3. lesbian... why? i don't play male mc games and expect a gay route. where is the sense in that?

also there are plenty games with enough lesbian stuff even i think lesbian route is already implied by the dev and i bet there will some sort of optional lesbian route even the game doesn't need it in my opinion.
You can't just flip it over and act like a female MC game is the same as a male MC one just the other way around.
The difference is that the playerbase for porn games is heterosexual males to an even larger extent than among gamers in general (and I'm talking real gamers, not those diddling with some mobile games on their phones, I know those demographics include a lot more women), there are of course women (including lesbians and bisexuals and more), and non-binary players and also a whole slew of sexual orientations, the largest group, the majority by far is still good old horny guys.
Those definitely don't want a gay route (hell, a lot even have problems with transgender characters)
Contrary to that, many guys like lesbians in porn, there wouldn't be so many lesbian scenes in porn if they didn't (again, not all, of course there are those who get nothing from it).
Now, the audience for a female MC game is smaller than for porn games in general. Many don't want to play as a woman at all, many can't identify with a character being fucked by a guy, and a lot of people need to be able to at least identify with the MC a bit to be interested in a game.
Given that, there is definitely a group of players who only play female MC games IF there is a pure lesbian route, as they don't want sex with the MC and guys.
If you already plan to include lesbian content in your game, it would be a bit foolish NOT to include the option that players can stick to JUST the lesbian content. It doesn't cost you anything, and it opens your game up to a new group of players who otherwise wouldn't give it a go.