Okay.. soo i made big change on my Patreon.
soo i post here to expain why.
first, Nobody give a shit about what i m doing (or only a few people, wich i thanks alots)
second, i dont see why some lazy ass should get max return while doing shit, while in same time, i work my ass out for nothing.
So i decided to "lock" Dark Mist Origin behind a paywall of 1 single buck.
wich mean.
" I will NOT post Dark Mist origin here by myself. Nontheless, as a long member of this site, i know how it work. So, if someone want to give me a ubck to pick the game updates and put them here, i then will update the OP with what's posted here. (under condition the post is actually tested and certified to not be a scam/shit fake link/content)"
so if someone post my game here, i keep on moving like if its normal. But if someone like it, you can always give a buck and get it.
no trick, no bad meaning. i m just seriously bored to see people giving all credits to devs who aint do half of what i m doing.
if you think the game is shit, then no problem, you dont have to give anything , as you dont want to play it anyway, no problem.
so, like i say. This is a friendly decision. to me, but also to people who decide to support me.
i hope you understand and respect my decision, as much as i will respect your choice to reupload here or not.
But like i say, dont expect me to post update by myself instantly when its come out.
If nobody upload here, then i will not upload older update version either. Because that clearly mean nobody give a shit of what i m doing, soo i wont anymore trying to be nice for nothing.
that's it! Remember that this decision is NOT meant to punish you at all. At the contrary, if you here, reading this and post some comments, then you are cool

(Comment send to moderators, for trying to make them understand things clear about what i decide. in case i lost "control" of this thread, its okay. no big deal

, i know how thing work here and i tryed to make things correct for both me and this community.)