Unity - Dark Land Chronicle: The Fallen Elf [v0.210] [Winterfire Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Tons of potential in this game. Got an item system that lets you get naked at will and some NPCs even react to it (wish it was all though!). There is a crafting system and quests allow you to get to multiple resolutions instead of just one.

    It is pretty janky right now, animations aren't great and the combat is pretty bland. Those are all things that can be worked out though. Will keep an eye on this game!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Ooof. The jank is strong with this one.

    This game has some gameplay elements that are genuinely exciting. It's tagged sandbox and it truly feels like a sandbox because the quests you're given are very open-ended. The guard tells you to investigate some stuff, you go do it, and then you can blatantly lie about your findings, still get the reward, and as a consequence the next day the threat is or isn't put down by reinforcements. And in turn, NPCs will lie to you, sometimes cheating you of your reward.

    The artistic direction is also good, it sells the tone very convincingly. However, implementation is a hit and miss. Some animations, especially walking animations, are very stiff.

    That said, the game is a completely unplayable jankfest. Saves don't transfer even between minor game version changes. And worse, for me the whole save system outright fails past some progression point, any sufficiently advanced save just does not load. At all. Coupled with somewhat frequent crashes and game-breaking bugs, I was simply unable to meaningfully progress past day one.

    I want to recommend this game, but I absolutely can not, given its current state. Maybe come back in two years, and hope the jank is patched out.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Really good concept with a lot of content and good art alredy... but the game is borderline unplayable right now, multiple crashes while loading into a zone, multiple crashes on loading/saving the game, some saves just stop working at all. There is definetly a potential but right now i can t recomend it unless you just wanna see what the game is about.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have ever played and I played hundreds of them with that in mind if they go thru with the whole game I think it will be a masterpiece. (don't mind my grammer i don't rlly use it often while writing on pc)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    good art, already a bunch of content, gameplay is ok, could be better but already better than 99% of other porn games. already a good little game that will be expended upon, gonna keep an eye on this one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This game starts off a bit rough but the art style kind of makes up for it in my opinion , the movement is not the most fluid but it is still in its early days .
    Based on the concept and the art i'd say this is the start to something great
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game moving in the right diraction. Gameplay and the plot are unironicaly good. Also, all curent quests can be complited. For an early builds this is extremly good.
    Cons: there are some bugs (not critical) and you can feel the lack of proper tutorial
    Likes: LDV
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has the makings of a good game but it was released WAY to early.

    This game is beautiful! The art style chosen fits really well with the corruption RPG gimic.
    The story is decent and the opening cinematic is a very good.
    This game is almost completely unplayable. The up and down keys don't work correctly. After finishing the first encounter with the cyclopes, My game soft locked and I wasn't able to continue. After starting a new save, I ran into a new bug where the cyclopes would spawn in with full health. The last bug I ran into before deleting the game was a soft lock that prevented me from escaping while being raped.


    This game is 100% worth keeping an eye on, but it wont be worth the download for at least a few months and probably more like a few years.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I might be wrong but I think that this game is dead right from the start. Let me explain:

    1. The "Dont starve" choice of art is bad for this game. The game can't offer anything new in this genre and only one animated sprite walk for the heroine in all directions shows that there were no efforts in creating something interesting or engaging here.
    2. Sex scenes - they are bad. I won't even be telling you that my game crashed right on the very first scene, it's alpha after all, but they are simply bad. No any transition animations (either in sex scenes or in any other regular animations), no any interesting gameplay mechanics, nothing at all. It's bad and boring.
    3. From the game intro I can see that devs want to create something that they simply dont have resources and wishes for.

    Maybe they will add a story, maybe they add some sort of minigames but anyway this project will remain a souless dumy forever. I'd like to be wrong but unfortunately I've played too many similar games and sex games in general to rate this game right at the first minute of my playthough. And the next hour only strenghtened my opinion about it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing start. There are a couple of QoL things to be worked out and the game can definitely use more content, but everything in the game is amazing already. I really hope that the game scales the lewd content with the story progression so that it continues to hook the player in!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Game with a lot of potential, I hope that more good updates will come and more sex/fight experiences will be added.
    Graphics 5 stars
    Fights 5 stars
    Sex animations 5 stars
    Story and dialogues 5 stars

    Spiel mit viel potential ich hoffe das weitere gute updates kommen und mehr sex/Fight Erfahrungen dazu kommen.
    Grafik 5 Sterne
    Kämpfe 5 Sterne
    Sex Animations 5 Sterne
    Story und Dialoge 5 Sterne
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excited to see where this goes, Diablo sex game more or less.
    Obviously still in early development but still enough to see this is going to be amazing when its done.
    Had to give it 5 stars because every one rating it so low
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is boring afther like 10 minutes the scenes are repeated a lot, the saves are shit and the fappable content its not even good so this its just a good concept but so bad planned and made it. Ihope it gets a major update to upgrade this game to the concept its was inicially based. Bad game Bad wank
    4/10 (Sorry for my bad english)
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    The setup and foundations are there and are quite good but... That's all there is. Very quickly you hit a dead end with absolutely nothing to do. Add on to that a lack of saves to repeat the about... 2-3 scenes the game has and you'll find yourself just bored and disappointed.

    The sex scenes are honestly a bit annoying as well. The Main Heroine's voice during it is just... horrible and ear gratingly high pitched and will repeat the same high pitch squeal during the "Climax" scene 2-3 times. The "Tap to escape" is really just a "this'll infinitely loop until you click this and trigger the climax scene." and the climax scene has this "Cool down" animation at the end where nothing happens for a good 2-4 seconds. Your character and the other character isn't doing anything, just standing there waiting for the game to let you play again.

    It's just.. nowhere near ready to be released to public with how much it's lacking and how completely bare bones it is.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Full of nothing.
    This game looks cool for sure, but it has nothing.
    The gameplay, erotic scene, convenience, characters....
    It's spread thin, and it's master of none.
    It's like someone tried to make a regular game, but couldn't make it well, so they sprinkled some erotic stuff on top to make up for it.
    The art is definitely wasted on the game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really cool project so far. From the art, to the combat, exploration, and even the reputation system. There is alot of really cool choices and the game feels exremely choice based. For an initial release, this is better than proably 60% of the never updated slop I've seen. I'd really like to see more options for the actual game system itself rather than content. The content is great but it'd be great to have hotkeys, more settings (i.e. volume/music settings), and such. Excited for this one.
  17. 1.00 star(s)



    let me just say this game can be really good in the future, like really really good. but so far i encountered 2 gamebreaking bug in 15minutes of playing, and some other big bugs, and no save function (maybe there will be later?) and no explanation of mechanics/buttons/places, no map where you can see the places/exits (there is a gigantic global map but it's quite useless, and a minimap where you cannot click)

    this game's gameplay is so bad that it deserves 0/5 at best. combat is so braindead i haven't seen worse for a very long time. all you can do is leftclick to attack, no dodge/parry etc, no physics, so you are just braindeadly slapping eachother with swords

    The graphics/art is very good, there are quests and etc. so it has all the potential to be good but this version is near unplayable so i cannot recommend. if they improve future version i will change my vote too but so far it's near unplayable.
    Likes: Adto
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game.

    Very good game, I hope to see more content from the game. Very good animation, story, setting and much more. I hope it doesn't fall into the sweep of oblivion or long intervals between one patch and another.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    i Like it!
    some lottle bugs, but perfect atmosphere

    I wanted to maybe make the heroine’s corruption a little slower and add a couple of humiliations.

    and of course...save game system, or may be i am silly)
    Likes: L_sir
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5140427

    Extremely promising. There aren't many lewd games with actuall gameplay. And so this has the groundworks to be something amazing.

    At the current state there isn't much there yet to fap,i mean play around with though.