Others - Completed - Dark Hunter Kuro [v1.06] [PIEROCK GAMES]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game with a sufficient amount of content. Took a few sessions to complete, so hmm 4 hour speedrun possible I guess. The art is nice, and h-scenes are jork-able. You have the main girl and two other characters (and another 2 mobs if you count them as well). Might add that this isn't a lose to get sex kinda game, but you can get beaten into sex attacks. Combat is solid, but might be clunky at times.

    On the first play you may need to get used to the controls, just hop onto the training map and get yourself familiar. The game is pretty linear, there is some backtracking in the levels for bonuses and switches. You're handheld for most of the platforming, albeit you can't really mess up too much. The minigames are okay and puts the additional combat features to use, while also rewarding you.

    However, there are some issues in my playthrough.
    1. The game gets sluggish and begins pumping sub 20 fps, especially on later levels. This hampered the combat experience where I needed to make my inputs slower to register.
    2. I was able to clip out of bounds due to enemy hitboxes and level collison a number of times, but the level will TP you back if you wiggle around.
    3. Dialogue audio during scenes did bleed out of and onto the overworld, given I was skipping some fluff talk.
    4. UI switches between pressing game registered 'A' key and the Z key to proceed, seen when interacting with the girl.

    However, given these issues didn't severely impact gameplay and wasn't too frustrating, you can get a good kick out of this game. Most, but not all enemies have sprite animations of their own, alongside the MC, with an additional 6 CG cutscenes. Good game if you don't mind dips here and there.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    genuinely terrible controls. the fight mechanics are way too serious. as in, its more of an action game than an Hgame. too much combat mechanics and too much skill to actually get to the hcontent. also, hcontent = game over basically. if you do get monster hscenes, you end up dying and having to restart. so the entire game is mostly action and not hcontent. really big waste of time. playing this game is like 5% hcontent and 95% action gameplay that is not hscenes or hcontent.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily one of the best games I've played.
    Must be played with a controller.


    - Combat is addictive and responsive
    - Parrying, blocking and doing 30 point combos in a cycle is really rewarding
    - Piero Art is S+
    - Good CGs + Animation
    - Japanese Voice Acting is very good
    - Kuro is hot as hell and her voice is almost as hot

    - Some specific controls are buggy
    - Some of the default key binds for menus are questionable
    Likes: Spod
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    GOTY just GOTY, this is one of the rare gems you found once in a while where you can feel how the developer put real passion and effort into making a "real game with H", because it could easily have no sexual content at all and it would still be GREAT!!!

    The pros:
    - The art: 10/10 - if you like Plero's style then this is for you.
    - Animation: 10/10 - not only does it have sprite animation but the cg's are also animated.
    - The story: 9/10 - Kuro is a kunoichi who eliminates monsters and one day she meets the mysterious Tachio, from there the story progresses to the plot twist, but the whole story comes with VA's that give it a more a "sentimental" touch.
    - The ambient: 10/10 - every stage has it's own backgound music(the stage 5 it's by far my favorite)
    - The gameplay: 10/10 - the icing on the cake, it's not the typical "one button throws a punch and the other blocks and that's it", but apart from that there are a series of combos (6 or 7) to combine between them and each combination gives different movements for the character. She can also accumulate combos to unlock a power up and she can turn instantly so that you don't get hit from behind.
    And as fanservice, Kuro's suit is something like Venom where she uses it as a hook to go from one platform to the other so that you can appreciate her naked butt or her breasts while she "flies" from one side to the other. Also her special leaves her naked with an excellent drawing.

    The cons:
    - The translation: 6/10 - was ok but apart from the classic "he/she" problems sometimes the dialogue doesn't fit in the speech bubble.
    - it needs a sequel because it was to damn short for some epic game!!!
    - The software: 1/10 - using Pixel Game Maker MV was a HUGE pain in the ass for me because not only took 6 or 8 minutes for the game to start every time but also keeps crashing in every loading screen or while saving so i have to play the same section 2 or 3 times(can't complete any side mission bacause it keeps crashing)!
    - Need more enemies with only sex attacks because i'm not a masoquist to let me hit like 6 times so my HP bar go low enough to suffer an H attack!!!!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I got interested in the art but I got hooked up on the gameplay

    As many have said, it's the gameplay and combat that really gets you excited to keep playing rather than the sex scenes

    I wish there was an immortal mode after you've finished the campaign so you can go to the maps to enjoy the sexual attacks of the enemies because in the gallery is not the same. The CGs are really good and the accompanying dialogue does them a lot of justice and would love to be more of them for animations and CGs

    Even so I due recommend to play the game but if you are looking something to enjoy for pleasure maybe not the best choice
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: A fun game with great sprite artwork, satisfying combat, and overall polished gameplay that is severely lacking in adult aspects

    + I like the art quite a bit, the sprite art is top tier but the CGs are subpar IMO
    + Combat is quite satisfying
    + MC looks pretty good

    - There really aren't a whole lot of enemies, and most of them are just kind of there to be combo'd.
    - CG scenes are very scarce
    - Animations are also not plentiful, the gallery only has a handful and they're kind of bland for the most part, nothing interesting there
    - Game is extremely repetitive after a while even if the combat is good

    I'd skip it, the combat is good but the enemies are uninspired.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    A decent beat'em up game with fine both pixel-art and high-res sex scenes. Out of 6 high-res scenes you see 4 during campaign, these are animated. 2 are bonus 'failure' scenes you can see through bedroom recollection. There is stuff to fap on, there's a lot of stuff to do besides that. That is, missions, side quests, minigames.
    All in all, well worth downloading and playing.

    This is a full-fledged game.
    It is story-driven and the story is good.
    Combat animations allow for long combos with some juggling. There's enough moves to keep going no matter the situation.
    Combat itself feels fluid, as long as it doesn't require a lot of active repositioning through movement (moving attacks are fine).
    Parry and evade mechanics have decent windows to do the move.
    Bosses are fun to fight with.

    The movement itself isn't fluid, though. There doesn't seem to be movement animation cancelling between landings, jumps and other movement mechanics like 'grappling hook' equivalent, resulting in a somewhat clunky movement. It is tolerable, but could be way better.
    Backgrounds are quite bland.
    Level design is... there. That's the most I can say about it. It still does its job, but could be way better with less backtracking and more interesting rooms and challenges.
    Enemy variety is rather poor, not all of those have sex attacks.
    The game overall is not of stellar quality. There are places where stuff doesn't work as it should (like on one of the levels map is displayed with the same button as healing). You can sometimes fall outside of level (although this is band-aided with automatic unstuck). Etc. Nothing experience-killing, but be prepared.

    tl;dr I had fun with this little game and recommend it despite its drawbacks.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    As a casual player this game completely satisfied me.
    I enjoyed the game because, even though it didn't have many animations and was relatively short, I was captivated by Kuro's design and her sprites. The game's lobby is simple yet fantastic, and being able to give Kuro massages and have sex with her both in and out of combat was satisfying.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I completed this game purely out of spite. Kidding, I had fun, but I am a masochist and wouldn't reccomend it to any other kind of person.

    The porn is good but you can unlock all of it halfway through the game, so if the combat doesn't stick with you, I reccomend you stop there, because the story is nothing special and while some CGs (literally two) are locked at the later levels they really aren't worth it.

    The main sins of this game are the platforming, which is really clunky and feels like filler, and the fact that bosses often attack you offscreen, which coupled with the fact that they can combo you for big damage leads to some frustation, at times rage.

    Sprite work is excellent, performance so so (crashed on me several times, but the autosaving works so it was no big deal).

    I reccomend playing the first two-three worlds and trying to engage in the combat system, if it clicks keep going.

    Side note, I never got any game over erotic scene, altough it feels there should be ones.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The animations are pretty cool and hot, but the actual amount of h-scenes was disappointingly low. h-scene CGs were lazy and uninspired. Gameplay was janky and controls were fucked. Level design was pretty boring as well.

    With some polish, this could probably be a decent game, but it looks more like they hired someone to do some art on commission, ran out of money, and had to build the rest of the game with a box of scraps.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Biased review, since i love Piero the artist. To see the animated version of his work was a amazing experience. Excellent VAs!

    Gameplay wise, its pretty interesting. Theres a decent challenge.
    The move animations are really hot as well. Glad this came out, might even support the dev
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    By far one of the most fun games I've played so far on this site.

    Let's go in parts, the good parts are:

    The combat is fluid, with a wide variety of combos that are both interesting and fun. Not to mention that the animation is also impeccable. 10/10 for the combat.

    The music is fun, with a certain loop that isn't annoying to listen to. 10/10 for the music.

    The story seems okay, it's something I can't remember the last time I saw, a person becoming a woman's armor, so at least for me it's something a bit “original” and different, I didn't go that far to find out more about the game's story for reasons I'll talk about later. 8/10 for the story.

    The artwork is nice, it doesn't have that special or unique touch, but it's pretty enough for me. 7/10.

    Now for the bad parts and the ones that really bothered me.

    This game feels like it's been ripped straight out of a PlayStation console and thrown into a computer game with barely any effort to change the keyboard commands. The menu may look “right”, so to speak, but in games and the like, it becomes very difficult to even find out what the character can and can't do. I only found out everything I could do, especially those 4 special moves that appear on the screen, only at the end of chapter 3.

    For a H-Game, the sex scenes seems... well, it lacks content honestly, and it's kinda hard to be grabbed by the enemy.

    The initial art, before the game starts, is ugly and lazy, I almost left the game thinking that the art would be lazy like that, but fortunately I was surprised by more than wonderful combat.

    The platforming in general also seems a bit... lazy, nothing much changes, at least a few more jumps here and there, but apart from that, it's just more of the same.

    And well, something you can all agree on, machine translation is asking for your game to be called lazy.

    In short, the game is a 3.5, but since I can't give it half a grade, just 3. It's worth playing, but expect bugs and a few inconveniences.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    One the better games of this genre.
    Gameplay = 4.5/5 (i play with Controller) maybe with Mouse & Tastatur too clunky
    Story = 3/5
    H-aspect = 3,5/5
    Music = 4/5

    And for all the other Pixellovers in easy Mode, there is a full gallery mode and uncut
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Hooked by the H-aspect,stayed for the gameplay.
    Sometimes a bit janky but not so game breaking.
    The pixel scene is good too so i dont really mind having less cg.

    Gameplay = 4.5/5
    Art = Piero/5
    Story = 4/5
    H-aspect = 4/5 (could have added more but okay i guess )
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    For an action game, it's not bad. In terms of actual CG, there's only 6 (kind of wished there were more). The other complaint I would say is the keyboard controls are kind of janky, just the way they positioned the buttons for each moves is not comfortable.

    TLDR: Janky controls, not much CG, game has potential (If they add more stuff to it)
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful controls. Close to unplayable without a controller.
    Grindy combat. Boring too, but that's probably a matter of taste.
    Barely any H. It's animated, but still bad.
    Lots of dumb anime story telling. At least it's skippable.

    I don't get why this is currently sitting at 4½/5. I can't imagine most people getting much out of this. Yes I know there's plenty of worse games, but that's just the sad state of the industry.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animation of movements.
    Great pixel art.
    Scenes as manga pages.
    Nice music and songs.
    Just good game.
    And all this with small price of awful controls and meh story.
    That is surely one of must-play games in f95 collection.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    • Playability: 89/100​
    • Graphics: 95/100​
    • Animation: 100/100 (First time a game has received this rating from me)​

    • Story: 80/100 (Well done, very cliché)​
    • Censorship: Yes (unnecessarily much) -70pts​

    FINAL SCORE: 89/100
    (The unnecessary amount of censorship takes away a lot of the seriousness of the scenes and makes them not as worth unlocking, which takes away a lot of what an H-game is)​
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Gameplay > Porn aspect. Overall quite fun, but has limited scenes and variations. May need some time to get use to the controls.

    Gameplay: 4.5/5 - One of the better action-y porn games out there. I enjoyed the combat quite a bit. You can choose your own skills to dish out some wombo combos at the enemies. Platformer part is a bit annoying at times cause the detection can be whacky, but overall bearable.

    Story: 2/5 - It's just there. Not a whole lot more to say.

    Scene Quantity & Variation: 3/5 - Unfortunately on the lower end when you compare to other bigger titles like Ricca or NoR. It's OK but don't expect a huge number of scenes and variations. I feel they could have expanded a lot more but perhaps ran out of time/budget.

    Scene Quality: 3.5/5 - It's fine. Combat rape is pretty fluid. The CG scenes are not bad but nothing crazy. Scenes are voiced so thats a big plus.

    Overall a pretty good porn game to try when you actually want to play a game and not just scene hunt. Controls may need some time to get use to but combat becomes fun after that.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    "Just play it"

    A great sidescroller game with pixel art style, and great CGs, and oh boi them PIEROCK artstyle is juicy.

    The story/plot itself is not that good, but what makes a good game? Gameplay. And its pretty good, the combat feels in par with those oldschool beat em ups. And the corn stuff is really good.

    The worst part, it ends.