Unity - Completed - DaiSenka + DLC [v2.0.5 + v1.0.1] [TORAKUTORI]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    DaiSenka is a Vampire Survivors clone with top pixel art by Takorin. For a roguelike, it's an extremely well done incarnation of the genre (as always, you'll rarely, if ever, find a bad roguelike game), but as an H-game? The quality for the pixel arts are good for the price but I think you'll drop the game the moment you get everyone's scene if that's what you want.

    -Visuals and H-content: it's simple visuals for the actual gameplay, which is about what you'd expect for a VS clone. The animations and arts from CG scenes however are definitely top notch. Takorin is an extremely talented artist and to see them in the game format is a wonder. Due to the nature of the genre though, technically speaking, the H / game ratio can vary between almost equal if you want to get all the scenes and skedaddle immediately after you enjoy them, or extremely polarizing with the game part being super replayable, courtesy of being a roguelite. It's very flexible for all type of players. The actual game lost scenes is for those who like rape, I personally can't say I like 'em a lot but I know you will, though.

    -Audio: the SFX are pretty satisfying and the music is well, as expected, good but not original.

    -Gameplay: got all your favorite "you're the bullet hell" roguelike format shenanigans, now with a new twist: structures. You can build structures and defend the frontline instead of wandering around an endless map, which is a very refreshing take on this genre of roguelike games. I do feel like this added level of strategy kinda makes upgrading yourself feels a little bit dragged down compared to other roguelikes, so it feels just a tad bit sloppier for my liking. Otherwise, it's a great addition. And the different heroines with their different combinations of the amount of weapons, items and structures they can carry adds a new layer of choice to your gameplan. It's very fun but I have to admit I can't go far due to time constraints so I ended up not being crazy late game OP as I have been with the actual Vampire Survivors on my phone.

    Overall, it's pretty damn good. After you're done with the H-scenes, you should treat this as a game instead. It's fun, replayable, has all the likable aspects of a roguelike. It's just not extremely outstanding imo even with the structure twist in the gameplay. Recommend playing, 9/10.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    (Barely) Recommended – 5/10
    Supports controller

    • Length: 5-20 Hours
    • Experience: Vampire Survivors style roguelite
    • Don't play for the 'scenes', play if you like the style
    Story: 0.5/5
    There is no story but doesnt really matter for the game

    Gameplay: 5/5
    Love this style of gameplay, wish for more weapon evolutions though

    Originality: 2.5/5
    Original for h-games but not in general

    Scenes: 1/5
    Too little too mild

    Environments & Undertone: 2/5
    Idk, prolly doesnt apply here

    Amount of Content: 4.5/5
    A lot

    Characters: 5/5
    All characters are fun to play

    Performance & TL: 2/5
    English is MTL and live so takes time before changing, during the gameplay

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    In terms of adult stuff, there isn't too much aside from a few animation loops. But the overall gameplay is a lot of fun and similar to the game Vampire Survivors.

    Gameplay is pretty simple: you move around, collect items, and use random weapons you get to defeat enemies. The more monsters you defeat, the stronger you become etc. There are different heroes you can choose, each with special abilities.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the 1.0.6 Steam version.

    DaiSenka is a Vampire Survivors clone with a twist, and I'm not talking about the porn. Monsters follow you around a field and you slay them to level up and gear up your character, but on top of that you are also defending a keep that the monsters are also trying to attack. If your character falls or the keep, you lose the run. Survive 20 minutes and you win the game. To keep things interesting, there's bosses that come up and can instantly one-shot the keep, keeping you on your toes.

    The gameplay is wonderfully well-designed and the tower defense addition to the base of Vampire Survivors makes runs a lot more interesting because the bosses mean you have to be vigilant at every point of the run - you can't get so overpowered you don't have to care about playing. The addition of structures that support the player and barricades sections of the map are also fun to play around with.

    Obviously there's some particular pick-ups that are broken but everything ends up broken anyways in these games. The game is still fairly difficult but it's a game you learn from and you also receive gold to spend on permanent upgrades and unlockables.

    In terms of H-content it is very limited compared to how many hours you can spend playing the game. There is a defeat animation and a static CG for each character (7 total), and an idle animation with increasingly ripped clothing when they get damaged. And although it's all voiced, that's all it unfortunately.

    As limited as the h-content of this game is, this is an actual game here that has to be played which is unfortunately rare. And for that reason it is a must play
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Had a lot of fun playing this game without my cock in hand, trying to max everything out and think of silly strats. The scenes are wonderfully animated and damn hot. The problem is the quantity. You get one defeat animation and one vn style scene per girl. i don't think it's enough if a round of this game is to last over 20 minutes.
    Download it, watch the scenes and delete. unless you want a fun little mindless vampire survivor clone to kill a couple afternoons with.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great vampire survivor game. Really addictive, with Okay fappability only at the end of a run. I still enjoy having a cute girl idle sprite visible at all times even if as an Hgame, this isn't totally focused on it. This is a rare Hgame that I'm just playing as a game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent sprite animation work, addictive gameplay that made me finish it 100% in just few days. Really only disappointed there's no more to it content wise, hoping they're working on sequel already.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of v2.0.5 + v1.0.1 DLC]

    It's Vampire Survivors with Game Over rape.

    One slight difference, though: enemies will also try moving from right to left across the stage to attack your "base" past the screen edge. Since this game isn't quite as difficult as Vampire Survivors, this doesn't become very relevant unless your damage is really falling off too much or you chose to upgrade your enemies past your ability to deal with them.

    The animations are fine, although there's only two per character as far as I could tell. There might be more with the night stages/DLC, but I'll have to come back to find out later because I burned myself out playing it for a whole day.

    On that note, I enjoyed playing the game itself more than actually wanking to this one, but your mileage may vary. Enjoy!
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    It's honestly really good for what it is.
    I found the gameplay loop quite addicting. It's vampire survivors but with the twist that you can use emplacements to help defend the wave, adding some tower defense strategy. There are plenty of different items, and there are some ungodly strong combinations which are really satisfying to experiment and play around with. I found the second and third stages are quite difficult, but there are plenty of upgrades you can unlock to make those stages easier. Overall, the gameplay loop is actually really fun, and the tower defense elements go quite a ways in making the reverse bullet hell gameplay less mindless and more strategic.

    As for the H-Content. It's very minimal. You have a model with a few different damage states on the side as you play, but it's honestly kind of lacking and could do with some more states and variety. There is no H on win, which is disappointing. On loss you get a decently lengthy animated cg of pretty high quality, but overall it's very minimal. I would have liked to have seen the H content integrated more with the gameplay loop, but it is what it is.

    Honestly, really weak H-game but a pretty dang fun and interesting vampire survivors clone.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    So when reviewing this game I will mostly base my score on the non-porn gameplay. If you've played this game you probably know why. There's barely any porn here to speak of. So if you're looking for porn then look elsewhere.

    This game copies the mechanics pretty straight from Vampire Survival. That is a pretty good game, so this has some fun mechanics. The problem is you get bored after an hour or two. Win with each of the heroines once and you've seen most of what the game has to offer. You can customize the experience to some extent by buying upgrades, but it doesn't change the whole thing too much. Doesn't have as much replay value as you might think.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is outstanding, even though it copies the gameplay from a non-porn indie game. I beat it in one sitting,

    There is a nice difficulty curve, the so called story is hidden in the gallery lmao, good design there, if you buy the wrong upgrade you can revert it and get all of your money back, which is fantastic, the h scenes are only two per character, but you won't be bothered by that as you will be grinding for items, gold and upgrades to prepare for the final level of course.

    From the upgrades, purchasing full defense makes you literally immortal, use that in combination with the red dress, the green ring, blade shield, the flail, magical boots, obsidian pendant, enemy bell and fake news and whatever else you like to smash the level, lazer tower and scaffold are good too, do NOT take phermone because it makes the enemies faster and tankier!

    The only disadvantage is the poor translation.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Nijinda Futatama

    An interesting and entertaining mix of reverse bullethell survivor style game and a tower defense. The tower defense aspects bring a distinct change to the gameplay as it uses much smaller maps and forces the player not only to survive attacks but also prevent enemies (and especially bosses) from crossing from right to left to attack the town beyond the battlefield. There are 5 playable characters each with differing amounts of weapon, accessory, and building slots. Thus some characters will focus more on direct combat while others are strong in the Tower Defense aspect. Building can be towers with a variety of effects or can simply provide passive effects to the player, such as healing, extra gold generation, or experience. Characters level up and select gear/upgrades in the vampire survivors style of gameplay.

    Not everything meshes well together. Some weapons and towers simply aren't very effective in this style of play where the map has hard boundaries and some gear will make a bunch of other options irrelevant or ineffective. Still, the game is pretty fun to play and there are a variety of ways to accomplish your goals.

    The H content is well drawn and animated, although the MT does take a fair bit away from the short visual novel elements. There's not a lot of it, but what is present is quite appealing. You will have to lose to see the animations and the visual novel portions are entirely separated from the game, unlocked in the image gallery. But there is a surrender button for instant loss and there are plenty of opportunities to lose while unlocking more difficult levels and grinding for upgrades. Your character also reacts when they get hit (and also when they complete a map), and as their health drops under thresholds their clothing gets shred (and for once it stays shred until the end of the stage no matter how much you heal up, a nice touch imo).
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's garlic like and tower defense with a little porn in it. It delivers what it means as a game, but not enough as a porn.
    Sure, it sucks my times so hard, but that's not the only things that I want from an adult game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is fun and engaging. H-Content is very enjoyable. Game is in Japanese and requires BepInEx to run in English, which my machine is incapable of doing. Plays like Risk of Rain to me, probably because I've never played Vampire Survivors.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    gameplay is pretty meh but its a decent vampire survivors clone. It's also pretty buggy which is a shame for a game that is apparently completed. I really liked the art though. Just wish there was more art as theres no real reason to keep playing after losing with each character.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a bit split on this game. Its a really fun tower defense and for that it would get 5. But its Adult category. There is not much adult stuff there .. in which case it would get 1. I will leave it at 3 since if you pick it up you will enjoy it, but probably not due to adult content.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    this game is pretty decent, being very similar to the non-H-game Vampire Survivor, but with porn. however, the actual amount of erotic content boils down to three areas:
    - clothing damage from being hurt (there's 3 levels of it; undamaged, partially damaged, and then More Damaged Which Usually Has Tits Out But Not Always)
    - an animated H-scene upon being defeated (which are all pretty good, but only 1 per character)
    - a static H-scene per character (i think they're just in the gallery, but they say "Story", so maybe there's a story mode planned, or mine glitched and didn't show it? unsure)

    the game is pretty grindy but not bad, a successful "run" usually is like 20 minutes, and the H content there is REALLY good--but there is definitely not enough. if this game had like, 3 scenes per girl (1 per area, probably?) then that would legitimately be enough for me to really recommend it; however, because there's not, it really is kind of a GIF collection.

    it's not a bad game, but it's honestly just shy of a game worthy of recognition. the art is good enough that i REALLY want to see this artist do more, though!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Happen to run into it by chance, more or less learned through trial and error what does what.
    You can reposition structures by just running into them, however at some point the structure just breaks,
    and will start firing at the player instead of the enemies.
    which in my scenario helped me beat a map since the laser was covering the whole map
    hoping to see more updates to the game or more erotic animations/pictures!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    A vampire survival-like game wich is pretty decent, characters look good, animation is good and gameplay is exacly the same from the game a mentioned but with a tower defense aspect to it wich doesn't change much the gameplay tbh.

    The issue with this game is the H-content, you can see all of it very early and there's isn't really any worthwhile reward for doing the hard challenges, if each map(there are 3 maps) had it's own H-scene for each girl and you had to win with each girl to unlock the next map it would be a perfect way to make the game actually something worth playing because otherwise why not just play actual vampire survival and others from the same genre if this Hentai variant loses all of it's hentai aspect SUPER early?

    Overall good game with potential but it really needs to deepen it's h-content
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    So the gameplay is alright, and you can win, but it takes like 10 minutes and what you unlock isn't worth it

    Sadly if you just unlock and lose with each character you've seen pretty much all of the content. There's no other animations unlocked after that for any of them

    So basically you've got an alright game (that's buggy, it failed to actually complete the level twice for me making me reboot the game, once on a win once on a loss). It's just that smut wise what's there is good... but that's it, and the game itself is ungodly long while being pretty simple

    It's ok, the animations are good... but they could probably have just been gifs and you'd get as much out of it