A wee comment or two. First, the game seems promising and I, for the most part, like the philosophies you elucidate at the beginning. With the plethora of harem/school/silly HS 'he said, she said' games out there, this is a welcome change of pace.
I will nitpick just a bit, though... Although I applaud your efforts at including audio and sound effects, I would caution against having BGM playing at all times. The music should evoke feelings or emotions that correspond to the message or story. Constant BGM dulls hearing after a while and becomes ineffectual, even grating. Choose the clips wisely and play them sparingly and the results will be positive. Same goes for the audio effects you're using. Several are recorded too hot (-12db should be the target), although I've noticed many of these Ren'py games have audio problems so I'm not exactly sure where the fault lies. Some effects you've employed also sound a bit silly and detract from the scene. Again, be selective and use them wisely.
Oh...and a bit of minutiae. The MC would have to be older than 27 to have an MD in psychiatry. Even older if she had another PhD and a concentration in Neurology. Four years of undergrad (three possible but not common), four years of med school, four years of residency, another one or two years of a fellowship, or, another one to three years for a fellowship in neurology. Anyway, the MC would be 30 at the very least. Not a big deal, but still.....

30 likely sounds ancient for most folks playing these games, but for me it was a long time ago.
Looking forward to more...