Reread your initial monologue.
Just only making Lotia a bigger villain than Thrash is a defense of Thrash in my books.
There's one thing called common sense which is completely unknown to you it seems like ... like they are things which is common sense which don't need to be said you know ... if there are arguments that I've missed is because I felt there was no need to do so, but in turn I can also call you out on lots of my points that you don't dare to touch upon
Also we backtracking and calling out stuff on previous discussion now?
Cause I also got a lot to say
• never once have I ever thought of the hostage point as "weak".
I never discussed further due to circumstances have changed and therefore the hostage point didn't matter at one point anymore BUT NEVER have I ever said or thought it as "weak".
Aina was an hostage but at that point since Lotia was a changed woman that didn't matter anymore!
• did you provide with TONS of in game evidence to back up your claim?
Did I countered them ALL with "she was being corrupted so those events DON'T MATTER"? YES.
The problem being is that you don't acknowledge that rebuttal since you have been repeating over and over the same matter even through ... EVEN THROUGH I ALREADY GAVE YOU MY REBUTTAL.
• Does the game not provide any in game evidence to prove my claim? Well very little true. Thrash shows up at chapter 3. There's only chapter 1 and 2 that backs up my claim ... little but it is there.
And common sense was the reason I never use those 2 chapters to backup my claim ... but since you lack that ...
• I did voice in game events the few times in our discussion to which you conveniently "forgot" about.
I was the first one to point out the time that she was enraged and fought Thrash.
Did you acknowledge that?
The 2 Tori examples which I provided?
And about the hot spring? We're not talking about that do we?
• All the assumptions which I have been making are backed up by COMMON SENSE!
Aina why the hell would she even be friends or care about Tori during ending 5/6? someone who did nothing for her while she was a plaything.
Why the hell should I not be interpreting that the writer wanted to depict the FeMC as the classic "pure" (yes here's the word that is so hated here) girl that because of events got corrupted and changed her character.
Why should I not be assuming that Lotia loved Imos up until she found the pleasures of the flesh?
No you want to depict her as that evil girl from the start which is denying the fact that is the life events are what's determining the kind of person you turn into ...
• here's then the many question that I've asked many times but that you conveniently don't wanna answer?
Do you acknowledge sex as a plot device that was used here?
Are you seriously dodging those aphrodisiac drugs in your evaluation? You keep saying they don't matter, Which is BS!
Are you answering the serial killer Alpha Beta example or not? That is a direct comparison of Lotia Thrash. Lotia became like Thrash cause of what he did to her so Do I blame Lotia since I saw firsthand what she went through? And that is was ALL cause of Thrash if events turned out the way they did?