
Jul 18, 2017
Touched a nerve have I?

Chill dude. You need to learn to internet. Don't take things to heart, you can't please everybody. But some feedback is always needed. Sure, a poll would have been better - but it's an anonymous web forum, you get what you pay for.

Oh and about that insanity of a tyrade ... I can't get hard without seeing a penis. Call it gay if you must, but if there's no dude in the equation, I'm out.
So you have a female protagonist game, you either fuck ladies (imho boring as dirt), or you fuck guys - gheeey.

Unlessssssss ... and hear me out. You also fuck dogs or some shit. Now we're talking!


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Touched a nerve have I?

Chill dude. You need to learn to internet. Don't take things to heart, you can't please everybody. But some feedback is always needed. Sure, a poll would have been better - but it's an anonymous web forum, you get what you pay for.

Oh and about that insanity of a tyrade ... I can't get hard without seeing a penis. Call it gay if you must, but if there's no dude in the equation, I'm out.
So you have a female protagonist game, you either fuck ladies (imho boring as dirt), or you fuck guys - gheeey.

Unlessssssss ... and hear me out. You also fuck dogs or some shit. Now we're talking!
So your rebuttal is that you want many dog cocks, and one more man cock to make things less gay for you? Have you thought that through entirely? I'm not judging. You do you.
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Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
So your rebuttal is that you want many dog cocks, and one more man cock to make things less gay for you? Have you thought that through entirely? I'm not judging. You do you.
Be kind to each other:)
Rose is always interested in game development not in dispute ;)


Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
Touched a nerve have I?

Chill dude. You need to learn to internet. Don't take things to heart, you can't please everybody. But some feedback is always needed. Sure, a poll would have been better - but it's an anonymous web forum, you get what you pay for.

Oh and about that insanity of a tyrade ... I can't get hard without seeing a penis. Call it gay if you must, but if there's no dude in the equation, I'm out.
So you have a female protagonist game, you either fuck ladies (imho boring as dirt), or you fuck guys - gheeey.

Unlessssssss ... and hear me out. You also fuck dogs or some shit. Now we're talking!
Hah, no offense, but I think it's funny you tell people to chill and try to act cool when you literally are one of those clowns who come to Female Protagonist games typing "fEMaLe prOtAgoNIsT? WheRE's mY mALe Mc! IM OUt!". Those posts are as unproductive as it gets and the opposite of "feedback".
"You can't please everybody", that's a good and ironic comment from you there lol. Why do you bother posting that crap in female MC games then?

yihman1 Sadly, a lot of people are obsessed with "self-inserting". They won't play as female simply because they can't put themselves in a girl's shoes or whatever. Don't ask me why. I don't get the big deal about it and why some are unable to watch the characters and the story from an overview perspective.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
if i get the option to play female i always do that. i mean i enjoy it much more to look at a girls ass than a guys ;).
I started doing that 20 years when I first got into EQ. If I'm gonna stare at an ass all day, I might as well enjoy the view.


Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020


Animations are in the CODE already.
Yih will now add some more writing and put in my removed menus.

Soon we will have some fun together :cool:

Can't wait:love:

But Enough with Spoilers for now.;)

Just wanna let you know, we are working hard as hell to publish soon an update for you guys ;)



Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
View attachment 1053142


Animations are in the CODE already.
Yih will now add some more writing and put in my removed menus.

Soon we will have some fun together :cool:

Can't wait:love:

But Enough with Spoilers for now.;)

Just wanna let you know, we are working hard as hell to publish soon an update for you guys ;)

Developer Thoughts:

As for the lesbian scene: All the animations are now in the proper location. All the menus are now in place. I'm going to proofread it again, may change the dialogue slightly but it's a solid rough draft. After proofreading them I am just waiting on the photoshopped images that fix a couple of minor errors in the images.

So that scene is wrapping up today, and it's the first half of the update but the bigger and harder more complex half.

Other than that we are making the scene where Kelly goes to meet Rose then they come across a few people real quick. There is I think just 1 animation in that part (a handjob for a coomer hobo which is avoidable of course) so sin should be able to get that done pretty soon. Then it's just Rose getting back in the car and going home where she will either get in bed with mark or make his ass sleep on the couch and have the bed to herself. That'll be the end of the update which if you count the day from wake up to sleep then it's technically day 1 is finally over, but since it's after midnight we are counting it as a portion of day 2.


Next update after this coming update is bigger and more complex (2 updates from now)...

I'm thinking I'll probably code the jump to day 2 starting point so that it is going to play a game of 20 questions with the player really quick to get them to that point in the story real quick and caught up with repeat players.

So, there is a going to be a variety things that happen on day 2 school day. Some things will happen no matter what, but other things will be effected by the players choices. So there will be various situations where you will have one scene or another. Was natasha treated friendly or made an enemy for instance? Well that's important... Did Alice come over for pizza or not? Is she transgender or not? There will be scenes with several people but the biggest most complex scenes will be some sexual stuff with alice because she is gonna have a trans and cis form. So that's twice the renders and animations for anything where her pants are down which they will be. (If that's how you play it)

We can definitely make this part, but a difficult portion to write and code and order everything in just the right place it's going to be a lot of work. So it's going to take longer than this last one took.

Next update after that is small, and easy. (3 updates from now)

We already have 100% of the renders made for a linear portion after school. I think it's just 84 renders that will be relatively easy writing with 1 menu. Fun Fact: Interestingly enough this segment is actually our original opening of the game when we first started making it. We started out with Rose, Kelly & Jessica in a car together driving through the forest. However... I kinda made sin back track a bit and make like a couple thousand renders and like 30 animations to happen before that :D

Around this same time that those 3 are going for a ride we are probably going to add another old scene. This scene will include Saphire and a couple of other people, and I think that's about 87 renders. Which we already have made and this segment is kinda linear too. At which point all of our reserve images that are completed scenes are gone :D We used them all up.

I'll be really happy when we get to here finally. It will have all come around full circle.

Beyond that (4 updates from now and beyond.)
That is when the ride with Jessica / Kelly ends at the ice cream store. We have this scene partially rendered already, but this is an older image set and at that point in the writing there was only the 1 path for mark. So it may be missing some images that we would need to come up with. Then we are gonna have some various things to round out the day. We have some stuff loosely planned, but will bring it all into focus when we get there.

Do we have any Deleted Scenes?

This game almost went in a completely different direction!

Before we had a good flow going Sin took a lot more initiative on making renders. Meaning he would sometimes make a big batch of renders and send them to me and basically be like "Make a story for that!" where now it's more so In reverse I generally frame a scene for him to render then sometimes he will add a little wiggle room to add his own flavor to it too. We weren't as use to working with each other and didn't have a very good communications yet. We talk more now, and plan stuff out together way better.

Sleeper Creeper Black Guy House:

I think probably about 50 or so renders were made of this.

I don't think we ever gave the black guy a name that's how early it was. We just called him "The Black Guy!" Originally like way way way early on in our development (Like 7-8 months ago) Sin rendered part of a little scene that we unfortunately do need to delete, I actually deleted my copies. Sin may have a copy though? Unclear... It was Rose & Kelly & Jessica going over some random black dudes house (Rose Kelly & Jessica used to be named Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup way back then we didn't even have proper names for them yet and we only had these 4 plus mark, but we gave them real names instead of powerpuff girl names!), and Rose had a tramp stamp back then :D I'm like no no no get rid of that! what are you doing why a tramp stamp!? We want her more innocent... Then everyone slept over at the black dudes house they were kinda living together, and the black guy played a little bit of sleeper creeper on Jessica. Way back in an early first draft we had in the story that Rose, and Kelly & Jessica all lived together with this black dude. I don't even have a copy of those renders anymore sin might I forget how many it was. Then there was a part where the black dude got a blue screen of death on his laptop for some reason, and was like "Sin? What why what does this mean?" Maybe he needed to get one of the girsl to fix it. We still don't know :D We may at some point leak some of our old deleted stuff if Sin still got it, and that black dude may get recycled in at some point and be given a name. Then they had one more little breakfast scene. That black dude was ALMOST OUR PROTAGONIST. The reason he had no name was we were gonna leave the player to name him them self. I pointed my finger at Rose though... She is the one... She is the chosen one... we shall make her the protagonist!

This game was like an inch away from it being a story about some black dude protagonist with 3 white girl room mates (blonde, brunette, red head)... Just imagine how different the game would be if Rose was not chosen... Imagine how different our audience would be. We would definitely get way more interracial fans for sure having a black guy protagonist, but bye bye to all our lesbian lovers :(

Saphire's Bondage Scene:

Saphire was taken by a corrupt police officer to be bound and abused and fucked in some dungeon. I think this was only pre renderes. So it was never properly textured, but it was was sexy, but a little too much like rape for what we are shooting for. I think this never got past pre renders because we don't want to get cancelled on patreon. Sin wrote that one, it would have been interesting. I think it's deleted though.


Engaged Member
Jul 11, 2018
ok save the idea for a black guy protagnoist for a later game. its another thing you dont get often.
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Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
Developer Thoughts:

As for the lesbian scene: All the animations are now in the proper location. All the menus are now in place. I'm going to proofread it again, may change the dialogue slightly but it's a solid rough draft. After proofreading them I am just waiting on the photoshopped images that fix a couple of minor errors in the images.

So that scene is wrapping up today, and it's the first half of the update but the bigger and harder more complex half.

Other than that we are making the scene where Kelly goes to meet Rose then they come across a few people real quick. There is I think just 1 animation in that part (a handjob for a coomer hobo which is avoidable of course) so sin should be able to get that done pretty soon. Then it's just Rose getting back in the car and going home where she will either get in bed with mark or make his ass sleep on the couch and have the bed to herself. That'll be the end of the update which if you count the day from wake up to sleep then it's technically day 1 is finally over, but since it's after midnight we are counting it as a portion of day 2.


Next update after this coming update is bigger and more complex (2 updates from now)...

I'm thinking I'll probably code the jump to day 2 starting point so that it is going to play a game of 20 questions with the player really quick to get them to that point in the story real quick and caught up with repeat players.

So, there is a going to be a variety things that happen on day 2 school day. Some things will happen no matter what, but other things will be effected by the players choices. So there will be various situations where you will have one scene or another. Was natasha treated friendly or made an enemy for instance? Well that's important... Did Alice come over for pizza or not? Is she transgender or not? There will be scenes with several people but the biggest most complex scenes will be some sexual stuff with alice because she is gonna have a trans and cis form. So that's twice the renders and animations for anything where her pants are down which they will be. (If that's how you play it)

We can definitely make this part, but a difficult portion to write and code and order everything in just the right place it's going to be a lot of work. So it's going to take longer than this last one took.

Next update after that is small, and easy. (3 updates from now)

We already have 100% of the renders made for a linear portion after school. I think it's just 84 renders that will be relatively easy writing with 1 menu. Fun Fact: Interestingly enough this segment is actually our original opening of the game when we first started making it. We started out with Rose, Kelly & Jessica in a car together driving through the forest. However... I kinda made sin back track a bit and make like a couple thousand renders and like 30 animations to happen before that :D

Around this same time that those 3 are going for a ride we are probably going to add another old scene. This scene will include Saphire and a couple of other people, and I think that's about 87 renders. Which we already have made and this segment is kinda linear too. At which point all of our reserve images that are completed scenes are gone :D We used them all up.

I'll be really happy when we get to here finally. It will have all come around full circle.

Beyond that (4 updates from now and beyond.)
That is when the ride with Jessica / Kelly ends at the ice cream store. We have this scene partially rendered already, but this is an older image set and at that point in the writing there was only the 1 path for mark. So it may be missing some images that we would need to come up with. Then we are gonna have some various things to round out the day. We have some stuff loosely planned, but will bring it all into focus when we get there.

Do we have any Deleted Scenes?

This game almost went in a completely different direction!

Before we had a good flow going Sin took a lot more initiative on making renders. Meaning he would sometimes make a big batch of renders and send them to me and basically be like "Make a story for that!" where now it's more so In reverse I generally frame a scene for him to render then sometimes he will add a little wiggle room to add his own flavor to it too. We weren't as use to working with each other and didn't have a very good communications yet. We talk more now, and plan stuff out together way better.

Sleeper Creeper Black Guy House:

I think probably about 50 or so renders were made of this.

I don't think we ever gave the black guy a name that's how early it was. We just called him "The Black Guy!" Originally like way way way early on in our development (Like 7-8 months ago) Sin rendered part of a little scene that we unfortunately do need to delete, I actually deleted my copies. Sin may have a copy though? Unclear... It was Rose & Kelly & Jessica going over some random black dudes house (Rose Kelly & Jessica used to be named Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup way back then we didn't even have proper names for them yet and we only had these 4 plus mark, but we gave them real names instead of powerpuff girl names!), and Rose had a tramp stamp back then :D I'm like no no no get rid of that! what are you doing why a tramp stamp!? We want her more innocent... Then everyone slept over at the black dudes house they were kinda living together, and the black guy played a little bit of sleeper creeper on Jessica. Way back in an early first draft we had in the story that Rose, and Kelly & Jessica all lived together with this black dude. I don't even have a copy of those renders anymore sin might I forget how many it was. Then there was a part where the black dude got a blue screen of death on his laptop for some reason, and was like "Sin? What why what does this mean?" Maybe he needed to get one of the girsl to fix it. We still don't know :D We may at some point leak some of our old deleted stuff if Sin still got it, and that black dude may get recycled in at some point and be given a name. Then they had one more little breakfast scene. That black dude was ALMOST OUR PROTAGONIST. The reason he had no name was we were gonna leave the player to name him them self. I pointed my finger at Rose though... She is the one... She is the chosen one... we shall make her the protagonist!

This game was like an inch away from it being a story about some black dude protagonist with 3 white girl room mates (blonde, brunette, red head)... Just imagine how different the game would be if Rose was not chosen... Imagine how different our audience would be. We would definitely get way more interracial fans for sure having a black guy protagonist, but bye bye to all our lesbian lovers :(

Saphire's Bondage Scene:

Saphire was taken by a corrupt police officer to be bound and abused and fucked in some dungeon. I think this was only pre renderes. So it was never properly textured, but it was was sexy, but a little too much like rape for what we are shooting for. I think this never got past pre renders because we don't want to get cancelled on patreon. Sin wrote that one, it would have been interesting. I think it's deleted though.

Thank you Yih for your detailed reporting.

I also wanted to post my opinion briefly :)

First of all, let's talk about the progress of the next update.
Thanks to my high power, you will soon be able to play a really cool sequel.

At the moment the workload is about 85% renders and 15% coding writing.

All in all, I think Yih chose an unfortunate approach.
All the spoiling takes away a lot of tension for what is to come and is de facto misleading. Since we do not know 100% what will come in the next but one update.

We have collectively developed a rough Pösn. But during the composition I am mostly spontaneous and decide for what I think looks best and what you might like.

What Yih is doing now is comparable to a soap in which I already tell you what will roughly happen in the 3,4,5 and 6 episodes. Who still watches these episodes then.

So I would have less interest .
Therefore, rest assured that the story will have more to offer than Yih presents here.

He always had good ideas and can write well but I bring the words to life for you to enjoy

The plan is to concentrate on this update for now.

Otherwise we run the risk again ⛔ that hundreds of renders are for the bin again.

That was a very painful moment, because I spent hours creating these renders. Yih then succinctly said they didn't fit the story and could go in the bin.
That almost broke my heart and almost made me never start the project.
To prevent this from happening again, the render production is now done under a different working regime.

All in all, it is permanently portrayed as if I were Yih's henchman and employee, which is of course wrong.
Several times I have been asked about this in the forum.

It is correct is that I am the artist and the developer.
Yih is the writer and also the developer.

I have already invested a lot of money and also a lot of time through the purchased assets, the GPUs, electricity costs. The workload as an artist tends to be much higher than that of a writer. Even if research is done here. Through it all I have about a cost of 8-9k so far. Yih has invested his time, as have I. I run the Patreon, buymeacoffee, subscribestar. Itch, gamejolt, Instagram and Twitter account. So as I said, I'm not the stooge. Overall, I'm really disappointed with the way he behaves at the moment . And the arguments with other participants in this thread have also displeased me. :cry:

For the future, I would like to see a more constructive and goal-oriented way of working and especially behaving from Yih. Because it is really important to me to be able to provide you a great gaming experience.



Knockout Master
May 11, 2017

Thank you Yih for your detailed reporting.

I also wanted to post my opinion briefly :)

First of all, let's talk about the progress of the next update.
Thanks to my high power, you will soon be able to play a really cool sequel.

At the moment the workload is about 85% renders and 15% coding writing.

All in all, I think Yih chose an unfortunate approach.
All the spoiling takes away a lot of tension for what is to come and is de facto misleading. Since we do not know 100% what will come in the next but one update.

We have collectively developed a rough Pösn. But during the composition I am mostly spontaneous and decide for what I think looks best and what you might like.

What Yih is doing now is comparable to a soap in which I already tell you what will roughly happen in the 3,4,5 and 6 episodes. Who still watches these episodes then.

So I would have less interest .
Therefore, rest assured that the story will have more to offer than Yih presents here.

He always had good ideas and can write well but I bring the words to life for you to enjoy

The plan is to concentrate on this update for now.

Otherwise we run the risk again ⛔ that hundreds of renders are for the bin again.

That was a very painful moment, because I spent hours creating these renders. Yih then succinctly said they didn't fit the story and could go in the bin.
That almost broke my heart and almost made me never start the project.
To prevent this from happening again, the render production is now done under a different working regime.

All in all, it is permanently portrayed as if I were Yih's henchman and employee, which is of course wrong.
Several times I have been asked about this in the forum.

It is correct is that I am the artist and the developer.
Yih is the writer and also the developer.

I have already invested a lot of money and also a lot of time through the purchased assets, the GPUs, electricity costs. The workload as an artist tends to be much higher than that of a writer. Even if research is done here. Through it all I have about a cost of 8-9k so far. Yih has invested his time, as have I. I run the Patreon, buymeacoffee, subscribestar. Itch, gamejolt, Instagram and Twitter account. So as I said, I'm not the stooge. Overall, I'm really disappointed with the way he behaves at the moment . And the arguments with other participants in this thread have also displeased me. :cry:

For the future, I would like to see a more constructive and goal-oriented way of working and especially behaving from Yih. Because it is really important to me to be able to provide you a great gaming experience.

That's a lot to respond to. Some folks may take it wrong let me fix that up for you as I'm your write monkey, and you are my render monkey. The Writing portion is complete for that part, and proofread and solid so that's good.

You are right about that I maybe did spoil a little bit. At the same time I didn't really spoil much as it is to some degree very obvious that the dean of the school will be back at the school tomorrow, and plans were already made for going to the ice cream shop and it's only natural she would bring a couple of friends along. Other than mentioning there will be a bum that may get a handy in the next update (so that non lesbian fans have a reason to play) I don't think I gave any surprising information that could ruin gameplay. I always choose my words carefully. There is more to that scene than that. If someone sees a movie trailer of spiderman and venom fighting on top of a sky scraper they are not gonna be like... "Oh... I know the fight at the tower so I guess that I shouldn't watch that spiderman movie now." I didn't exactly do a "Snape Kills Dumbledore" spoiler. Perhaps I'll avoid talking about future plans in the future, but some folks do like to be a little bit in the know of what may be coming.

85% of work as rendering and 15% as writing is a fallacy. I'll elaborate. In a combat situation it may take a soldier 85% of the time loading a weapon and carrying it around and keeping it maintained, but if the 15% of the time spent shooting is spent shooting wildly into the air or into the ground... That's not good. Renders are definitely a choke point and time consuming to make. I agree, but without putting those renders on point and in the right direction things can go bad pretty quickly. Much like a blockbuster movie with good special effects, but poor writing being a flop. A movie such as "Battlefield Earth" comes to mind. On the other hand firing a gun that goes "click click click" without any ammo isn't very effective either so we are equally important. You are of vital importance to the project.

I'd hate for others to treat you as just my minion or henchman. You and I, and anyone with common sense know you are more than that. You are an equal partner in this saga. I love you man, but not like in a gay way or anything like that. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I need you as much as you need me. You aint just my minion, and it's not really 85-15 either. The truth is It's 50-50 not 60-40 or 80-20 or 90-10 it's 50-50.

As for my "Fighting in the thread", it's the internet dude. Trolls are gonna troll. Trolls come along from time to time, but I know how to deal with them. They may get angry and throw a hissy fit at what I have to say losing their cool, but I tend to keep my cool the whole time and really pisses them off. The more they run their mouth the more they tend to expose them self for what they really are. I don't name call, or act like a fool. I'm also pretty good at diffusing drama, and conflict resolution.

I know it hurt when we had to trash those renders a long time ago, just thinking about it probably got you irritated right now. I don't like wasting renders any more than you do. Sadly those deleted scenes did have to go though. For writing purposes. They just didn't properly fit to the story, and some were a little questionable as if they comply with patreon rules. So best to not risk it. It's gonna be alright man we will get through this.
Last edited:


Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
That's a lot to respond to. Some folks may take it wrong let me fix that up for you as I'm your write monkey, and you are my render monkey. The Writing portion is complete for that part, and proofread and solid so that's good.
Thanks for your statement. Overall, I wouldn't call us monkeys. That has a very negative connotation and leads to false associations.
We are creative producers.

You are right about that I maybe did spoil a little bit. At the same time I didn't really spoil much as it is to some degree very obvious that the dean of the school will be back at the school tomorrow, and plans were already made for going to the ice cream shop and it's only natural she would bring a couple of friends along. Other than mentioning there will be a bum that may get a handy in the next update (so that non lesbian fans have a reason to play) I don't think I gave any surprising information that could ruin gameplay. I always choose my words carefully. There is more to that scene than that. If someone sees a movie trailer of spiderman and venom fighting on top of a sky scraper they are not gonna be like... "Oh... I know the fight at the tower so I guess that I shouldn't watch that spiderman movie now." I didn't exactly do a "Snape Kills Dumbledore" spoiler. Perhaps I'll avoid talking about future plans in the future, but some folks do like to be a little bit in the know of what may be coming.
I understand what you mean, yet comparisons to Harry Potter or Spiderman are off target. We're comparing apples and oranges here. Damaged Goods is more a soap than a blockbuster. When I watch my favorite soap on Netflix (Breaking Bad/ Snowpiercer quite cool), I'm interested in what's coming next. But how boring it would have been with Breaking Bad if we had known 4-5 episodes beforehand that Gus Fring would die.
This would have made BB much less legendary.
Teasers are important and I love them. But spoilers destroy the suspense. Especially when we're talking about scenes that might not come until 3-4 updates and aren't rendered yet.
Less is more.
Accordingly, I like your suggestion.

85% of work as rendering and 15% as writing is a fallacy. I'll elaborate. In a combat situation it may take a soldier 85% of the time loading a weapon and carrying it around and keeping it maintained, but if the 15% of the time spent shooting is spent shooting wildly into the air or into the ground... That's not good. Renders are definitely a choke point and time consuming to make. I agree, but without putting those renders on point and in the right direction things can go bad pretty quickly. Much like a blockbuster movie with good special effects, but poor writing being a flop. A movie such as "Battlefield Earth" comes to mind. On the other hand firing a gun that goes "click click click" without any ammo isn't very effective either so we are equally important. You are of vital importance to the project.
The comparison with the soldiers is a little confusing. I would relate it more to a production.
You have a development department and a manufacturing department.
Let's take Apple as a company.
There, the development department is where ideas for new products are generated and refined. After the rough idea is in place, prototypes are printed and tested.
This makes it obvious whether a product works or not. The product is further refined. As soon as the product is good, it is put into production.
After that, extensions and improvements etc. are made.

Related to a Renpy Game I would say the following:
Without erotic renders, without hot characters and animations, the best script in the world will never be able to produce what we all want :)
Renders are putting the idea on paper.

I agree with you. if the renders are good, then a script can make the whole thing even better.
But the renders remain the foundation. And the writing serves as orientation and is also the icing on the cake.

I'd hate for others to treat you as just my minion or henchman. You and I, and anyone with common sense know you are more than that. You are an equal partner in this saga. I love you man, but not like in a gay way or anything like that. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I need you as much as you need me. You aint just my minion, and it's not really 85-15 either. The truth is It's 50-50 not 60-40 or 80-20 or 90-10 it's 50-50.
I'm definitely not your lackey. After all, we've already put significant amount of work into this project. We should rather focus on the essentials --> creating content.

As for my "Fighting in the thread", it's the internet dude. Trolls are gonna troll. Trolls come along from time to time, but I know how to deal with them. They may get angry and throw a hissy fit at what I have to say losing their cool, but I tend to keep my cool the whole time and really pisses them off. The more they run their mouth the more they tend to expose them self for what they really are. I don't name call, or act like a fool. I'm also pretty good at diffusing drama, and conflict resolution.

That's a matter of perspective. Of course, there are always trolls who try to sabotage great projects. That's part of life. What I would like to see is a tolerant approach here on F95. Even if someone has something to complain about, should be specifically asked what bothers him so much.
This should not lead to a fight.And if someone really behaves very insulting, there are still the mods who can clarify the entire situation.

I know it hurt when we had to trash those renders a long time ago, just thinking about it probably got you irritated right now. I don't like wasting renders any more than you do. Sadly those deleted scenes did have to go though. For writing purposes. They just didn't properly fit to the story, and some were a little questionable as if they comply with patreon rules. So best to not risk it. It's gonna be alright man we will get through this.
Life is hard and beautiful at the same time sometimes.
As Forrest Gump always says.... life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Now that we have everything sorted out, we should get back to work.

Rose is eager to get started again.


1sexy rose_Camera.png


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Thanks for your statement. Overall, I wouldn't call us monkeys. That has a very negative connotation and leads to false associations.
We are creative producers.

I understand what you mean, yet comparisons to Harry Potter or Spiderman are off target. We're comparing apples and oranges here. Damaged Goods is more a soap than a blockbuster. When I watch my favorite soap on Netflix (Breaking Bad/ Snowpiercer quite cool), I'm interested in what's coming next. But how boring it would have been with Breaking Bad if we had known 4-5 episodes beforehand that Gus Fring would die.
This would have made BB much less legendary.
Teasers are important and I love them. But spoilers destroy the suspense. Especially when we're talking about scenes that might not come until 3-4 updates and aren't rendered yet.
Less is more.
Accordingly, I like your suggestion.

The comparison with the soldiers is a little confusing. I would relate it more to a production.
You have a development department and a manufacturing department.
Let's take Apple as a company.
There, the development department is where ideas for new products are generated and refined. After the rough idea is in place, prototypes are printed and tested.
This makes it obvious whether a product works or not. The product is further refined. As soon as the product is good, it is put into production.
After that, extensions and improvements etc. are made.

Related to a Renpy Game I would say the following:
Without erotic renders, without hot characters and animations, the best script in the world will never be able to produce what we all want :)
Renders are putting the idea on paper.

I agree with you. if the renders are good, then a script can make the whole thing even better.
But the renders remain the foundation. And the writing serves as orientation and is also the icing on the cake.

I'm definitely not your lackey. After all, we've already put significant amount of work into this project. We should rather focus on the essentials --> creating content.

That's a matter of perspective. Of course, there are always trolls who try to sabotage great projects. That's part of life. What I would like to see is a tolerant approach here on F95. Even if someone has something to complain about, should be specifically asked what bothers him so much.
This should not lead to a fight.And if someone really behaves very insulting, there are still the mods who can clarify the entire situation.

Life is hard and beautiful at the same time sometimes.
As Forrest Gump always says.... life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

Now that we have everything sorted out, we should get back to work.

Rose is eager to get started again.


View attachment 1053687
Here is a from an award winning writer about how a little bit of self deprecation can be a people skill. In spite of how serious we take our work on the game which is very serious if we can't crack the occasional joke at our own expense we will come off as pompous and arrogant then get eaten up by the internet.

You got a point about our writing is more geared towards a sitcom / soap opera style than it is geared towards cinema, but I was just using those as examples. My bad there.

Confused by the soldier analogy. Your analogy works for you and that's fine. As for it not being possible to make a successful adult game without visuals... Well, that's mostly right but there does exist at least one anomaly to that rule that I can think of. The guy has 836 patreon supporters on 0 visual art other than a cover image. It's not even renpy either it's java which is a far less popular engine in adult gaming. I could also take a hand full of games where they use images of real porn stars instead of renders just stuff people take from porn sites that have been successful. Inversely I could show you a few games with pretty awful writing that make a fair chunk of change. It's really better to have both.

I agree you are not my lackey, but at the same time if at some point I write it so that Rose must go to Mars and be the first woman to land on Mars, and it's very important to the plot... (There is no actual plan for this, just an out there example of something random and obscure)... You may think for a day or two... "Fuck that we aint doing Mars you are out of your mind! Think of something else... I don't want to do Mars... That's so much work... This is bullshit and you know it!" Well if it's really important to the plot we best start looking for some space suits and space ships, and a desert we can tint red then delete cactuses and tumble weeds from and make look a bit rusty, and figure those small details like how to make her boobs look there is only 38% gravity! And when it's done you know it's beautiful every time, and you love it. I guess the way you do that so well may make you feel like just a lacky sometimes, and that's understandable but I think lackey isn't the right way to look at it. A better way for you to look at it would be to think of yourself as sort of a police sketch artist. A lot of times you have to visualize what is in my head (to the best way I can verbalize it to you) in the best way possible and put that on paper. That's a real and important talent you bring to the project. Sometimes it's like working with a magician because you do it rather well. That is a real and powerful skill you bring to the show. I write the lyrics, but you are the singer.

We don't want to just "Create Content" for the sake of creating content. We want to make quality content that people enjoy, and at a reasonable pace. As fun as it sounds to do an entire update of the girls all getting naked and doing nothing other than jumping on a trampoline all day we probably should put something more to that, and have it go somewhere or people will get bored even if there stunning visuals.

As for forum behavior with trolls. I tend to usually use the approach as used by Brook Gibbs, but I'm not a 1 trick pony, and mix it up with other effective approaches as well.
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Jul 18, 2017
Let me make it real simple: Two chicks having sex? Gay. Two guys having sex? Gay. One chick and one dude having sex? Cool. One chick and one dog having sex? Cool.


Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
Here is a from an award winning writer about how a little bit of self deprecation can be a people skill. In spite of how serious we take our work on the game which is very serious if we can't crack the occasional joke at our own expense we will come off as pompous and arrogant then get eaten up by the internet.

You got a point about our writing is more geared towards a sitcom / soap opera style than it is geared towards cinema, but I was just using those as examples. My bad there.

Confused by the soldier analogy. Your analogy works for you and that's fine. As for it not being possible to make a successful adult game without visuals... Well, that's mostly right but there does exist at least one anomaly to that rule that I can think of. The guy has 836 patreon supporters on 0 visual art other than a cover image. It's not even renpy either it's java which is a far less popular engine in adult gaming. I could also take a hand full of games where they use images of real porn stars instead of renders just stuff people take from porn sites that have been successful. Inversely I could show you a few games with pretty awful writing that make a fair chunk of change. It's really better to have both.

I agree you are not my lackey, but at the same time if at some point I write it so that Rose must go to Mars and be the first woman to land on Mars, and it's very important to the plot... (There is no actual plan for this, just an out there example of something random and obscure)... You may think for a day or two... "Fuck that we aint doing Mars you are out of your mind! Think of something else... I don't want to do Mars... That's so much work... This is bullshit and you know it!" Well if it's really important to the plot we best start looking for some space suits and space ships, and a desert we can tint red then delete cactuses and tumble weeds from and make look a bit rusty, and figure those small details like how to make her boobs look there is only 38% gravity! And when it's done you know it's beautiful every time, and you love it. I guess the way you do that so well may make you feel like just a lacky sometimes, and that's understandable but I think lackey isn't the right way to look at it. A better way for you to look at it would be to think of yourself as sort of a police sketch artist. A lot of times you have to visualize what is in my head (to the best way I can verbalize it to you) in the best way possible and put that on paper. That's a real and important talent you bring to the project. Sometimes it's like working with a magician because you do it rather well. That is a real and powerful skill you bring to the show. I write the lyrics, but you are the singer.

We don't want to just "Create Content" for the sake of creating content. We want to make quality content that people enjoy, and at a reasonable pace. As fun as it sounds to do an entire update of the girls all getting naked and doing nothing other than jumping on a trampoline all day we probably should put something more to that, and have it go somewhere or people will get bored even if there stunning visuals.

As for forum behavior with trolls. I tend to usually use the approach as used by Brook Gibbs, but I'm not a 1 trick pony, and mix it up with other effective approaches as well.

I like this one to solve problems .
To keept it simple and short (KISS) ---> The Discussion is done for me. Hopefully the next months it will be more fun together.
Now i concentrate on working on DG instead of commenting.

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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Let me make it real simple: Two chicks having sex? Gay. Two guys having sex? Gay. One chick and one dude having sex? Cool. One chick and one dog having sex? Cool.
Rose does love animals, but not in that way. She likes to friend zone all the little critters out there. We are going to avoid these 4 things: Incest, Rape, Bestiality, & Underage Sex. One reason why we avoid them is that these 4 things are what get a game shut down on Patreon, and another is we are trying to make the game more tasteful and classy.

I think I will write a short little dev message in the next update that is something along the lines of people should try to be more kind to the homeless, and help them out a little bit if you can especially ones that are local to you that you can personally help.

True about two ladies having some lesbian action is technically gay, but you also have to realize that the audience for lesbian porn is about 80 or 90% male, and it is a major fantasy for many straight men.
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