First off, in my humble opinion, Mr. D and his team has provide a very nice game that is meant for enjoyment. Most of the tags spoken and bitched about are avoidable if you want to avoid them. And as far as the time between updates, well I am sorry to hear how upset people are, but you also need to understand the development team and those running this site have real world issues to deal with as well on top of all the drawing, editing, and programming that goes along with building a game. Whether this is a hobby, for extra money, or even if its a full time job for the team members. They really don't need to be treated so poorly. So, please be patient and kind.
As for me I want to let Mr. D, his team, and to the admin here and on discord, I thank you and appreciate your time and efforts in getting this out while keeping everything running. Once again this is just a humble opinion, and more than likely I will be razzed about this and bitched for this comment. But hay, it's ok, the ignore does works wonders.

Well everyone have a great day, it's time for me to check out this new update. thanks for reading.