
Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
Probably never as I don't think Sin cares about Damaged Goods at all anymore. For numerous reasons.

1) He makes more money with WoS. He makes like $200 with that but was only making like $100 on DG. In spite of DG being significantly more popular in the forums and reviews than WoS never made enough money to satisfy Sin. A complete wanna-be ripoff of My Sweet Neighbors is more profitable than an awesome original game with a female protagonist, unfortunately.

2) He doesn't even bother to return my messages anymore. Last time I messaged him I asked him flat out "Want to work on a DG update?" It has been like a week and he has never replied back. I think Sin doesn't like me at all for some reason.

3) Try to compromise and be like "Want to work on DG at 1/3 capacity and WoS at 2/3?" Nah, fuck that he won't give it that much love.

4) Sin was a bit insistent on adding certain things to DG and at times doesn't like to listen... For example, I never planned to add that completely black dream demon character. Sin saw that they had something like that in "Dreams of Desire" and thought it would be good to just add a demon for... reason... Then I'm like alright let's add an angel too... That angel is just one of our female students and has no wings and doesn't look anything like an angel...

5) The last update on DG was shit. Sin did shitty renders with no backgrounds and doesn't give a fuck how much I had to adjust the story to fit it to cover for it. Do you think I wanted him to render completely black backgrounds? No... You think I was like "Hey go ahead and not give Kelly any neighbors or anything around her house... Just make it an empty foggy void..." Hell no... Sin normally does GREAT renders, but the last DG update was trash that he rushed through because he was working on WoS on the down-low.

6) Sin removed any mention of Damaged Goods from Patreon, Instagram, Discord, his profile, and so on...

I honestly don't think Sin even cares about DG at all anymore. He is completely unmotivated to work on it even just a little bit. Either it's because he hates me, or he is a control freak and doesn't that doesn't like working with anyone in collaboration (as that means less control), or he is too intimidated by the size and scope of the project... Maybe it is because it wasn't making the money he demanded... Frankly, I don't know his reasons maybe it is a little bit of all of these or something else... Not really sure what his reasoning is, but I have no faith that Sin will want to continue development on DG in the foreseeable future.

Anyways if Sin hits me up and is like "Let's work on DG..." I'll be like "Sure thing buddy." Then we will be working on it pretty much right away.

I think that sin is more concerned about another Abandoned Tag decreasing his reputation further thus costing him some money than he is about actually abandoning the project thus his attempts to drag out an "On Hold" Tag as long as he can.

You know... If Sin comes around and wants to work on it we can revive it, but I don't forsee Sin ever working on it. So... It's abandoned as far as I know.
Damaged Goods is tagged on the WoS page as one of his other games. I don't even go to the other pages to see what's on them, though. Honestly, if you really wanna continue this game and feel it's worth it, maybe you could find someone else to do the renders and not even worry about him anymore. I've never played WoS, or My Sweet Neighbors, but looking at the games just from the pics, comments and reviews on here, DG is definitely better. Those other 2 games are just like the majority of other VNs on here and this one at least seemed like it's own thing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2020
4) Sin was a bit insistent on adding certain things to DG and at times doesn't like to listen... For example, I never planned to add that completely black dream demon character. Sin saw that they had something like that in "Dreams of Desire" and thought it would be good to just add a demon for... reason...

5) The last update on DG was shit. ...
#4 Was rubbish (ie, I agree with you). Didn't fit the narrative at all.

#5 Agree.

Sorry to hear it. The story was compelling and somewhat unique. Keep looking for a good artist. There are many good ones who are terrible writers. This site is flooded with poor, predictable, uninspired writing.
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017
I played my sweet neighbors before but I haven't touched wings of silicon. I just checked and my sweet neighbors is still very profitable for Pandelo as they still have 250 patrons and they're making 533 bucks for doing nothing as there hasn't been a new post on their patreon since 2018. Way too many people that must be rich and don't care about money all that much.

Sad to see this get abandoned.
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Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
Dear Community, Dear Yih. Since you Yih are making arbitrary decisions again, I would like to say something about it.

For those who don't know yet, I had a 5x 2 cm tumor in the angle of the jaw directly on the carotid artery. I had surgery earlier this week and almost died of respiratory depression from the anesthesia. That I can speak to you today is a miracle. They were able to remove the tumor and I am soo infinitely grateful.
I am still in the hospital and am very weak. But with the help of my friends, I still want to speak out about all these statements of Yih.
I think you deserve to know both sides of the story. And not Yih's subjective perspective.

First of all, I would like to say that I am shocked and humanly very disappointed by such disgusting reporting by Yih!

He knows full well that I had a tumor, that I had been given this diagnosis. That I was really struggling with it. And was emotionally at the end.

To behave in such a way is not human.
Even if you have a quarrel, common sense dictates that you should not talk about sick people in this way.

I would never do this.
I would therefore like to clarify to you dear community:

Some time ago I received the terrible diagnosis of having a tumor in my throat. It was a routine examination. I told the doctors that every now and then I have a lump in the corner of my jaw. They did ultrasound and then sent me for MRI. Since I am claustrophobic, it was a borderline experience because I was completely immobilized and had to stay in that tube with contrast for a long time. When that was done, I got the diagnosis. This hit me to the core!!! Me? A tumor?? At my age?! WTF!.... And then this one was right on the carotid artery too. The surgeon literally sits on the bomb while defusing it. One wrong cut and I bleed to death.

I had to deal with all this information first. That was not easy. But I tried not to go crazy. Fortunately, it worked out somehow.

The day of the surgery came closer and closer. And the time had come. I was taken to surgery. Before that I had made my will. At my age it felt very surreal. I always thought such things are done when you are 70+. Then the anesthesiologist missed the vein twice and I had fucking pain in my hand. After that I was given sufentanyl. An anesthetic that is


1000x stronger than morphine and 500x stronger than heroin. I already developed respiratory depressions. Fortunately, the surgery went well and they were able to remove the tumor without hitting the carotid artery.

However, when I woke up I almost suffocated. My lungs did not manage to breathe by themselves because I was too sedated. It was a 2 hour fight for survival until I was reasonably stable again.

Since then I have been in the hospital. I have very severe pain, but I see small improvements day by day. And I hope that I will soon be able to walk again and eventually resume my normal daily life.

Especially in view of the facts described, I find such a nasty portrayal of my person very misplaced.

I can understand every fan of DG that he is annoyed and that everything is going so slowly.

Therefore, I would like to take the chance today one last time to share my thoughts with you.

Yih writes in his first argument that it is only about money.

1) He makes more money with WoS. He makes like $200 with that but was only making like $100 on DG. In spite of DG being significantly more popular in the forums and reviews than WoS never made enough money to satisfy Sin. A complete wanna-be ripoff of My Sweet Neighbors is more profitable than an awesome original game with a female protagonist, unfortunately.
What he actually wants to say is that I seem to be a money-grubbing piece of shit who just wants to milk people without giving anything. I can't let that portrayal stand.

I have always told Yih that developing a VN has certain production costs.

First you need a good and fast PC with decent GPU power. Such a render rig can cost 3-10k quickly, depending on the specs. A 3090 RTX alone costs close to 3500k in my country. Yih always wants to have the best renders, so I offered him to bear the investment in the GPU himself. I paid a lot of money for the gaming/render PC back then. I also bought the assets from the different platforms. Had to find a file sharing provider and and.

With that I had costs for DG until the last release of about 8500$.
I was happy to pay that from my savings because I believe in the project and my arts and I was aware from the beginning that this is my passion and hobby. And I will never get rich with it. That is not my intention either. My intention is to give you a cool time with awesome renders.

My goal is that only the running costs are covered at some point, so that I can create as much content as you want without compromise.

With all expenses (host, electricity, hardware, assets, etc) that's a few hundred dollars a month. And that's it.

To say I'm only doing WoS because it makes me $200 instead of $100, very misleading.

The project is supposed to be fun for everyone and in the best case scenario it should pay for the running costs. That is my credo.
Accordingly, I don't understand why Yih misrepresents it so completely.
He himself owns a small laptop with which he is not able to render. Besides, he has never had to spend a cent on DG. He merely sacrificed his time, which I give him credit for. But he never invested money for DG.

Saying that WoS is an absolute rip-off wannabe, I also think is just a way of expressing your discomfort.

Many know, and of course I know, that you have a problem with WoS. Because I have my own project, which I enjoy sooo much. Especially in this hard period of my life.

It's amazing that only the same people always express themselves very negatively about WoS, who at the same time love DG and are friends with you.
Coincidences do exist.....


You are of course free to bash me over and over again, write me bad reviews, encourage people to do so. Making me look like a failure and a looser on the forum. You are welcome to do that. If you can then still look at yourself in the mirror. You have to live with this guilt not me.

Also your threats to ruin me, I found very sad at the time. But now that you are doing this, I find it even sadder.

I would never do something like that. If you have problems with each other, then you clarify them among themselves and do not lead a public discussion.
But since this is unfortunately not possible with you, you force me to this post.

2) He doesn't even bother to return my messages anymore. Last time I messaged him I asked him flat out "Want to work on a DG update?" It has been like a week and he has never replied back. I think Sin doesn't like me at all for some reason.

You didn't ask about this either, by the way:
"Want to work on a DG update?
As I have already described in detail, I am in the hospital and connected to a lot of cables. I could not write to you personally! My friends have written and published the announcements on my Discord and my Patreon. So that the fans were not in ignorance. Since you read my Mercury's Notes too, you can't claim you didn't know either.

Your arbitrary decisions are really incomprehensible.

But you are the boss! You made that clear to me a long time ago. There can only be one boss and I am your employee who has to work and otherwise keep his mouth shut.

I have understood!

The claims that I don't like Yih are simply moronic. Otherwise, I would certainly have worked with her for so long and carried all the initial investments.
To claim that over and over again now is simply uncool.

4) Sin was a bit insistent on adding certain things to DG and at times doesn't like to listen... For example, I never planned to add that completely black dream demon character. Sin saw that they had something like that in "Dreams of Desire" and thought it would be good to just add a demon for... reason... Then I'm like alright let's add an angel too... That angel is just one of our female students and has no wings and doesn't look anything like an angel...

Yes I wanted to include a few small elements. But then you always gave me a lecture why this or that doesn't work. Why I'm an idiot for doing such things. That no one wants to see my ideas and that I can't do anything. But only on instructions from your side I am able to produce something.

In addition fits of course also the boss factor again.
It is clear to me that I must subordinate myself and may say nothing myself.
Only your ideas are valid, otherwise.

5) The last update on DG was shit. Sin did shitty renders with no backgrounds and doesn't give a fuck how much I had to adjust the story to fit it to cover for it. Do you think I wanted him to render completely black backgrounds? No... You think I was like "Hey go ahead and not give Kelly any neighbors or anything around her house... Just make it an empty foggy void..." Hell no... Sin normally does GREAT renders, but the last DG update was trash that he rushed through because he was working on WoS on the down-low.

This, of course, is the crowning glory. Telling me that I am not able to make renders. Let's be honest. You're the one who, "kindly" put, has no artistic talent. Now to say I only produce shit that you have to patch is just ridiculous.

I already told you then that your required huge enviroments don't fit in the VRAM of the 1080tis. It's only 11GB. But you wanted huge neighborhoods and canyons and 5-6 G8 models in a scene. Any DEV will tell you that's almost impossible to do with a 1080ti.

But you wanted it anyway and I tried what was possible. I got everything out of the machine and even had hardware failures because of those scenes. Which cost me money again. Not you! Cursing around like that now shows your true character Yih!

I think that sin is more concerned about another Abandoned Tag decreasing his reputation further thus costing him some money than he is about actually abandoning the project thus his attempts to drag out an "On Hold" Tag as long as he can.

To set you straight about me "supposedly" killing off my projects.... This is such a blatant lie.

My first game " A guys dream" was more of a demo. Yih aborted that game right away and without telling me what it meant.

Now he is killing DG again without my approval too.
And portrays me as a dev who doesn't keep his word.

You just don't do something like that.
These are LIES to hurt me.

But I'm cool with it. I don't want a fight with you. It's just too toxic for me. You want to see me down. Ok. I'm pretty broken up, too. But I'll get back up and keep working on my projects.

Your representations are wrong and you are trying to kill me with it on the forum.
I really haven't done anything bad to you.

I have always assumed that DG will continue once I am able to pick up a better GPU. An RTX. That would have made the rendering problems go away.
But all this stress, all your rendering, the way you treat me. It's all soooooooo toxic.

And I have to stay away from it to avoid more damage. I hope dear community, you can understand this.

I don't leave anyone hanging, and if I don't get in touch directly, it's for serious reasons.

I don't know what will happen with DG. I would have had interest it to work on. But being treated like this is not the way i wanna work.

I know that a war of roses is now being started by Yih. By leaving the pitch as a loser. If he wants it that way, that is entirely up to him. But I won't stop with my projects. Also, I will not speak badly about Yih in the forum in public, because it just does not belong. I think I said a lot about the points.

Since he hurt me so much, I'll focus on WoS now. If things do calm down, I'm always ready to work on DG, but on my terms.

If, contrary to expectations, I am dragged through the arena by him, i will stop communicating with him. And I am not respond to more "bad" news about me, which aren't true.

I wish you guys a nice Weekend. This post took a lot of my energy and took almost 4 hours, and I am very grateful to my friends at the hospital for taking the time to write everything down.

Never forget that health is the most important thing.

In this sense...

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2020
There is a saying...there's one side, there's the other side, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

As you now have a better understanding on how fragile life is, it is my hope that the two of you can eventually mend your relationship. Bitterness is a nasty thing to carry around and will haunt you always. So be forgiving to each other and take a few days to reflect and allow emotions to settle. It is a good day to be alive.


Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
There is a saying...there's one side, there's the other side, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

As you now have a better understanding on how fragile life is, it is my hope that the two of you can eventually mend your relationship. Bitterness is a nasty thing to carry around and will haunt you always. So be forgiving to each other and take a few days to reflect and allow emotions to settle. It is a good day to be alive.
yeah, but look what he is doing. that's such a toxic behaviour, posting a 1star review like this.


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
yeah, but look what he is doing. that's such a toxic behaviour, posting a 1star review like this.
Frustration makes humans say and do things we normally wouldn't say and do. I'm sure the majority of population has done it at least once or twice in their lives, just out of sheer frustration and misunderstanding.
"To err is human to forgive divine."
And that goes both ways.
True, putting drama out on public blast isn't really the proper/fair way of doing things, but things can easily be talked about in private and worked out. Honestly, the drama alone sways me away from all projects connected to any devs involved.
All that aside, may your health improve quickly and good luck to all. I'm outy.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Ok that one star review has got to be the epitome of pettiness. Like I know theres not any rules against it, but like the staff can't actually let that stay right?

Never forget that health is the most important thing.
How are you going to talk about health but have light mode on for F85 at the same time? Think about your precious eyes.
Seriously thought hope you feel better soon. Going through surgery then directly into drama must suck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2020
yeah, but look what he is doing. that's such a toxic behaviour, posting a 1star review like this.
That's too bad. I'm sorry for the both of you. We have only one thing in life we can control and that's our own behavior. Take the high road. :)


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Time for my response to your response. Imagine the crowd is chanting "Jerry Jerry Jerry"... I'm not gonna hit you with a chair I swear.

Dear Community, Dear Yih. Since you Yih are making arbitrary decisions again, I would like to say something about it.

For those who don't know yet, I had a 5x 2 cm tumor in the angle of the jaw directly on the carotid artery. I had surgery earlier this week and almost died of respiratory depression from the anesthesia. That I can speak to you today is a miracle. They were able to remove the tumor and I am soo infinitely grateful.
I am still in the hospital and am very weak. But with the help of my friends, I still want to speak out about all these statements of Yih.
I think you deserve to know both sides of the story. And not Yih's subjective perspective.

First of all, I would like to say that I am shocked and humanly very disappointed by such disgusting reporting by Yih!

He knows full well that I had a tumor, that I had been given this diagnosis. That I was really struggling with it. And was emotionally at the end.

To behave in such a way is not human.
Even if you have a quarrel, common sense dictates that you should not talk about sick people in this way.

I would never do this.
I would therefore like to clarify to you dear community:

Some time ago I received the terrible diagnosis of having a tumor in my throat. It was a routine examination. I told the doctors that every now and then I have a lump in the corner of my jaw. They did ultrasound and then sent me for MRI. Since I am claustrophobic, it was a borderline experience because I was completely immobilized and had to stay in that tube with contrast for a long time. When that was done, I got the diagnosis. This hit me to the core!!! Me? A tumor?? At my age?! WTF!.... And then this one was right on the carotid artery too. The surgeon literally sits on the bomb while defusing it. One wrong cut and I bleed to death.

I had to deal with all this information first. That was not easy. But I tried not to go crazy. Fortunately, it worked out somehow.

The day of the surgery came closer and closer. And the time had come. I was taken to surgery. Before that I had made my will. At my age it felt very surreal. I always thought such things are done when you are 70+. Then the anesthesiologist missed the vein twice and I had fucking pain in my hand. After that I was given sufentanyl. An anesthetic that is
1000x stronger than morphine and 500x stronger than heroin. I already developed respiratory depressions. Fortunately, the surgery went well and they were able to remove the tumor without hitting the carotid artery.

However, when I woke up I almost suffocated. My lungs did not manage to breathe by themselves because I was too sedated. It was a 2 hour fight for survival until I was reasonably stable again.

Since then I have been in the hospital. I have very severe pain, but I see small improvements day by day. And I hope that I will soon be able to walk again and eventually resume my normal daily life.

Especially in view of the facts described, I find such a nasty portrayal of my person very misplaced.

I can understand every fan of DG that he is annoyed and that everything is going so slowly.

Therefore, I would like to take the chance today one last time to share my thoughts with you.
I'm not a perfect person.

Cancer sucks. I know about that all too well. When I was a teenager my little sister Jenna got sick with leukemia. For four long years, she fought tooth and nail in a losing battle against that... She went through chemotherapy... Bone marrow transplants... losing her hair, and suffering in pain every day. I was her favorite person in the world... Do you know why? Every other person in her life treated her like someone to give pity to... Like a victim... Someone dead who isn't dead yet... Someone to grieve over before they are gone... Even on her death bed I never treated her like a "Cancer Patient". I treated her the same as always. The last time I talked to her I put on her wig and jokingly did a little impression of her. She laughed so hard she cried, and said: "It looks better on you."

You see there are two sorts of core people in this world. Bad things happen in everyone's lives. There are folks with a "Survivor Mentality" and there are folks with a "Victim Mentality". People with a victim mentality like to make excuses and point blame for their failures on anyone but themself. People with a survivor mentality are the opposite and never give up.

According to the captcha that I answered correctly before I am in fact human. Checkmate on your I am not a human conspiracy theory. The fact that you don't think my behavior is human just shows how little you understand about human nature.

You are a medical doctor with a PhD. There is an old saying. "Doctors are the worst patients." I understand that you are going through some tough times, and you are more used to the shoe being on the other foot, and being the one giving medical care instead of receiving it.

If I coddled you and treated you like you are a crying baby then I would be doing you a disservice. I refuse to mourn for the living. That tumor isn't going to kill you. I have faith that you are a lot tougher than that. You are gonna make that tumor your bitch, and save it in a little jar on your shelf to and have a good laugh about it for decades to come.

Yih writes in his first argument that it is only about money.

What he actually wants to say is that I seem to be a money-grubbing piece of shit who just wants to milk people without giving anything. I can't let that portrayal stand.

I have always told Yih that developing a VN has certain production costs.

First you need a good and fast PC with decent GPU power. Such a render rig can cost 3-10k quickly, depending on the specs. A 3090 RTX alone costs close to 3500k in my country. Yih always wants to have the best renders, so I offered him to bear the investment in the GPU himself. I paid a lot of money for the gaming/render PC back then. I also bought the assets from the different platforms. Had to find a file sharing provider and and.

With that I had costs for DG until the last release of about 8500$.
I was happy to pay that from my savings because I believe in the project and my arts and I was aware from the beginning that this is my passion and hobby. And I will never get rich with it. That is not my intention either. My intention is to give you a cool time with awesome renders.

My goal is that only the running costs are covered at some point, so that I can create as much content as you want without compromise.

With all expenses (host, electricity, hardware, assets, etc) that's a few hundred dollars a month. And that's it.

To say I'm only doing WoS because it makes me $200 instead of $100, very misleading.

The project is supposed to be fun for everyone and in the best case scenario it should pay for the running costs. That is my credo.
Accordingly, I don't understand why Yih misrepresents it so completely.
He himself owns a small laptop with which he is not able to render. Besides, he has never had to spend a cent on DG. He merely sacrificed his time, which I give him credit for. But he never invested money for DG.

Saying that WoS is an absolute rip-off wannabe, I also think is just a way of expressing your discomfort.

Many know, and of course, I know, that you have a problem with WoS. Because I have my own project, which I enjoy sooo much. Especially in this hard period of my life.

It's amazing that only the same people always express themselves very negatively about WoS, who at the same time love DG and are friends with you.
Coincidences do exist.....
Well, you gave me that impression. Personally, I never worried about the dollars and cents of it all, and only wanted to have fun making a great game. If we were making $2 or $2,000 it really didn't matter all too much to me. In the private discord messages you deleted back in the day you were constantly concerned about money, and you complained about how little we were making... You gave me the impression that you would want to abandon things if we didn't make enough money, or enough money fast enough. Which lead me, as your writer, to have to post some urgency about our needs to make the game, not a total financial flop.

You have deleted certain things that are outright lies in private as well. You said something along the lines of. "90% of our patreon supporters and fans want WoS and don't care about DG". For starters, you put your thumb on that scale as much as you could to try to weigh it that way. There is no DG discord channel only a WoS channel. It's been like that a while. Check out twitter, or instagram, or whatever other social media and nothing ever gets posted about Damaged Goods.

What is the deal with all of the Pepe the frog shit you constantly post by the way... Pepe = 4chan. You aren't an anon on 4chan. You never go on 4chan. You are not into political incorrectness, nor trolling. Your ego is far too big for you to be on 4chan. You can't handle being just an "anon". Reddit is more your crowd. Did you even know that frog is named Pepe?

You know what meme I think of every time I see you using Pepe?

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Just be yourself, and stop trying to be cool. If people don't like you for you then that is their problem not yours.

You assume I have amassed a group of people to attack you and this group is my friends...

Well, the truth about that is hidden in the spoiler below.

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The reality of the matter is Damaged Goods is still very popular in spite of not being a financial juggernaut, and in spite of you doing everything in your power to sabatoge it. From completely neglecting it on all social media, to your very sub par most recent update, to your unwillingness to work on it further. WoS will NEVER be more popular than Damaged Goods. We made some magic here when we were working on this game. Don't believe me? Make a poll... "Which game do you like better Damaged Goods or Wings of Silicon?" DG would mop the floor with WoS, and it wouldn't even be close.

You are of course free to bash me over and over again, write me bad reviews, encourage people to do so. Making me look like a failure and a looser on the forum. You are welcome to do that. If you can then still look at yourself in the mirror. You have to live with this guilt not me.

Also your threats to ruin me, I found very sad at the time. But now that you are doing this, I find it even sadder.

I would never do something like that. If you have problems with each other, then you clarify them among themselves and do not lead a public discussion.
But since this is unfortunately not possible with you, you force me to this post.
It's not about "Bashing You". The whole drama about WoS was started by you... We were a team, and we were both planning on working on that together. What did you do? You worked on it by yourself without me on the down low. Had you taken ten seconds to talk to me privately and said something like. "Hey, about the new game. I was thinking I'd rather go it alone as a solo project. If you want to proofread or bugfix or whatever that's cool, but this is a personal project I'd like to do alone. For me..." I'd have been on totally okay with that. I'd have just let you have it all to yourself, and I'd even polish your Engrish up a little for you when you say certain things that hit the ear wrong, or fix the bugs if you needed a hand I'd have been at your service. That's NOT what you did though... You know what you did? You went completely BEHIND MY BACK. You were working on it on the down low while you were also working on the last DG update (Which suffered greatly because of that...) Then you totally released it on your own without even running a copy of it past me before letting it out to the Patreon supporters.

All you had to do to avoid that drama was give me a heads up. Did you not think this would break some trust between us and piss me off? Either you did it maliciously to piss me off, or never even took me into consideration in the first place. Either of which is pretty shitty for someone who you call a friend, and team mate. As for my "threat to ruin you". I never threatened to ruin you. I said I would tell the truth about things. You took it as "That will ruin me".

Here is your "Big Secret" that you think will ruin you:

Another example of your sketchy behavior is our mysterious 3rd developer we have been colaborating with this entire time. You hired a mystery person to do a lot of the posing for daz for you making it so you can just click the render button... Thus decreasing your workload, and greatly increasing the cost of development. Even when we were on very good terms I ask you "Who is this person?" at least a couple of times and you never answered, or networked me together with that person at all. If we are "partners" as we were supposed to be then why are you hiring people that I don't ever deal with? I think it's kinda shitty we never credited them, or gave them an honorable mention when according to you they were doing the lion share of your 3d modeling. Your fine dude... It's not gonna ruin you, but I think that person deserves a credit in the game. A lot of devs hire help. It's just you were doing it before we could afford it through patreon earnings...

You didn't ask about this either, by the way:
"Want to work on a DG update?
As I have already described in detail, I am in the hospital and connected to a lot of cables. I could not write to you personally! My friends have written and published the announcements on my Discord and my Patreon. So that the fans were not in ignorance. Since you read my Mercury's Notes too, you can't claim you didn't know either.

Your arbitrary decisions are really incomprehensible.

But you are the boss! You made that clear to me a long time ago. There can only be one boss and I am your employee who has to work and otherwise keep his mouth shut.

I have understood!
I did ask you this. Here is my direct question verbatim:
So, you are working on part 5 of WoS instead of the next DG update?

Maybe not phrased EXACTLY like I said it, but the same general message is there about inquiring about working on DG instead of WoS.

You never message me that you are going in for surgery. You never mentioned to me that you had a tumor or these complications. I only found out about that AFTER everyone on patreon read it. The ONLY way I found out about it was like all of the patreon supporters do via mercury notes. Speaking of you not messaging me... You never toss me a message first and that is annoying. If I don't drop you a line then you will go months without talking to me or consulting me in any way. Kinda like how you go months without dropping anything about DG at all.

I never said I was "The Boss". It has always been a team 50/50 bro. However, when it comes to what needs to be rendered in the game of course the author has to "Be the Boss" when it comes to what needs to be rendered. If the scene is calling for something emotional and heartfelt we probably shouldn't be rendering images of people laughing and having a good time. Inversely if we need a funny scene, it shouldn't be filled with crying people. The author needs to have a certain level of control over the characters emotions and what sort of renders are needeed.

The claims that I don't like Yih are simply moronic. Otherwise, I would certainly have worked with her for so long and carried all the initial investments.
To claim that over and over again now is simply uncool.
Minimal efforts go a long way in these matters. Would it kill you to once every couple weeks to be like "Hey dude hows it going?" or "Hey how have you been?" It's been like the only time you want to hit me up is when you want me to work on something which hasn't been for a long time thus you haven't spoken to me in ages. Plus you kicked and or banned me from your discord sever in light of recent events. I wasn't even active in there, but I noticed I'm not on that channel anymore. & If you aren't the one that booted me it was one of those yes men that work under you.

Yes I wanted to include a few small elements. But then you always gave me a lecture why this or that doesn't work. Why I'm an idiot for doing such things. That no one wants to see my ideas and that I can't do anything. But only on instructions from your side I am able to produce something.

In addition fits of course also the boss factor again.
It is clear to me that I must subordinate myself and may say nothing myself.
Only your ideas are valid, otherwise.
Adding demons to a story is a MAJOR THING. That CHANGES EVERYTHING going forward. It shifts the genre into a completely new direction with more fantasy elements. It's not a minor temporary element we are talking about here. It's like adding Jaws to the Titanic movie... Less thoughts go into the ice berg, and more so into the shark. Even so, we can make it work with the demons.

Sometimes it isn't something big like demons. Sometimes it is a minor detail that YOU DO NOT THINK IS IMPORTANT, but I do. I'm going to give you an example. The original Rose character came with a tramp stamp. Did it look good on her? It sure did... It looked great! You know what though? When you see a tramp stamp on a girl you don't think "Virgin" or "Innocent". You think "Slut" or "Whore". It is unfitting for her character to have such a tattoo at least at this point in the game. It may have made sense for her to get one way later in the game. In a corruption game it's important to have a more "innocent start".

Sometimes I don't get my way on a minor detail. For example the cigarettes were supposed to be weed. Her & Kelly were supposed to be stoner girls, and stoner girls have a different sort of personality, so her personality had to shift away from that somewhat.

This, of course, is the crowning glory. Telling me that I am not able to make renders. Let's be honest. You're the one who, "kindly" put, has no artistic talent. Now to say I only produce shit that you have to patch is just ridiculous.

I already told you then that your required huge enviroments don't fit in the VRAM of the 1080tis. It's only 11GB. But you wanted huge neighborhoods and canyons and 5-6 G8 models in a scene. Any DEV will tell you that's almost impossible to do with a 1080ti.

But you wanted it anyway and I tried what was possible. I got everything out of the machine and even had hardware failures because of those scenes. Which cost me money again. Not you! Cursing around like that now shows your true character Yih!
Make a list of every single release that you have made. Then put a poll for "Which release had the worst renders?" The one with the missing backgrounds is going to win that hands down without a doubt. It's not even a competition. I'm not saying you are a bad artist. You are a good artist, but you aint perfect and fucked that one up. Micheal Jordan has shot plenty of airballs, and Magnus Carlsen has been check mated thousands of times. Nobody bats 1000.

If you were incapable of rendering a "Massive Neighborhood" (Never really called for that Just a suburban street and a couple of houses in reallity is what I asked for...) then the camera should have rotated along with the characters to show a more appealing angle. There is nothing in the background? Well... Rotate and move people and make them look natural but don't show the "Bad Angle".

When it comes to rendering you are right I don't have the necissary hardware to be good at that, but I have been improving my drawing skills during this long time of not having DG to work on.

To set you straight about me "supposedly" killing off my projects.... This is such a blatant lie.

My first game " A guys dream" was more of a demo. Yih aborted that game right away and without telling me what it meant.

Now he is killing DG again without my approval too.
And portrays me as a dev who doesn't keep his word.

You just don't do something like that.
These are LIES to hurt me.

But I'm cool with it. I don't want a fight with you. It's just too toxic for me. You want to see me down. Ok. I'm pretty broken up, too. But I'll get back up and keep working on my projects.

Your representations are wrong and you are trying to kill me with it on the forum.
I really haven't done anything bad to you.

I have always assumed that DG will continue once I am able to pick up a better GPU. An RTX. That would have made the rendering problems go away.
But all this stress, all your rendering, the way you treat me. It's all soooooooo toxic.

And I have to stay away from it to avoid more damage. I hope dear community, you can understand this.

I don't leave anyone hanging, and if I don't get in touch directly, it's for serious reasons.

I don't know what will happen with DG. I would have had interest it to work on. But being treated like this is not the way i wanna work.

I know that a war of roses is now being started by Yih. By leaving the pitch as a loser. If he wants it that way, that is entirely up to him. But I won't stop with my projects. Also, I will not speak badly about Yih in the forum in public, because it just does not belong. I think I said a lot about the points.

Since he hurt me so much, I'll focus on WoS now. If things do calm down, I'm always ready to work on DG, but on my terms.

If, contrary to expectations, I am dragged through the arena by him, i will stop communicating with him. And I am not respond to more "bad" news about me, which aren't true.

I wish you guys a nice Weekend. This post took a lot of my energy and took almost 4 hours, and I am very grateful to my friends at the hospital for taking the time to write everything down.

Never forget that health is the most important thing.

In this sense...

What efforts have you made to prove to me, or to the fans of DG that DG is not dead to you?
Does it have a disocrd room? No
Is DG mentioned in Patreon rewards at all? No
Have you posted any Mercury notes about DG? No
Have you posted it on instagram? No, you actually scrubbed it from Instagram... There were DG posts on there that you had to consciously go in and avtively delete... You didn't just ignore them you deleted them.
Have you posted it on twitter? No
Do you have a little fan sig on your F95 profile for Damaged Goods? Not anymore

I don't think you care about Damaged Goods anymore. Your actions speak much louder than words. PROVE ME WRONG if this is not the case then you will be in contact with me when you are feeling better. You will message me first. You will say "Lets get to work buddy!"

Now, I understand you have been going through some health problems. I hope you get well soon. You are going to be fine, drop me a line later.


Engaged Member
Jul 11, 2018
i think WoS just destroid this game and your friendship/teamwork. both of you could have done something great with this game and over time it would have grow bigger and better. i remember sin saying he wanted to add a male protag. game because they are more popular to generate some income. yeah sure you doubbeld the income but to what cost. now you both say shit about the other. if you guys would have made a game with a strong fem. lead without adding supernatural stuff this would have been one of the best in its genre. just look at after choices with free pass. he already at over 400$ of support since march because he is doing what you guys could have done too. and as an ex-patreon i have to agree with yih that over time it felt like sin abandoned damaged goods. just look at the patreon. damaged goods is just mentioned like "oh yes im doing another game its called damged goods" no pics nothing for it just a short description. thats why i stopped my pledge on patreon a month ago. it was all about WoS. @ yih. going to his game and give it a 1 star rating really wasn´t a nice thing to do. and sin if its true that yih had to get his info about you from patreon thats not better. you could have one of your friends write to yih before all others whats going on. you guys both need to learn to communicating better.
so this are just my thoughts on this. i hope that sin fully recovers from his illness and maybe in the future you guys can be good to each other again.
edit: i should mention that i don´t think WoS is a bad game and that sin should stop it. in my eyes its just another male protag. game like many others out there.
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Feb 13, 2021
It is sad to see this kind of thing, I have played both games (DG and WoS), and DG to me is a clear winner. Why? easy, it is different. It is sad to see a game with such potential got abandoned like this

If it is because of money then, of course, you are not gonna get an instant $500-$1k on Patreon in a couple of releases, it takes time to build trust and fan base. This whole drama will only hurt your name and will affect people trust going forward for sure


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
i think WoS just destroid this game and your friendship/teamwork. both of you could have done something great with this game and over time it would have grow bigger and better. i remember sin saying he wanted to add a male protag. game because they are more popular to generate some income. yeah sure you doubbeld the income but to what cost. now you both say shit about the other. if you guys would have made a game with a strong fem. lead without adding supernatural stuff this would have been one of the best in its genre. just look at after choices with free pass. he already at over 400$ of support since march because he is doing what you guys could have done too. and as an ex-patreon i have to agree with yih that over time it felt like sin abandoned damaged goods. just look at the patreon. damaged goods is just mentioned like "oh yes im doing another game its called damged goods" no pics nothing for it just a short description. thats why i stopped my pledge on patreon a month ago. it was all about WoS. @ yih. going to his game and give it a 1 star rating really wasn´t a nice thing to do. and sin if its true that yih had to get his info about you from patreon thats not better. you could have one of your friends write to yih before all others whats going on. you guys both need to learn to communicating better.
so this are just my thoughts on this. i hope that sin fully recovers from his illness and maybe in the future you guys can be good to each other again.
I'm always seeing forum posts asking "update when?" along with several private messages, "update when?" It's frustrating not being able to give anyone any new information on that. Sin has had the render orders for over 6 months now. He hasn't made a single render to my knowledge.

In that same time frame Sin has made 4 releases of WoS, and the moment I said enough was enough when I saw "renders for the 5th update are already in the works". Each day it becomes more and more clear to me that sin doesn't care about Damaged Goods AT ALL. Not even a little bit. That makes me angry because of how much I love this game, and love working on this game.

I'm gonna sound like a completely insensitive prick for saying this, but the fact that he would go all "But muh tumor!" to get sympathy is just another excuse. If my sister that died of cancer was still alive she would be rolling her eyes at that sort of behavior. If he got this tumor how is he working on update #5 for WoS? Something doesn't add up... If he is really laying in bed sick knocking on death's door drugged out of his mind, then how is update #5 in the works like he was boasting about before? There is no "I'm gonna take a few weeks off to relax and recover" post. Pause that Patreon? Get real... He is a real trooper when it comes to cranking those WoS updates out. He isn't slowing down on that at all.

I believe him he is in the hospital and really sick, he has got no reason to lie about that. I hope he does get better, not just in terms of health, but also in terms of his integrity. Know how he is gonna keep production up like he always does? He doesn't really gotta pose anything himself. He gets his uncredited unnamed hire to do that for him. So, when he gets home all he needs to do is push the render button on his machine, and go watch tv. It's all posed out for him already and then he just gotta code the renders in, and he may even have someone to do that for him as well.

If Sin was at least showing a minimal effort when it comes to Damaged Goods we wouldn't be in this situation right now. The more he screws around and doesn't produce anything for Damaged Goods, or show any efforts of that changing in the future the more I want to expose it as abandoned so that people don't get the wrong idea.

When it comes to Damaged Goods his behavior has shown me that he is just flat out a quilter. I want him to come out here, and prove me wrong or prove me right. So far he is proving me right, and that is a small moral victory, but I'd much rather he prove me wrong.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
It is sad to see this kind of thing, I have played both games (DG and WoS), and DG to me is a clear winner. Why? easy, it is different. It is sad to see a game with such potential got abandoned like this

If it is because of money then, of course, you are not gonna get an instant $500-$1k on Patreon in a couple of releases, it takes time to build trust and fan base. This whole drama will only hurt your name and will affect people trust going forward for sure
I think money was one of the main causes. If we hit like $1,000 or at least like $500 instead of $100 after a couple of months we never would have had a reason to make a male protagonist game to generate funds in the first place, and we would be much further along in Damaged Goods right now.

Why didn't it generate funds faster? four reasons.

1) Female Protagonist. A lot of people simply will not play or support a game if it has a female protagonist. It's a limited market playing on hard mode. Look at the top 100 adult games in terms of earning, only a couple in there with a lady as the star of the show. That pattern continues down to the bottom. It's definitely hard mode with a lady lead.

2) The Covid Pandemic. A lot of people are out of work and the economy is shit. Supporting adult games is like #295 on their list of shit to spend money on and often gets forgotten. People just don't have it.

3) Guys like gumdrop milking it up with the piano simulators. They make a bad rep and make supporters more reluctant to support any dev.

4) A lot tougher competition than it used to be. If we released DG like 4-5 years ago it would have shot up way more money way faster. It would probably have hit like $5k-$10k in the first few months no joke. There was a much more limited market then with much less, and much weaker competition. There are a lot more big games out there now competing over limited funds. On top of that EVERYONE pirates now too. Piracy levels or through the roof.

On a side note, I was extremely busy in real life for a several-month period earlier this year. I had to move. So, I had to work a bit more and save a bit more so I could do so comfortably. Saved up and bought some exercise equipment, and a new leather sofa too. So, I didn't really have time to work on DG, and it was fantastic for me that Sin had WoS to work on while I was doing that, but I moved 2 months ago...Things have settled down for me. I'm not working all that extra time anymore, and I made Sin aware "Come July I'll have time to work on it again." Well, it's almost September now, and he doesn't want to go back to working on it yet. I thought "Well maybe he is in the middle of an update. I'll let him get that out", and he did, but when I ask him again it was still no, and I asked again... Still not time yet.

When it comes down to it I'm not mad at Sin. He is gonna do what he is gonna do. I don't hold grudges. I just want him to be straight up about what he wants to do going forward. Is it gonna be:

"We should work on Damaged Goods now, or in the very near future when I'm feeling a little better."


"You know what... I don't really want to work on it ever again. We should just keep it abandoned".

I'm fine with that either way, although I much prefer to get back to work on DG... Sin admitting he is done with it would be a real load off my mind.

What I don't want to see is some sort of excuses ever again... I don't want to see:

"Well, I'm not ready to work on it right now. Maybe later on at some point we can see what is going on then I'll maybe think about it some more and get back to you someday." No no no... Enough of that shit. I'm DONE with excuses. Shit or get off the pot.


Wings of Silicon
Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
I'm always seeing forum posts asking "update when?" along with several private messages, "update when?" It's frustrating not being able to give anyone any new information on that. Sin has had the render orders for over 6 months now. He hasn't made a single render to my knowledge.

In that same time frame Sin has made 4 releases of WoS, and the moment I said enough was enough when I saw "renders for the 5th update are already in the works". Each day it becomes more and more clear to me that sin doesn't care about Damaged Goods AT ALL. Not even a little bit. That makes me angry because of how much I love this game, and love working on this game.

I'm gonna sound like a completely insensitive prick for saying this, but the fact that he would go all "But muh tumor!" to get sympathy is just another excuse. If my sister that died of cancer was still alive she would be rolling her eyes at that sort of behavior. If he got this tumor how is he working on update #5 for WoS? Something doesn't add up... If he is really laying in bed sick knocking on death's door drugged out of his mind, then how is update #5 in the works like he was boasting about before? There is no "I'm gonna take a few weeks off to relax and recover" post. Pause that Patreon? Get real... He is a real trooper when it comes to cranking those WoS updates out. He isn't slowing down on that at all.

I believe him he is in the hospital and really sick, he has got no reason to lie about that. I hope he does get better, not just in terms of health, but also in terms of his integrity. Know how he is gonna keep production up like he always does? He doesn't really gotta pose anything himself. He gets his uncredited unnamed hire to do that for him. So, when he gets home all he needs to do is push the render button on his machine, and go watch tv. It's all posed out for him already and then he just gotta code the renders in, and he may even have someone to do that for him as well.

If Sin was at least showing a minimal effort when it comes to Damaged Goods we wouldn't be in this situation right now. The more he screws around and doesn't produce anything for Damaged Goods, or show any efforts of that changing in the future the more I want to expose it as abandoned so that people don't get the wrong idea.

When it comes to Damaged Goods his behavior has shown me that he is just flat out a quilter. I want him to come out here, and prove me wrong or prove me right. So far he is proving me right, and that is a small moral victory, but I'd much rather he prove me wrong.
I don't want to say anything, but your accusations are really extreme. Have you ever been so sick yourself? Have you ever had a major surgery yourself?

You are right I certainly may have my faults and may not always be easy either.

However, I find your actions here in the forum very strange. to attack wos like that. To finish me off publicly, in full knowledge that I am not well physically, hurt a lot.

To be honest, the cuts are just too deep.

I don't want a war, fight or anything else with you and I won't get involved in any further discussions as it will only bring mischief and take away a lot of power.

from my point of view it makes little sense after all the incidents / entries to still work on joint projects.
I therefore wish you all the best for the future and may you find the right artist for your projects.

in gratitude

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Engaged Member
Jul 11, 2018
and this is exactly what i meant earlier. both of you are not making things better at the moment. you guys come in here both and throw shit at each other instead of talk it out.
if this is going on like this its really better to let this game go. i don´t see this game going on with a mediator between you two.
sin working on WoS and yih maybe do his own game like before or find somebody else to work with.
but i would prefer to let all this shit cool down and sin recover from his illness than talk shit out only between you two and see where you guys stand.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
I don't want to say anything, but your accusations are really extreme. Have you ever been so sick yourself? Have you ever had a major surgery yourself?

If so, then you can certainly allow yourself these comments!

Otherwise, you should keep your mouth shut and pay respect to all cancer patients.

To make fun of me is truly the crowning glory.

Do you know how I work?
I have my friends who help me and believe in me. I lie in my bed, pumped full of painkillers and write via laptop and teamviewer.

You make me sooo mad!

But you know what, fuck it.

Community I need a mediator!

I can of course continue to work on DG. Just to show the world that you can't beat anything with your crap comments.

So as soon as I get out of the hospital I need a mediator to mediate.
I won't be contacting you personally anymore.
There will be a new patron page set up just for DG.
There is a new Discord.
And you write your story.
I'll supply the arts. But as I said, on my terms.
And I will discuss everything with the mediator. And not with you.
So if someone agrees, DG can be brought back to life soon.

But to communicate directly with Yih with all the suffering, and what he throws at me, I'm not willing to do that.
Yes, Sin if you must know I have been very badly injured before in a car wreck going over 50 mph. It's no fun sitting in a neck brace getting windshield vacuumed out of your scalp as they stitch and glue you up wondering if you will be able to walk again. I know what it is like to be out of commission due to physical health problems. I have been there and done that. I agree, it is no picnic.

I'm not making fun of you or picking on you by the way it's just the way I am sometimes. I talk to you the same way I'd talk to my brother or one of my other guy friends. Sorry if I got your panties in a bunch, I know I can be a dick, and I should have been more sensitive to your feelings because you are always so sensitive to mine.

That is the fighting spirit I was wanting to see. It is good to see I have made some progress, and reignited that burning fire in your heart.

If that is what you want then your terms are acceptable. Pick a mediator as long as they speak English whatever, let me know who it is, and we will go from there.

It's good to have you back in the tent pissing out instead of on the outside pissing in. If you want to talk later that's cool, if not frankly I don't give a shit. Live your life sin, but keep your promises.

Norman Knight

Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
This is a mess.

On one hand, a guy that should have been more forthcoming about his situation with his partner in development, give him a more clear answer, and on the other hand, a guy bullying a hospitalized guy into working again on his "Precious" project and dismissing his situation just because he's no getting what he wants.

Just forget about this project guys, you two clearly don't mix well, one likes to work at his own pace and on his terms, the other wants to have control of every single word in the game.

This won't end well, this will last for 2 or 3 updates before the situation becomes unbearable for both of you.

Just let it die and move on.
4.20 star(s) 32 Votes