The best result will be when, in a not too distant future, you can render some kind of character sheet of your 3D characters in a few different angles with full details, + maybe the background/room, feed it to AI as reference, then maybe AI takes over completely at this point and does your animation with just a prompt, or maybe you render the animation in 3D with very basic details and AI does the detailing. And why I say in the near future and not NOW is because now you still have the risk of AI to interpret your character as a tree or give it a random moustache in one frame out of 5 of your animation.
But, having played a lot with Hunyuan video lately, AI is becoming really good at consistent animations. The issue left to fix is how to make long animations, because 5-6 sec is more or less the max you can get. Apparently there's a way to make animation 2 start from last frame of animation 1, so that you can in theory put 10 animations back to back and get 1mn of animation, but wasn't able to try it yet. And most of all I'm pretty sure even if you have a Lora for Dee for example, if you try to make an animation that would be "walk-get on your knees-give blowjob-get up-lay on bed-doggystyle", then you will have to use other Loras for each of the positions, who will influence more or less the apparence of Dee, so you'd have to rewrite prompt, and balance weights of each Loras, and re-render 5sec sequence several times until Dee in animation 2 looks as close as possible to Dee in animation 1. And clothes, room, lighting etc looks the same, which is quasi-impossible now, unless you do 1mn of only one type of animation (like 1mn doggystyle or 1mn bj) using same seed, which seems doable, but even then I'm pretty sure there will still be some variations with details like clothes and whatever objects are in the room.
But probably the Graal will be when AI scientists find what I was talking about in the beginning : perfect combination of real 3D reference (not just a 2D render of 3D) + AI.
That is the end of my TED talk about the state of porn AI. Thank you.