She spies :
L: Still playing Elena? It's not possible, you're going to destroy all the neurons, you lose, you can stop.
E: Move over, I can't see anything, idiot
L: It's not worth it you lost
E: yes, you are not transparent ...
L: Did you receive the next mission? Stop playing and take off your headphones, I feel like I'm talking to a wall.
E: Yes, I received it, why do you think I sent you a message telling you to come. Besides, what were you doing, it's been 1 hour since I left you the message.
L: I was at the shooting range, I couldn't hear the phone, I had the earplugs.
E: Well you see, you too put on a headset and can't hear when I call you ...
L: Elena, please stop ...
E: ok, where's Dee?
L: Surely shopping, again
E: The mission will not be easy, but we will talk about it as soon as Dee is there ... Ah I think I hear Dee arriving.
D: Hi girls, so what's up?
E: Nothing, it's been 1 hour since I left you a message, haven't you seen it?
D: No
E: seriously, what's the point of buying a phone, if you never look at it ...
E: Okay, we can start, come here Dee, I'll tell you about the new mission.
L: What are you thinking about Dee? You seem upset, maybe we can help you.
D: I missed a very good deal in the shop, I spotted a very beautiful dress, but a girl took it before me.
L : ...
E : ...
E: So the mission is: We are going to have to steal a document from the safe of one of the bosses of arms traffickers in this city.
1st phase: Dee you will have to by all means succeed in getting yourself accepted in the house, it is you who will steal the document.
E: We know that she spends her time at the casino, that's where you will have to get to know and arrange for her to invite you to her house.
D: Is she pretty?
E: We don't care, you're not going to make a girlfriend
E: Once in the house, you will wait for my signal to be able to go to the safe room
E: This is where you come in Luna, you will have to kill all the guards outside, to allow Dee to escape in safety after having stolen the document.
E: I would cut all the security systems.
L: What is so important in this document?
E: a list of people, which proves that certain people in the government do business with arms traffickers.
L: And why don't we kill the boss of the organization?
E: Because the preparation of this mission required 2 years of investigation, if we kill it, another will come to replace her, they will strengthen security and everything will have to be done again. There we can monitor her and stop all buyers.
E: Dee get ready, you are going to the casino this evening and you Luna will locate the surroundings of the house, to find a good hideout
D: Cool, how much money do I get?
E: Do not rejoice too quickly, you will have to give back all the money you will earn.
D : ...
L: How much are we paid for this mission?
E: Enough for Dee to spend her time shopping, that you buy lots of pistols and that I improve all the computer installation here.(edited)
L: To play?
E: Also, yes
E: You will all wear a headset, it's not very discreet, but I have nothing else
E: Come on, everyone is getting ready we will start in 2 hours.
D: I'm ready, where's my money?
E: Your money? It's not your money, Dee. I remind you that everything you lose at the casino, will be deducted from our salary, not be silly, not spend everything.
D: Huh ...
E: Spend just enough money, when you are near the woman, to make her believe that you are a rich heir who wants to buy weapons.
D : ok ok
Where is my money?
E: There you have 40,000 euros ...
D: Wow ...
E : But be careful Dee, I'll watch everything you spend tonight, I plugged into the camera network of the casino
L: I'm not sure it's a good idea to give her so much money
E : lol

E: Take and put on your earbuds
E: Good luck girls, see you at the end.
L: good luck
D: Good luck, see you later.
E: Dee, once you're in the casino, I'll tell you where the target is.
E: The target is at the roulette table, in the center of the room
D: Oh you scared me
E: If I guessed right, you talked to me, don't bother Dee, it's not a phone, I can't hear you lol
E: go take some chips and sit at the same table. she wins, it will be easier to approach.
D: chips for 10,000 please.
D: Hello, I see you win, I hope I have the same chance
D: I did well to bet like you, I won
R: Yes, enjoy it I'm lucky tonight
D: By the way, let’s introduce myself, Amanda Smith
R: Pleased to meet you, Rachel Thomas
R: I never saw you in this casino, however you seem to have a lot of money.
D: I went on a business trip abroad. But this is the first time I come here
R : At your age? Interesting, I'm also in business, what kind of business are you in?
D: Yes, I inherited from my father and I took over the family business. I don't know if I can say "whisper" in the arms trade.
R: hum ... Give me back your name?
D : Amanda smith
D: What are you watching?
R : I check something
R : Yes, it seemed to me that I did not know you, a girl as pretty as you I would never have forgotten you
E: Your father was called, Terri Smith, he is a gun buyer, died 1 year ago
D : You may know my father, Terri Smith
R : Yes, I know him, but I didn't know he had a daughter.
D: I did all my studies abroad, that's why you never heard of me.
R : Surely
D : So you are also in the arms trade? you buy or sell?
R: I sell, but this is not the right place to talk about it.
D: I buy
R: If you are free afterwards, we can discuss it in more detail.
D: ok
R: Come on, for the last bet, I go up a bit, you follow me, I do it only if you do it with me, let's be crazy
D: Okay, I'm with you, you're lucky tonight.
E: NO Dee, did you lose your mind or what?
R: I lost, but you won, well done, you only bet on the color, so you won only 2x the bet. We will be able to do business
R: How would you like to come and have a drink at my place, we could talk about business.
D : ok
L: Yes
E: it's going to be yours, Dee's in the target's house
L: I'm almost there
L: I am in position, I see 2 guards outside.
E: ok, tell me when you're ready to kill them and I warn Dee.
L: I'm ready
E: ok, I warn Dee and give you the signal
E: fire
L: it's done, tell Dee to flee through the forest behind the house, we're going to come and get her.
L: ok, I see Dee flee to the forest, go find her Elena, quickly. Meet at HQ
E: She has the document ?
L: I don't know, it's not in her hands
D: Another mission well done, in addition I won lots of money
E: We can't keep what you earned Dee, it belongs to the government.
L: But it's true that it's tempting
L: Really very tempting, isn't it Dee! We deserve this money.
E: You forget one thing girls, that if we keep it, there will be an arrest warrant against us
Forget it, it's not worth it
1 month later on a Pacific island
D: So girls, I told you it was a good idea to keep the money.
L: Do you regret keeping the money, Elena?
E: No