Hey there Crazy94, just wanted to give my two cents as well and since you're fielding some bug reports, I seem to have found some as well, two rather major in my case. First and foremost though, I'm definitely loving the game so far! I can definitely see the Harshville influence and with that game on hiatus for however long, this definitely has room to fill in that space some. I especially like that your game is even more foot worship focused than Harshville though,~ so you got my vote! There's definitely a lot of good premise here and I'm looking forward to watching how this develops further.
Do you plan to ever add any art/CG at all though? It's never mandatory, but if you don't plan to use CG or art, then you'll definitely need to proofread some of the dialogue again. Which brings me to one of the first things I noticed. Don't know if it's been pointed out already but the three girls on the bench, the first slave interaction with them (which isn't repeatable it seems and is the only one on the bench?) has their names all moved around. Think that's an issue too where Kim's portrait speaks a line another character is saying.\ a couple times as well, or double messages like the last person reported about. I'd also say that if you are using the character generator parts for characters, to try to have their expressions match what they are saying. I noticed in the first conversation with Kim and Death that some of the smirks or other mouth parts didn't quite exactly fit what was being discussed, what with Kim having a smirk on her face or sticking her tongue out while she is clearly angry and not wanting to be a slave. Mostly a minor issue, but one you may want to consider smoothing over in future updates.
The first major bug I had, though I'm not sure if it happened for anyone else, was that for some reason in my files, you can only ever talk to any NPC in town when standing above them. For some bizarre reason if I try to talk to anyone from south, east or west, they simply don't respond and kind of glitch out a little bit. I don't know if this is exclusive to my saves or not if I somehow broke something, but it was rather odd and kind of annoying, especially given some NPCs pathing, like Maid Samantha's where she didn;t seem to move down too much. The only exceptions are Crystal, Katie, and the 4 slave girls, the mayor, the item shop owner, the innkeeper and mine guard. Everyone else in town, and the bucket girl in Ruby's estate, I can only talk to from the top. There was also some other NPC that sometimes appeared at night in Rose's estate as well, but when talking to her, all they ever say is "test10" or "test25" so I don't know if it's a debug or test carry over or if something didn't get implemented properly.
The other big bug I found, that only seemed to start appearing after I played for an hour, was another sort of 'double text' message thing. Where if your food was like 40 or less Death would basically tell you 'its like the real world you have to eat,' than every time you entered a new area or building or talked to someone this message would appear. For some reason it never appeared once whenever I starved before the 1 hour mark of the game, but it's kind of breaking when it replays over and over and over basically any time you talk to someone or enter somewhere. Can probably nix that reminder completely if you decide to implement food and stuff on the heads-up display and just mention it at in the initial tutorial conversation with Death.
Also I think Samantha might be a little bugged too, or maybe it's intentional, but if you try to get lessons from her inside the mayor's home, once you select a lesson her portrait changes to her other outfit, not a maid one, despite her sprite still having the maid outfit on. Not super big, but as someone with a hardcore, dominant maid fetish, if a maid is going to be dominating me she better still look like a maid!

Also, she never appeared outside again, only in the mayor's house after I spoke with the mayor and asked about her. Again, not sure if intentional or not.
Another bug I found was that if I had 0 gold, I simply couldn't talk to the innkeeper for whatever reason, I'd hit the space bar, but nothing would come up. While on the topic of the inn, I'm not sure if it just hasn't been implemented yet, but I never seemed to be able to RNG draw doghouse 4 to stay in, only the first 3. Though if doghouse 4 isn't implemented yet, just disregard this point. That being said, the doghouse and 'lock you in until the owner plays with you' idea is an utterly brilliant mechanic for a femdom/lezdom game and I thought that was highly creative and enjoyed it!~
Lastly, the only other thing I could think of was the slave employment agency. Again, not sure if there simply isn't more jobs implemented yet, but the only job I seemed to draw was the purple haired miner one and it was the same one request of pleasuring her. Again, if not implemented yet then this is kind of a moot point as well.~
Overall I still think this is a great game that does cater to my foot interests nicely! Plus there's not a ton of lezdom foot focused games on the market anyways, so props where going not many have gone before! As I said, I look forward to following this game further as content is added and bugs are fixed aaaand especially if you plan to have more smelly, sweaty forced foot or shoe/boot sniffing scenes down the line.~ Rebecca and Maid Samantha's were my favorite.~ Smelly stockings are great too.~ Buuuut my interjecting of my fetishes in here aside, great work so far and keep up the good work! Looking forward to the next update and what you got planned!