Tonight I decided to write while waiting for renders, and ended up letting renders go longer than I needed. The idea is that it's a photo/interview thing, interviewing Lundi Xest, the CEO of XestyModels - where the models also engage in space adventures, smuggling, clandestine operations, etc. This is more about character development than dramatic pictures. And I'm drinking.
Here are the 1st 2 shots (the rest will be clothed) and the first topic w/ Captian Xest. The interview is done by the famous Dahn Prefer. I imagined Dan Rather interviewing similar to his current show on AXIS.
DP: So the first topic is sexuality. We take photos of our interviewees, but don’t request anything explicit. You choose to do some nudes, and even ejaculated for us. XestyModels is known for, among other things we’ll discuss later, erotic content. How important is sexuality to your identity – your own and your brand’s?
LX: Haha! Well, Dahn, I have a feeling you already know that I’m a Tull.
DP: I do. Can you explain what that means?
LX: The Tull are the result of intelligent design to create a race of "compliant companions" for the J’Thro. They found a emerging sapient race on a regional moon and with a combination of direct manipulation and breeding they created a race of sex slaves. Smart ones were killed. Smarter ones hid that shit and learned how to manipulate their masters while basically running a breeding program to make better Tull. After thousands of years, there was a revolt, which was about a thousand years ago. No more J’Thro, and only a handful of us now. A biological countermeasure reduced Tull fertility substantially. But sex is in our design. As much of an “advanced galactic society” we claim to be, most are ultimately ruled by their desire for tit, ass, and hard cock. I’ve got that shit in spades, and it’s an invaluable tool regardless of what kind of venture I’m undertaking. I own it, and has universal appeal.