- May 9, 2017
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DMD v0.34 is Here!
A very good morning/afternoon/evening to you all!
As promised, we’re releasing Dating My Daughter - Version 34, a day earlier than originally planned.
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In-game Walkthrough code: notoriety
Most of you will be aware that we only have a few more updates of our long-running debut VN to be published, and we feel very confident in this decision, which is to bring a conclusion to the game.
It’s nice that we have some fans who have let us know that they don’t want it to end or that they want it to go on forever, but the reality is, it can’t, mainly because we have ambitions to make many more games in the future.
That won’t happen if we continue making two games at a time and it will also slow our progression as a developing team.
About this update, the next one, and the final versions of DMD
So if you’re up-to-date with the F/D story, you will know that you find yourselves in Sunshine Bay for a couple of nights, and the last update ended just before you and your daughter were about to prepare for a night out on the town together.
But we have two alternate pathways for the evening events and it will all depend on what path you are on.
If you are NOT on the Martin/F sharing path, then the night will be solely about you and D. There are plenty of LOVE POINTS on offer for those of you who are still collecting them.
Keep in mind that these points could be very important to which game endings we have planned.
However, if you are ON the Martin/F sharing path, then the night with your daughter will be decidedly different.
Your friendship with Martin will be tested, as will Dee’s strong attraction to him.
But don’t fret! She loves you, and she only wants to be with you. Tonight will all about your daughter further exploring her sexual desires and for you to see how much you want to corrupt and coerce her into trying new things, with the help of your best friend, Martin.
We’re aware that this path is not going to be for everyone. We understand that Martin is not everyone’s cup of tea.
NOTE: When the next update is released and you start playing it, if you do not wish to see these new scenes with Martin, then it’s very simple.
DO NOT be on the Martin path. We can’t make it any clearer than that.
V34 will also be Martin’s final involvement in the story part of DMD. However, there are plans in place for him to feature in an alternate scene gallery that will be created after the story of DMD has concluded (it will be similar to the extra bonus scene we created for Melody.) and a epilogue scene, which we'll be releasing after the story ends.
Other characters such as Elena, Jennifer, Georgina (and more) will also feature in this gallery and epilogue scenes.
After v34 is released, the remaining updates that we put out will be focused on the other paths that include mainly the female secondary characters.
Without naming names, some of these girls will feature in this update. We know some of these other characters haven’t had enough content so far, so the goal is to focus on that from now on.
You will get to spend some time with them before the end of this update and they will give you a couple of clues for what could/might take place later that night
Naturally, there will also be plenty of content for those strictly on the D/F path between now and the end of the game.
We’ll also be looking to close paths that feature other female characters, one by one, as we draw closer to the final ever release for DMD story.
For that last update, we will primarily focus on Dee and F, the kind of professional career that she will have, what will happen when she finds out that she’s pregnant (if you are on that path), and how or if you and your daughter will get a “happily ever after” ending…
That's the plan, but as always, we'll let you know if anything changes.
Lastly, one of the final three petals will fall in this update.
Changes to location and specific details
If you’ve been following the story up until the end of the last update, you would already know that the private event that F and D have been invited to by Koko was to take place in their new hometown of Seaside.
However, because we only have a few updates of the game remaining, the location for the party will now take place in Sunshine Bay instead.
We’ve gone back and changed a few discussions about the party in previous days of the game so the location for the event now makes sense.
The first time it is mentioned is when Koko’s two bodyguards arrive at F and D’s home with the car that they are given by Koko (Day 46).
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Plans for the revision updates of DMD once the story is completed
The revision will include grammar fixes from the very first day, fixing renders, animations, plot holes, edits and additions to the sound FX and music, but we will also be looking to add in more renders, extending certain scenes and including more options for you as well.
Epilogue scenes are also planned, so that you can see what's happened to certain characters after the story ends.
For anyone who has played Melody, then you probably already know about the “Fantasy Scenes” gallery that we included just before we finished working on that VN.
We are looking to do something similar for DMD before wrapping things up, so any combination of characters that don’t make it into the story part of the game, may just end up in this special scene gallery
Which characters would you like to see get together and feature in an alternate scene Let us know in the comments section below!
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Final Words
DMD - Version 0.34 is all yours to download and play!
To every single person who has previously or is currently pledging to us, thank you so much for your support. We make these games for you as much as we do for ourselves.
If you would like to join the Unofficial MrDotsFan channel, the invitation link is:
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Feel free to share this link with anyone who you think would like to join the great community they have at “MrDotsFans - Unofficial Fan Page”.
IMPORTANT: If you do decide to join, please make sure to read the rules in the “info-and-rules” section before you commence posting in other channels.
The members of my team (HearszAM, Jeff Steel, Mistress Elemental) are on this channel as well, so the fan Discord is another way you can reach me through them.
We won’t allow anyone to stop what we’re trying to achieve, which is to continually create high-quality content for our games, and any visual novels that we intend to produce in the future.
As always you can leave your thoughts, feedback, errors/bugs found and any constructive criticism on today’s update in the comments section below.
We always strive to do our best and to give our fans a satisfying hour (or so) of entertainment with each release for all of our games.
Thank you everyone for your continued support but more importantly, please look after yourselves and the people closest to you.
Enjoy the weekend, and we wish you all a very Happy Easter!
MrDots and the team.