Fan Art Dandonfuga Fan Art and Edits


Oct 30, 2020
I created a Account to post Dandon's Edits since I make too many.
Here are some but check it out for Full Sizes and others

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Jun 27, 2021

Hu tao .xcf. As I detailed in the main dandonfuga thread: I won't ever return to making multiple .xcfs a month and will probably average 1 a month for the foreseeable future, until I inevitably make my final dandonfuga .xcf, whenever that is.

It's cool to see that people are still using my old .xcfs. I'm glad that my edits haven't just faded into the abyss. I have many more edits on a hard drive but I simply don't have a way of sharing them all. Mostly sciamano stuff and a few other random artists. Whenever I upload sciamano stuff the link gets taken down really quickly, which is sad. Not sure what to do about it really. Maybe one day I'll send my hard drive in the post to someone and that will be the only way of getting new .xcfs. You'll have to get hold of the forbidden hard drive with many cursed and haunted .xcfs on it.

Anyway, I hope you like the Hu Tao .xcf. I made it weeks ago, but only uploaded it now because I originally planned on doing Chumi also, but gave up and forgot about everything so here I am. If I remember correctly, I don't think I added that much to Hu Tao. The only thing I remember is I added and anal option.


Jun 27, 2021
I would encourage you, the reader, to try making your own edits. Obviously, I don't enjoy making edits anymore, but, when I first started, which must be at least 5 years ago, maybe even 6 years ago, making edits was enjoyable. This was the first image I ever edited: 1644018147261.png A 'badcompzero' drawing, which honestly Isn't great quality. But I like thigh-highs and the short skirts. Anyway, PLEASE try and make your own .xcf things. You can literally make any changes you want. I've gotten to the point where I can do most things I want if I have enough time. Although, maybe the time spent learning to make edits could be better spent learning to make my own art? It probably would have been more fulfilling if I learnt to make my own art, but I would never have gotten to the level of dandon or the GOAT sciamano. So I'd just end up making cursed images like the one above.

As much as I like it when people use my .xcfs, I think it would be way more interesting if people made their own edits using gimp and post them here. I find that there are many tweaks I would make to artwork published by the likes of dandonfuga and sciamano. For instance, in the image above, I might want to make the skirt longer. There must surely be some things you would like to add to artworks you enjoy? So go and add those things! I made a tutorial a while ago, but it is out dated now, so some of the techniques are irrelevant or have been superseded, and there are simply some techniques that I didn't know about at the time. I would love to assist anyone who wants any tips or needs help or whatever.

Anyway, have a nice day.


Oct 30, 2020
I would encourage you, the reader, to try making your own edits. Obviously, I don't enjoy making edits anymore, but, when I first started, which must be at least 5 years ago, maybe even 6 years ago, making edits was enjoyable. This was the first image I ever edited: View attachment 1634896 A 'badcompzero' drawing, which honestly Isn't great quality. But I like thigh-highs and the short skirts. Anyway, PLEASE try and make your own .xcf things. You can literally make any changes you want. I've gotten to the point where I can do most things I want if I have enough time. Although, maybe the time spent learning to make edits could be better spent learning to make my own art? It probably would have been more fulfilling if I learnt to make my own art, but I would never have gotten to the level of dandon or the GOAT sciamano. So I'd just end up making cursed images like the one above.

As much as I like it when people use my .xcfs, I think it would be way more interesting if people made their own edits using gimp and post them here. I find that there are many tweaks I would make to artwork published by the likes of dandonfuga and sciamano. For instance, in the image above, I might want to make the skirt longer. There must surely be some things you would like to add to artworks you enjoy? So go and add those things! I made a tutorial a while ago, but it is out dated now, so some of the techniques are irrelevant or have been superseded, and there are simply some techniques that I didn't know about at the time. I would love to assist anyone who wants any tips or needs help or whatever.

Anyway, have a nice day.
I understand what you're saying but for me I would rather make my own art than spend that tremendous amount of time in making .xcf files.
I actually am starting to make my own art. [ ]. But sometimes I get so lazy in rendering my own art that I waste time by making edits from your .xcf files. I procrastinate a lot and making quick edits of Dandonfuga arts is like eating snacks or pre-made meals instead of spending time to cook a full healthy homemade meal.

I don't think I'll ever get into making .xcf files but I will continue to use your files to make quick edits as a break from own work.

Thanks for your work though and do try to post Sciamano .xcf files if g-drive allows it. I might try my hands on them if I don't stop being lazy.
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Jun 27, 2021
yeah, it was just a desperate attempt to get someone to continue where i left off. i understand if people don't want to do it. making your own art is probably way more fun and rewarding.
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Oct 5, 2021
On some pieces of work like the Kallen ones. Someone really should make it edit of her in a swinsuit or at least in underwear/lingerie


New Member
Aug 17, 2018
yeah, it was just a desperate attempt to get someone to continue where i left off. i understand if people don't want to do it. making your own art is probably way more fun and rewarding.
Neema Cat.png

1st of all: Really a big fan of your editing hobby, you have my gratitude from the bottom of my shallow heart!
I've been a lurker on 420chan since 2016, and began to really appreciate your edits there
Since I liked specific parts of your .xcf files, such as the moist skins combined with ‘fluids’ and the magic mushroom, but then for example without the ruined makeup
From what I gathered your preferences were different from mine since you white washed some of the characters, (and I do love me some tanned/dark skin with blue eyes) and had smaller breast edits, but I do acknowledge that’s the beauty of the gimp edits. I loved how you made different hair colours for characters, and how you taught me how to do it myself.

You and Eagle were amazing with your additions to the standard monthly packages
Btw how is Eagle doing? I have not seen much of him since the 420c thread pretty much died.
You guys still in contact? Tell him I said thank you and hi.

Still don’t understand why some artists try to shoot you down so much, if I were them i’d hire you to take some workload out of my hands to get all the monthly variants done quicker.
And as far as I can see your edits only cause free advertisement for their work which gets more people to get interested in supporting their work. Of course there will always be people who are not willing to pay for what they can get with an additional websearch.

I’d love to see what kind of cursed and haunted edits you’ve made over the years and try all of the variations. Maybe you could share/post a copy some time on a platform that is not so easily taken down. (I’ve been using yandex disk(russian based i think) myself and from what I have seen there is not really a way to report shared files there (but I could be wrong), but it comes with the downside that it only gives you 10GB.)

Hope to keep seeing more of your stuff in the future and wish you never a dull moment.