Developer Thoughts:
As for the lesbian scene: All the animations are now in the proper location. All the menus are now in place. I'm going to proofread it again, may change the dialogue slightly but it's a solid rough draft. After proofreading them I am just waiting on the photoshopped images that fix a couple of minor errors in the images.
So that scene is wrapping up today, and it's the first half of the update but the bigger and harder more complex half.
Other than that we are making the scene where Kelly goes to meet Rose then they come across a few people real quick. There is I think just 1 animation in that part (a handjob for a coomer hobo which is avoidable of course) so sin should be able to get that done pretty soon. Then it's just Rose getting back in the car and going home where she will either get in bed with mark or make his ass sleep on the couch and have the bed to herself. That'll be the end of the update which if you count the day from wake up to sleep then it's technically day 1 is finally over, but since it's after midnight we are counting it as a portion of day 2.
Next update after this coming update is bigger and more complex (2 updates from now)...
I'm thinking I'll probably code the jump to day 2 starting point so that it is going to play a game of 20 questions with the player really quick to get them to that point in the story real quick and caught up with repeat players.
So, there is a going to be a variety things that happen on day 2 school day. Some things will happen no matter what, but other things will be effected by the players choices. So there will be various situations where you will have one scene or another. Was natasha treated friendly or made an enemy for instance? Well that's important... Did Alice come over for pizza or not? Is she transgender or not? There will be scenes with several people but the biggest most complex scenes will be some sexual stuff with alice because she is gonna have a trans and cis form. So that's twice the renders and animations for anything where her pants are down which they will be. (If that's how you play it)
We can definitely make this part, but a difficult portion to write and code and order everything in just the right place it's going to be a lot of work. So it's going to take longer than this last one took.
Next update after that is small, and easy. (3 updates from now)
We already have 100% of the renders made for a linear portion after school. I think it's just 84 renders that will be relatively easy writing with 1 menu. Fun Fact: Interestingly enough this segment is actually our original opening of the game when we first started making it. We started out with Rose, Kelly & Jessica in a car together driving through the forest. However... I kinda made sin back track a bit and make like a couple thousand renders and like 30 animations to happen before that
Around this same time that those 3 are going for a ride we are probably going to add another old scene. This scene will include Saphire and a couple of other people, and I think that's about 87 renders. Which we already have made and this segment is kinda linear too. At which point all of our reserve images that are completed scenes are gone

We used them all up.
I'll be really happy when we get to here finally. It will have all come around full circle.
Beyond that (4 updates from now and beyond.)
That is when the ride with Jessica / Kelly ends at the ice cream store. We have this scene partially rendered already, but this is an older image set and at that point in the writing there was only the 1 path for mark. So it may be missing some images that we would need to come up with. Then we are gonna have some various things to round out the day. We have some stuff loosely planned, but will bring it all into focus when we get there.
Do we have any Deleted Scenes?
This game almost went in a completely different direction!
Before we had a good flow going Sin took a lot more initiative on making renders. Meaning he would sometimes make a big batch of renders and send them to me and basically be like "Make a story for that!" where now it's more so In reverse I generally frame a scene for him to render then sometimes he will add a little wiggle room to add his own flavor to it too. We weren't as use to working with each other and didn't have a very good communications yet. We talk more now, and plan stuff out together way better.
Sleeper Creeper Black Guy House:
I think probably about 50 or so renders were made of this.
I don't think we ever gave the black guy a name that's how early it was. We just called him "The Black Guy!" Originally like way way way early on in our development (Like 7-8 months ago) Sin rendered part of a little scene that we unfortunately do need to delete, I actually deleted my copies. Sin may have a copy though? Unclear... It was Rose & Kelly & Jessica going over some random black dudes house (Rose Kelly & Jessica used to be named Blossom Bubbles and Buttercup way back then we didn't even have proper names for them yet and we only had these 4 plus mark, but we gave them real names instead of powerpuff girl names!), and Rose had a tramp stamp back then

I'm like no no no get rid of that! what are you doing why a tramp stamp!? We want her more innocent... Then everyone slept over at the black dudes house they were kinda living together, and the black guy played a little bit of sleeper creeper on Jessica. Way back in an early first draft we had in the story that Rose, and Kelly & Jessica all lived together with this black dude. I don't even have a copy of those renders anymore sin might I forget how many it was. Then there was a part where the black dude got a blue screen of death on his laptop for some reason, and was like "Sin? What why what does this mean?" Maybe he needed to get one of the girsl to fix it. We still don't know

We may at some point leak some of our old deleted stuff if Sin still got it, and that black dude may get recycled in at some point and be given a name. Then they had one more little breakfast scene. That black dude was ALMOST OUR PROTAGONIST. The reason he had no name was we were gonna leave the player to name him them self. I pointed my finger at Rose though... She is the one... She is the chosen one... we shall make her the protagonist!
This game was like an inch away from it being a story about some black dude protagonist with 3 white girl room mates (blonde, brunette, red head)... Just imagine how different the game would be if Rose was not chosen... Imagine how different our audience would be. We would definitely get way more interracial fans for sure having a black guy protagonist, but bye bye to all our lesbian lovers
Saphire's Bondage Scene:
Saphire was taken by a corrupt police officer to be bound and abused and fucked in some dungeon. I think this was only pre renderes. So it was never properly textured, but it was was sexy, but a little too much like rape for what we are shooting for. I think this never got past pre renders because we don't want to get cancelled on patreon. Sin wrote that one, it would have been interesting. I think it's deleted though.