely and carefully crafted game.
The way everything is made is really well done.
I feel like it is put together with alot of care and heart.
(Dunno if that makes sense, or if I just said the same thing thrice.
I am not a native speaker afterall.)
On a more serious note: The whole introduction is very well done.
A lot of assets used. Good writing and build up. Introduction of
a lot of characters. Quality renders with out noise and grain.
The stats system that leads to different scenes already. Great.
After the intro the VN turns into a game. Meaning we get what's called on here a "sandbox".
(Yup, the bad bad word that's gets folks' panties in twist almost as much as those famous
three letters. Guys, if you want a slide show you could aswell just hit up a hub with real porn.)
It's way to early to judge the game and the sandbox environment at the current state of the game.
That's an issue all the sandbox games've got. The experience will be a be totally different
one once the game is completed.
To me the sandbox in combination with the different stats makes alot of sense and is fitting
and if the rest of the game will be made with the same care as the content so far, it will be good.
So FunkPunkGames keep up the great work and don't get disheartened.